What would your ideal Batman TV show be?

What would your ideal Batman TV show be?

A show where Batman is only there for ratings, aka Brave and the Bold (Chill of the Night was 10/10 though)

Base the art style relatively closely to The Animated Series, especially in character designs.

Instead of self contained episodes, make it an episode-to-episode serial.

Along with brand new stories, also adapt some classic/famous stories. An episode adapting The Killing Joke, or an episode retelling the events of the Arkham Asylum game.

Make it pretty adult without forcing it. Tell dark stories without needlessly pushing the shows rating just cuz.

I think thats it. Thats all a batman show would really need to be perfect in my eyes, assuming the episodes are written well.

Also I would love to see pic related happen in the show, but make it have an actual major consequence.

A bit of a casual here, and I feel like there's a lot of Batman stuff catering to what I like already. But:

Keep dialogue to a minimum. Don't be afraid to jump into drama or psychological horror, but balance it out with a few quick jokes and intentional camp. Our protagonist definitely is THE ABSOLUTE MADMAN, but his dead parents won't come up every 3 episodes.

Not too much tech beyond the basics, loads of detective-ing. Fight scenes should aim for realism with thugs, and then just go totally bonkers for supervillains - not twisting reason too far, but allowing some inventive scenes, fighting styles, and props.

Gotham should look twisted, but not impossible to live in. Like a real city through a set of tinted lenses, filled with outdated billboards, factories, and machines that have lost their purpose. If animated, colour palette should cycle between a few scenes of almost black-and-white with a few splashes of primary for establishing shots (like propaganda posters); muted monochrome shades for slow or dramatic moments; and insanely garish fever-dream colours for major climaxes.

Robin and Batgirl are definitely in. Their relationship with Batman should be portrayed as something they're still trying to make sense of, and that makes them better people. Other Bat-Family members, besides the obligatory Alfred, should be kept to the background, maybe have focus in one episode.

Have episodic, unconnected plots, but an underlying story where many villains end up linked to the Court of Owls. Limit episodes with Joker and friends, but save a good part of the budget for whenever he appears. A lot of the action will be led by The Penguin's relations with Bruce, Ra's scheming, and Catwoman/Anarky as rival vigilantes. Other DC characters appear in cameos, but filtered through a noir-ish style (ex: a secret society of Lanterns, Silver-Age Powerless Diana, some of Robin's friends sharing names and interests (but not powers) with the Titans).

A batman show where he kills most of the bad guys

Noir style drama with slow pace and... No fuck it batman the animated series already exists

Anything that actually tried to be good and didn't have to pander, try to sell toys, or push for ratings.

More Batman Beyond.

That's it, Beyond was already perfect.

>A batman show where he kills most of the bad guys
I'd really like to see an animated adaption of that Elseworlds comic where Batman goes full on 1984, with BatDrones and shit.

So the Punisher or The Shadow?

A darker take on the near perfect Batman the animated series style of largely episodic unconnected episodes but with a some episodes actually having an overarching affect on batman and actually ending for the villains like what they did to Freeze in beyond but for charecters like two face or ivy and I'd like it to have a final earn where Bruce's is publicly reveled to be Batman basically "Over the edge" but it not being a dream

One that's not about Batman because we already got two 10/10 GOAT animated Batman shows and there's a billion other DC characters.

So, then


Gotham, but with a Year One Batman instead of kid Bruce Wayne or young villains. Still mainly told through Gordon who isn't friends with him yet. But you only see Batman or glimpses of him for a few minutes at a time. And some times when shooting something from the criminals perspective the batsuit is just this horrific version of a manbat. But most of the time it's like gotham and you see things through Gordons point of view. If it made it to season 3 then he becomes commissioner and you switch to some rookie on the force, maybe Montoya? Batman is still a myth but one a few officers back up now as well, as opposed to just criminals talking about some winged creature. Towards the end of the season the rookie goes up to the roof to look for Gordon and in the shadows for a second you see something that could be the silhouette of Batman but then it's gone.

Rape the Joker

One where he finally delivers TRUE JUSTICE

Preferably something that takes a drastic shift from TAS. Don't get me wrong, I love TAS, but at some point rehashing the same plot points the same way over and over with unchanging characters is gonna get stale. Thats one reason I like The Batman, it didn't feel so shackled by TAS. I wouldn't say it was better, but it felt new and refreshing.

This. My ideal Batshow already exists

BTAS was already perfect. Just do more of that with a slightly updated animation and style. Cover some of the new stuff in the comics like the court of owls and cover rogues that BTAS didn't have a lot of (professor pig, etc)

Some episodes and arcs can focus on other people in the batfam too. Red Hood is a big addition that was never in BTAS.

Professor Pyg and Jason Todd as Red Hood didn't exist when BTAS was being made. DCAU Tim Drake also took some elements of his backstory from Jason, and the Return of the Joker flashback is the closest thing to Death in the Family.

The first episode is a two-parter montage of Batman's training in various places to become a crimefighter, detective, scientist, and engineer. The second episode shows Batman going after small criminals as well as the elite corruption, fighting both top and bottom. Jim Gordon is introduced, Harvey Dent is introduced. They're both pro-Batman but do not have much power. Each episode HAS TO show Gotham getting better and better.

The Red Hood is a small time crook who manages to evade the Batman in various episodes. He eventually is dropped in a vat of acid and becomes the Joker. Batman's gadgets and other tech grows more powerful due to the surge of supervillains. Lots of detective work in each episode, a bit of Bruce Wayne too.

Bruce Wayne has to be loved by all his employees and has to treat each of them like family. Maybe he makes a speech at some point about how his employees are close to him because of the loss of his parents. Alfred always supports Batman along the way. I would prefer Batman to be happier than he usually is and proud of how much he has changed the city. Arkham Asylum is effective and is difficult to get out of, making escapes feel more impressive.

Eventually Robin is introduced and Batman has adventures with him. No Batgirl though, I don't like her. Gordon becomes commissioned and Harvey Dent becomes mayor. They finish off the normal and elite crime problems; the GCPD is no longer corrupt. Dent becomes Two-Face, a new mayor is elected. The Joker (and many others) never get the death sentence because the mayors before and after Dent made it illegal to sentence "insane" people to death. I dunno, this is just stuff I came up with. One more thing, I'd rather have Joker less edgy with more jokes and most of the other villains angry at him when he kills people.

You are right. I would love to see Red Hood in the BTAS-verse though.

Thankfully, they already made "The Brave and The Bold," so I don't have to worry about this.

I want to see a successful Beware the Batman where they play with other villains, obscure villains, make up some new ones. Batman's worst enemy is stagnation.

Arguably unrelated, I really want a good adult-oriented Catwoman solo show- but I don't think DC has that in them anymore.

or, you know, Golden Age Batman you casual

Gotham, but with more/faster Bruce development alongside villain development. I like the idea they are pushing of Gotham being a place that creates crazy people/heroes/villains. Its kind of Morrisony without being going too Morrisony.

Just have to wait until they attempt Kingdom Come

>The Punisher

Punisher is a bitch. He can clean up no names but Kingpin at his like are still swinging their massive dicks in his face

A tv show based on the "Batman Reborn" era would be great.
Let Dick struggle but slowly get used to the mantle of Batman.
Let Dick redeem Damian.
Let there episodes based on the Batgirls or Red Robin.
Create new villains or use obscure ones.
Fix Talia and give her Morrison roles to Ra's instead.
Make Red Hood and Scarlet the rivals/dark mirror
Have a general tone that allows for slight influence (one episode has a slightly campier tone, another has a slightly creepier tone etc.)

Or, you know, make a show about one of the other properties. Or bring back The Brave and The Bold.

The only reason why he can't kill the likes of Kingpin is because of editorial ya dingus.

In Punisher MAX he kills the Kingpin and every other nemesis that pops up. If the editors were okay with it, Kingpin would be dead as fuck.

Well, Beyond and Brave and the Bold already exist, so I guess more seasons of those.

Though what might be fun and original is just an else worlds"anthology. An episode of Gotham by Gaslight, then Speeding Bullets, and the finale is Whatever Happened to the Caped Crusader

This. But I also infuse a bit of martial arts into it. I'd throw in Lady Shiva, Cassandra Cain, Bronze Tiger, and Richard Dragon in roles, varying from big to relatively minor. But instead of keeping the tone varied, I'd make it a darker show that you'd find on Toonami or something.

I'd also throw in my OC but I wouldn't overuse her.


I want a Batman and the Outsiders show. Beware came close with good versions of Katana and Metamorpho but still needs Black Lightning, Halo, and Geo-Force.

I don't like the dark and solmen Batman. I like the campy, Silver Age, Adams West type Batman.

Brave and the Bold was my ideal. I want more of that. Maybe a Justice League Society cartoon with that Batman.

Something episodic, but still introduces and develops characters over time with something of a seasonal story arc. Preferably have 26 episodes per season.

Each season would sort of help cover different aspects of Batman's career. First season would be Batman beginning his career, where the main villains at the start would be more normal gangs like the Falcones, but by mid season the power would start to shift to Black Mask and Penguin. Have Batman work alone in the first half and then introduce Robin in the second. There would also be some episodes introducing or establishing members of his rogue gallery like Poison Ivy. No Joker at the start, but have his debut be built up for the season finale. Give hints that we're seeing the Joker's origin play out, a shot of a comedy club where a guy onstage is bombing, the Red Hood showing up shortly in some bigger scheme by Black Mask. In the first season, I'd like it if we got to meet and see Harley when she was still a psychiatrist. Have her be a good guy helping Batman, but also show them being dismissive of her due to her still having some ditziness and her being better able to make friends with the inmates, most notably Ivy, until it comes to the point where after Joker is captured in the season 1 finale, have the two of them meet and hint that in season 2 will be when Harley becomes a villain.

Depending on how many seasons, I think it'd be interesting if we got to see how the Bat family evolves and see some storylines adapted from the comics. Have Dick become Nightwing. Actually use Jason Todd as Robin for a while, showing he's got a rougher edge and have Death in the Family play out. Rise and fall of Batgirl and the rise of Oracle.

I want to see a show about Batman Inc. Or rather, a show that focuses on Bruce's new role from protector to mentor. He's been Batman and is slightly past his prime, so its natural that he would try to find a suitable replacement. Or several. Characters like Dick Grayson or Barbara Gordan already exist in this universe, but they are already independent heroes under their own mantle. In this show, Bruce has recently taken Damian Wayne and Cassandra Cain under his wing. A major theme of the show would be legacy as many characters have to deal with living up to somebody else's reputation or how the world reacts to a guy like Batman and the people who are influenced by his actions. I'd introduce Jason Todd as Red Hood as the show's main villain who is going around the world forming his own army of vengeance-driven vigilantes who have no problem with murder. Batman, naturally, is out to stop Red Hood and set a standard for the next generation of heroes

I dunno. I kind of just pulled that out of my ass

I'd prefer a couple more seasons of Beware the Batman, since they were building up to great things. It's dark, brooding Batman with some twists and story arcs and strong continuity.

Otherwise, I could take a long break from Batman. Give us a Superman or Wonder Woman series. Get James Tucker for the latter, since he'd be happier doing a Silver Age WW show than shitty DTVs.

I liked the balance between most of the villains being obscure and the few famous ones that were important to the overall plot. They were building up to Two-Face and Penguin, but with more obscure villains to fill in-between as well.

I'm assuming they'd have him since Tobias Whale was present.

Him or Mr. Terrific, since Michael Holt showed up in one episode of the show.