What does Sup Forums think of Con Air?

What does Sup Forums think of Con Air?

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To me it's like a low key classic that signifies a certain cultural vibe hanging around in the 90's. Which was pretty comfy.
Not very memorable or engaging but it's very entertaining.

I enjoyed it back in the day.

Is that poster claiming that Malkovich was played by Cage, Cage was played by Cusack and Cusack was played by Malkovich?


it's garbage
there's a couple funny deliveries by cage and malkovich but overall boring, too much crappy dialogue and too little action

Every poster does this. It has to do with the bigger actor getting their name placed where they want it, but the picture usually never lines up.

that's a common negotiation thing I think, if they read the same then one actor would get both prime spots

Yeah I agree that, The Rock and Face/Off are my favorite action movies

What happened to cage he was on a role?

he kept doing the same stuff but it got unpopular

It's based af. Only literla numale redditors could dislike it.

Watching Sky 1 lad? I'm watching it. I liked when action movies used to be violent. Die Hard with a Vengeance was on recently; you forget how much blood is in that movie.

MULTIPLE big guys in a plane.

its basically what the dark knight risers should have been. true classic

>The Rock and Face/Off are my favorite action movies

That reminds me, a trademark of Con Air and these kind of movies is that they're over the top and extremely incredible.

I don't know what happened to Cage really.
It's a bit like he doesn't really care that much about keeping up with Hollywood and a huge career. I can definitely see him make a (big) comeback within a couple of years though.

Yep that's exactly where I am watching it

Forgot Dave chapelle was in it

If a person in real life I meet tells me they don't like Con Air then I know exactly what type of faggot I'm dealing with

this has never failed, you should try it

>I don't know what happened to Cage really.

He's in a shitload of debt. He's spent the last 20 years buying castles, vintage cars and comic books with money he doesn't have. Now he takes anything he can get. A lot of his new stuff seems to be geared directly towards the Chinese market, completely bypassing America and Europe.

top-tier conservative kino and probably the best score/sound design of the 90s

Also T-Rex heads

Con Air is a legitimately great action b-movie. It's also far funnier that what passes for recent "hilarious" comedies.

It is my father's favourite movie. He also watches Steven Seagal films every night without fail.


Probably the comfiest action film ever. Whatever happened to action movie love song?


your dad must be dumb

A perfect movie

>he's got the whoooole world
>in his hand
i can totally see how that song cured buscemi

Hey Hey Hey Hey

be respectful to our elders

He actually is, he's a taxi driver. I don't mind though because he is earnest

What did he do to the little girl?

She got Sup Forumsed

He friendly played tea party with her, he does not browse Sup Forums

>Now he takes anything he can get.
Yet he STILL won't make National Treasure 3!

it was just a hunch, no offense intended

>I don't mind though because he is earnest

I rather have a dumbish guy with a big heart any day over a smart asshole

No, you're thinking of Face/Off 2. Or possibly, Being John Malkovich 2: Freaky Friday.

Con Air (r-rated) made $224m in 1997. That's roughly $336m today and that's not taking into account the emergence of the Chinese and other markets. Reminder that safe "cinematic universes" are the reason big budget movies are dying today. Studios would rather produce the same capeshit movie over and over again rather than invest in big budget action movies like Con Air.

Did the second one make any money? I remember liking the first but can't remember anything from Book of Secrets.

What was his name again?

>a man who appreciates Seagalkino
Your dad rules, say hey to him for me.

As a Bong, I remember the outrageousness of having a couple of Yanks crawl around Buckingham Palace. It was successful. Not Marvel successful though, which is probably why Disney isn't making any more. Plus I vaguely remember some falling out with Bruckheimer. Last I heard it was stuck in development hell, so it is likely dead. Pity, they were fun movies.

No problem m8
Will do, user

>Hey dad, some guy on Sup Forums says hi

>What the hell is a 4chins?

>It's a website dad


Connor Cooties

>You see the irony right? We're in an airplane listening to a song by a band that died in a plane crash

Why didn't he just put the bunny back in the box?

It's an excellent cast.

>Nicolas Cage
>John Malkovich
>John Cusack
>Ving Rhames
>Colm Meaney
>Dave Chappelle
>Danny Trejo
>Steve Buscemi

malkovich was god-tier in this kino

When men were men, specially action movie heroes and villains. Not a single twinkie. Even the black trap was manlier than that uglo who plays Valerian or that Spidey travestite.

>forgetting bubba

Also I am ashamed to admit I thought the faggot was a girl when I watched this when I was young

its a classic and a true timepiece of its era
a bit like how kurt russel films define the 80s