They hate Americans for being racist

>they hate Americans for being racist
>they also hate Americans for being mixed-race shit-colored abominations

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this is what triggers me most about europeans, they can't make up their damn minds

euros are self loathing shits who want everyone else to be as miserable as they are.

Europeans are just evolved Americans.

Dumb mutts, muttposting isn’t about “le racemixing”, it’s about making fun of racist Americans who are obsessed with “whiteness” despite often times not being white themselves. There is a reason that there isn’t a “brazilmutt” or a “meximutt” meme.

Forgot to mention, the person responsible for drawing probably 80% of the mutt memes was Chilean, and the biggest iteration of the meme involves pretending to be a frightened Hispanic priest.

Are you fucks retarded for real? Point 1 and point 2 are not the same groups of people.

don't reply to me retard

he's right. stop letting teenagers get under your skin

No, it's because racist americans who take pride in being white are not actually white, but some mixed blood monster


These, you americans are fucking retarded for not realizing something that obvious lol kill yourselves you non-white monsters

(Citation needed Mr. Mutt)

You're a fucking retard stop posting under that flag

Based mutt

>Dumb mutts, muttposting isn’t about “le racemixing”, it’s about making fun of racist Americans who are obsessed with “whiteness” despite often times not being white themselves. There is a reason that there isn’t a “brazilmutt” or a “meximutt” meme.


i just hate americans period

that's literally what op just said you fucking idiots

>that's literally what op just said you fucking idiots

>that's literally what op just said you fucking idiots

use your common sense
cant even figure out how to respond to a post. go on, I'm listening...

>furfag pic

These two are not contradictory in the slightest. One can be a mutt and still be deluded enough to think they're "white", the same obsession with whiteness turns to racism.

Arabs and the swarthiest of meds are considered WHITE in America. You jealous?

>hating on undertale