Animosity Storytime

Evening Sup Forums. After all the Rebirth storytimes I'm going to do something a bit off the beaten track that I thought was pretty good

So here is Animosity #1






Anybody reading?


how long is it?

it's 2 am here so I'll stay for the ride if it's less than 120 pages


It's just a standard floppy. First issue. So not long at all






alright seems pretty crazy


I think it's got promise. It reads really fast because of those 3 spreads early on though

>i gotchuuu senpai

Those poor god damn Sloths

yeah I liked it
but I also sometimes watch Zoo because it's fucking crazy and animals are scary as fuck if you think about it
nature is the only real super villain

And we're done. I hope some more Sup Forums gets to read and enjoy it

Is this like Hitchcock's movie "The Birds", but with talking psycho animals instead?!?!

It's the Pandas I feel sorry for


Seems that way. Thinking about it sentient animal apocalypse makes Zombies look like a pile of shit

>Hound named Sandor
Okay, that's cute.

If it's the girl who named him she has some really irresponsible parents

Why? They finally got sweet release. Sloths are eternally trapped to move in slow motion with a full conscious mind.
Oh please cut the umbilical cord.

Soooooooo, this is like Zoo but with talking?

>nature is the only real super villain

I thought that was us? At least that's what PETA keeps telling me

It was probably the dad though.

She's like 10, man.

I don't really get the Sloth panels.

Can't say. I've never seen it. Is it any good?

They just got full sentience and realized their slow as fuck

how many people have died because of "natural" deaths, user


Last season was crazy, This season I haven't really had the time to see. Watched a few episodes and it seems more like a people are jerks and turning on each other kind of thing. But the shit with how the animals kill humans is great. It's just a thousand different ways of 'Oh dear god, I never realized we were so vulnerable'.

Yeah, I guess that is pretty shit.

Alright I'll give it a look. Cheers, user.

>Oh fuck we're awake
>Oh fuck we're slow as shit
>Oh fuck everything else is going to eat us if we get out of this tree, god damn't

Why is a tiger calling a dog handsome

Why is the Tiger talking? Priorities, user

What's wrong with the pandas?
Is it because they are in a zoo?

She's a predator giving off weird signals to throw her prey off.

I think they nailed down 'crazy murderous bitch' pretty well with the tigeress, that was her just having fun with the expectation of getting to kill the dog and the girl

eats shoots and leaves, user
old joke

Pandas don't mate. It's a constant battle to keep their species alive. The joke is that they're just all suicidal

Maybe she does think the fog is handsome. They all have human level intellect now and we have sick bastards that fuck other animals so why not the Tiger?

This is nice. I'm especially fond of the idea that the animals have depth, rather than them all just becoming murderhobos.

I'm thinking I might start doing more story times for Aftershock. They have some decent stuff and all I see getting story times are DC, Marvel and the monthly Walking Dead

Holy fucking shit, this was awesome.
Especially bird psychopaths.

LOL at the fucking guinea pigs.

Gains sentience while eating baby. Eats another baby.

I'm liking that it wasn't the predictable "all animals want to kill humanity" hopefully the whole thing plays around with that.

Isn't this written by the [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ON ISRAEL] lady?

weird stuff from random companies are usually cool besides Zenescope they really suck
try Tomboy from Action Labs

I should have added that if you enjoyed it please support the official release. No, seriously they need the numbers. Aftershock sales make Dark Horse look like Marvel

Poor polar bear.


Shit, good catch. I thought it was the same one

Yeah, but find me a writer who hasn't written something shit before?

Al Ewing

Yeah from the solicit I assumed this series was going to be something like Long Weekend where all the animals become mindless killers and the dog being good would be due to him being special or something.
I appreciate that they took this more nuanced route and made Sandor's actions based on his own inherent goodness rather than some scifi BS. I can see a world suddenly full of several quintillion sentients being very interesting.

Its cool that even though they're sentient, the animals' personalities still seem to be shaped by their base impulses (Seagulls are assholes, cows are passive, dogs love humans). They're just self aware about it now.

Aw, nice to see they didn't immediately make all cats evil as oppossed to dogs.

I usually hate Bennett's writing, but I like the premise and this was a good first issue. Let's see if she can keep up.

I'm glad not all the animals are mindless killers. That should make this interesting. I'm in.

If she hadn't done these spreads and made it so decompressed this would've been good
But still this is interesting despite the decompression, I'll see where it goes

Oh wow I really liked this

I love all the different personalities with the animals on these pages especially
Some of them go killer because of their situations, some of them are suicidal and a lot of them are still just trying to protect their people from all the chaos
Especially love that frilled lizard protecting his boy, for some reason I really hope those two make it.

I liked this.Good set up and interested in reading more.

Also, Aftershock seem's to have come out pretty strong.

Oh god PETA was right