HBO makes a new 2-season Rome series

HBO makes a new 2-season Rome series.
What time period should they focus on and who should play the lead(s)?

Other urls found in this thread:

Season 1: Death of Claudius and Nero's fuckery culminating in his death. Great Fire of Rome, burning crucified Christians, St. Peter's murder, etc.
Season 2: Year of the Four Emperors, Vespasian, Titus, ends with Domitian consolidating his rule. Masada, Sack of Jerusalem, etc.
Or a totally Seutonian season about pic related (played by TJ Miller) followed by a totally Seutonian season about that weirdo Elagabulus (played by Michael Cera.)

I know, OP, I miss the monthly Rome thread too.

This is now an I,Claudius thread. Hail Caesar!

marius and sulla

the BBC radio play is superior.

Patrician choice. Actually they could just adapt the entire Masters of Rome series.

There's no question what it should be.

quorum adjourned

HBO pls


This, or go Byzantine and have a Belasarius and Justinian series.

Bruno pls

Pre-empire (e.g. Caesar/Augustus) is way cooler than empire rome.

It's too bad nobody seems to give a shit about anything that happened before Caesar was born. The stuff is so fucking amazing. The punic wars, the gallic tribes invading, Marius doing his shit, Sulla showing up to incompetently "fix" the republic, finally the formation of the triumverate and the death of the republic, etc. They're all amazing stories.

Any one of the key figures in these events' lives would make incredible stories. Hannibal; Scipio Africanus; the aforementioned Marius and Sulla; Caesar's friend/foe Pompeii Magnus, etc. Can even mix the slave rebellions to get Spartacus in there, and include the fucking hilarious cuckolding of Crassus by Pompeii that caused him to crucify thousands of people along the roads to rome in a fit of rage.

The first real emergence of rome onto the big stage with them repelling the invasion of Pyrrhus of Epirus make the perfect entrance to the start of the story. It'd be a good hook. Pyrrhus? Like "phyrric victory"? I've heard about that. I know what that is.

It's never gonna happen, of course. Would take a dozen seasons and be insanely expensive, at least to actually do it well. But one is allowed to dream.

If someone took the basic events of the Punic Wars, added some CGI and marketable creatures and set it in the Quatloo Dimension they'd make a billion dollhairs.

I wouldn't mind something on the Gracchus brothers.

Fuck it, give me a Gladiator series that fleshes out the story of Maximus. One season during his time as a general, and the other as a gladiator under Commodus' reign.

Milo vs Clodius

just continue the story of Vorenus and Pullo please

Their story is done. Bring McKidd and Stevenson on as producers or something, but I don't want to see their story dragged on.

The Second Punic wars baby!

This. Just pick up 20 years later.

just carry on where they left off, season three can be the building of the augustine aqueducts, culminating the raising of funds for the temple to ceaser

Fuck off queer

Vorenus and pullo were the comfy-est duo in TV ever

Rome but D+D from Game of Thrones write all the episodes.
What could go wrong?

End of the Punic Wars focusing on Scipio Africanus. Dunno the cast.

Scipio Africanus would 100% be cast as a black man

Do you have a link to that? The books are some of my favourites ever

It's also really cool to go read Caesar's writing on the Gallic war, then watch Rome, then read I, Claudius because they're essentially in chronological order and pick up where the other finishes

an I Claudius remake might not be a catastrophe.

Nah, they wouldn't do it. Hannibal surely would though.

Good thread

I'd personally want to see a series centered around Mithridates VI of Pontus and the Mithridatic Wars. He's one of Romes greatest adversaries and gets so often overshadowed by Hannibal and the Carthaginian Wars

Asiatic vespers would be the greatest season finale ever.

I second you, pre empire rome is basically what makes rome epic anyway

and budget wise it wouldn't be that much, i mean, it would cost the same as Game of thrones anyway

Political/courtroom show focusing on Cicero's early career battle with Gaius Verres

As people have already pointed out late republic Marius and Sulla stuff would be great

Alternatively Diocletian and Constantine with the Christianity, Constantinople and whatnot would be fun
>look at my cabbages

I know we are on Sup Forums but has anyone here read any good non-fiction on Rome recently? I need recommendations

with money like GOT? Second punic would be the best

Antony had a rough life.

Fuck yes it would. It would make the red wedding look like trash in comparison.

King Mithridates could potentially be a top tier villain in cinematic history if done right, the epitome of the villain who's more right than the hero type. I've been all about him since I read this book, and played a campaign in Rome Total War 2 as the Kingdom of Pontus for 500 hours last summer.

Excellent taste all around, good sir. We need more Rome kino, so little has been touched.

fucking this
but I'd settle for just 1 season on the four emperors, vespasian's great
who would you cast as vespasian Sup Forums?

somebody explain this phenomena to me
i never use to see threads about rome
now that i just recently watched it, im seeing threads about it
what wizardry is this?


>tfw snows always melt

back to /twg/

It's you being a fucking idiot

There have been threads about Rome forever, you just saw it recently and that now makes those mentions and threads stick out more to you
This phenomenon is also widely known and discussed, especially with learning a new word and starting to hear it everywhere

This, but like the original you need the lower classes. I say pick up with one or more descendants of Pullo and Vorenus, and have them still running the collegium.

Damnit I just want best bros back!


Here's a top tier suggestion
The Mithridaric Wars are interesting as fuck and rarely as explored as the Puntic Wars

I'd kill a man for an I, Claudius remake


Ghosts of Cannae is top-tier based literature on Roman culture during the Punic Wars.

I think the Puntic Wars are even more rarely explored to be quite honest

Why don't you tell the class about the Puntic Wars, user?

seconding this Tom Holland and Adrian Goldsworthy are also safe.

Goldsworthy covers it pretty well in The Punic Wars, about how those soldiers that survived were treated. At least they got their revenge when Scipio got all those vets and gave them a shot at redemption. So crazy it would sound made up to normalfags.

I'd even like to see some kind of mythohistorical take on the founding of the Roman monarchy by Romulus or something in that early pseudo historical period.

My favorite movie in that whole genre of old Italian sword and sandal stories is The Legend of Aeneas, which recounts the mythical migration of the survivors of Troy lead by Aeneas into the Italian peninsula, where they found the civilization that will generations later lead way to Rome.


I don't know Goldsworthy, but Ghosts was very readable, very entertaining while diving in pretty deep into the history, and even some speculation on psychology.


Well, not that user but okay
Carthage was stepping on Rome's turf in Sicily IIRC, and by Rome's I mean Magna Graecian colonies turf that Rome wanted after the Samnite Wars as they began conquering the peninsula.
So they fought, and Rome won; Hamilcar Barca, father of Hannibal Barca, made Hannibal swear to hate Rome forever.
But Carthage still stood.
So Hannibal grew up and governed Carthaginian colonies in Hispania, consolidating rule with his brother Hasdribal until it was time to war with Rome again.
And war he did.
Cannae happened, and Hannibal might have been able to sack Rome if he pushed the offensive. At Cannae, an incompetent consul fucked up the offensive and then took off like a bitch with his legions, which led to their dishonor until a later suicide mission.
Then Scipio Africanus, this long haired kid of 23 came in, laughed at everyone fucking up and having his own ideas. He kicked the fuck out of Hannibal, Hasdribal died, and eventually Carthage kicked out Hannibal because he essentially started this war.
But Carthage still stood.
Later, Cato the Elder, fearful of the spectre of Cannae, declared
>Cartago delende est
And so Carthage was destroyed utterly, her people sold into slavery, the land salted, and survivors forbidden from settling anywhere within 10 miles of the coast.
Eventually Rome let Carthage live again, but never in the same way.
That's like an ugly gist, anyways.

Uhm I think those are the "Punic" Wars sweety

Same. I think the machines pick up whatever you're into and then filter the innumerable threads to tailor them to your liking, but then they sort of randomize it to give the appearance of diversity and depth.
Do you really think there are only a few dozen threads at a time on each board?

Wat? I feel like the Punic Wars are among the most extensively covered eras of Roman history

>Born into a wealthy pleb family
>Party hard until sent to the Legions
>Actually turn out to be a badass
>So badass, witty, and smart you impress Gaius Julius Caesar, already an up and coming star in the middle of a campaign that makes Pompey's eastern campaigns look like Crassus' Parthian campaigns
>Fuck his MILF sister on the side
>Fuck everything you can, even shepherd girls on the way home
>Rule Rome while Caesar is after Pompey and the Senate
>Manage not to get caught up in your hero/mentor/bff's murder
>come back hard against the murderers while pretending you want to relax and retire to fuck your slaves like Cincinattus did
>end up in a drunken delusion with a hot greco-egyptian piece of ass where you're both gods
>botch your suicide after a valiant, futile campaign against the greatest Emperor in history
>down one final cup of wine so you'll finally fucking die
Antony had a fun life.

For your stupid puntic wars horse shit.

You catty gay bitch, stop it. You know what he meant

we can only dream of such a life

Why was Rome so good?

there are a few overlooked areas for shows
for example the hittites, assyrians, babylonians, phoenicians (fuck egypt its overused)
maybe try khwarezmia, the ghaznavids, or timur
the magyars and hungary, or the mess of tribes around the black/caspian sea

Solid cast and writing supporting an 'earthy' interpretation of the period.

>in the middle of a campaign that makes Pompey's eastern campaigns look like Crassus' Parthian campaigns
I get that reference!

>attia of the julii I call for justice

was this ritualised suicide death curse vigil at the doorstep a thing people did?

>mfw these guys actually existed and were true bros

Indeed. War is so technical since the advent of the industrial era. No more glory or honor, just cold statistics. I bet Vietnam came pretty close sometimes, though; reading books written by guys immediately after they served gives the impression it was more like an ancient war with guns and explosives than anything like WW1/2 or the desert wars of the last 30 years.
Marc Antony would have thrived in Vietnam. He'd have been a helicopter pilot, he'd be the guy screaming GET SOME in FMJ. He'd be Animal Mother.

Give us Marius & Sulla for once for fuck sake.


ido era

What is it about HBO's Rome that bring out all the patrician posters? Or does everyone just stop shit posting to talk about a good show?

Carthage Must Be Destroyed: The Rise and Fall of an Ancient Civilization is a good read focusing on Punic culture and civilization.

Should I buy Rome on DVD or blu-ray?

I want to rewatch it and I'm wondering if it looks better or if they fucked it up

Don't be stupid

Why did they skip all the battle scenes? That was one of the bad things about this show, That plus Atia vs Servillia subplot. Didn't care too much about Vorenus' whore wife either.

Tbf I like Spartacus better. It was action packed and the three main villains (Batiatus, Glaber and Crassus) were all great.

Overall i think Spartacus is better. The first season of Rome is god tier but they couldnt mantain the quality. Season 2 was good but it felt rushed. Spartacus had more up and downs but it had a ver satisfaying ending

>What time period should they focus on
Uhh how about the Roman age?

>tfw I never bothered to check if they were real because I didnt want to ruin their great story

they were real right Sup Forums?

Yes they were real people, but the entirety of the information about them is one or two paragraphs from Caesar.

Basically he described them both as pretty high up army wise, and they were always trying to outdo the other on the field of battle/impress the men. The reason they were chosen as the two people for the series is that in the entirety of Caesar's writings of the Gallic war, there is only another 2 or 3 people mentinoed who are just soldiers, instead of enemy chiefs/Roman politicians/patricians etc

gannicus final scene was glorious

2020, brown invaders on rafts.


Second season WAS rushed. They originally wanted 5 Seasons, got told after the first ended they could only have 2, so they decided to FUCK EVERYTHING and just cram it all in a single season.

Yet Game of Thrones gets 8. Fuck.

hbo would've kept them around if they didn't have such a huge budget. they should've kept out some of the city scenes with lots of extras and shit. good for immersion but might've saved the series if they did it

>when your mom praises you because she thinks you seduced your great uncle but then slaps you for fucking your sister

Octavian had a hard life.

everything because he's a shit writer

Somehow MORE t&a, but now the only words anyone can speak are Fuck, Cock, and Dragons.

nigger you need some irony in your life or reading & comprehension

>Overall i think Spartacus is better
As shitty of an opinion that is, you are entitled to it


How about this instead: A show set in the final years of the Bronze Age. It would follow the formula of Rome where it follows the lives of average people while the politics and everything else is in the background. They can be Canaanite (proto-Phoenician) traders which would give them a reason to travel to the different empires. You would show the main 4 empires (Assyria, Egypt, Hittites and Mycenae) while exploring the problems that they faced culminating in the eventual collapse.

While I'd certainly watch it, I think the success of Rome was partly due to being set in a time of history that we know a lot about and can relate to. Bronze Age civilizations are very strange, and alien from modern people, and we just don't know enough about them so the writers would have to make the show wholecloth.

The only show that competes with Rome for what it did and how, would be The Borjas.

>success of Rome was partly due to being set in a time of history that we know a lot about and can relate to
Very true. It's a shame though, we never get any good movies/shows set in the Bronze Age (that I know of). The world is missing out. The pic is Mycenaean procession btw.

>And you, mother?

One of the best lines in the whole series.