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Jorah & Bronn: The Early Years edition

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ser wilton longcock

So Grey Worm and Missandei aren't black? WTF are they?

first for Mansa

Very fast

nth for Dany

This guy is raising an undead army, and basically you are fucked. How? Read this pamphlet from the red priests.

no offense but i thought the bwob part was great

Missandei's actress is mixed race iirc.



looks like someone smacked her in the face with her face

So if you're not 100% black you're not actually black?






How badly do you want to fuck him?

Not at all because I am not a homosexual.

Well someone should tell Boyega to stop being such a racist. We don't have any Native Americans on the show, why isn't he pushing for that?

yes look at twitter responses to that indian being cast in aladdin. they say she is white because she is 1/4 white. american negresses just want the entire cast to be fat black actors and actresses who speak in ebonics

seriously want to pork her

Because he is a black supremacist.

Why did he spend the last of his money on that dumb doll?

id jump if he greened out

1 drop rule

1 drop of black is enough to make you black
1 drop of white is enough to make you mixed race/not black

Depends on the circumstances

nth for /ourgirl/



Based Night King!
Having 3 wights gaints in his army

lads the choa kpop cameo is next week right?

I am Joffrey Baratheon, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and check out these dubs.

Is CIA going to die?

what episode is this from?


Tbh I did not mind the cameo, I just hope it does not become a regular thing for every episode.



>Is CIA going to die?

Yes, cause he's the bad guy.

1st for the first trueborn son of Rhaegar Targaryen, by law of the Andal the rightful heir to the Iron Throne.


Should have died seasons ago for being such a fucking idiot.

I miss Joffrey.

Why didn't Arya rescue her uncle?

>would not mind actually

too many fucking creeps in westeros

No, he is going to survive somehow.

Cast him


Sup Forums

Lord of Dorne.

Dam I would bend him over and turn gay for him.

He and his awful acting will finally be put out of our misery this season.

>next episode
>Ser Don of House Drumpf gets executed by Cersei for treason

Doran Martell

why are niggers chimping out about muh diversity all of a sudden

yes he's going to hit on Sansa all seasons being a creepy white male and then she and Arya will YAAAAASS QUEEEN SLAYYYY him in the 7th episode, while she quips an "epic" snappy one liner after his head comes off

Can /got/ consider Arya still being a member of the Faceless Men?

Maybe he's in a cell in Riverrun and the Freys get killed at the Twins.

Edmure's at Casterly Rock in the books.

In the show, because DABID.

Can someone explain this shit to me, I don't understand it at all.

mfw this pic

Those fucking tits

Doran would be GOAT


Arya doesn't care about helping people, only murdering. Nasty little psychopath needs to be put down.

>all of a sudden

Are you mentally retarded?

But Walder Frey say he was at the Twins in the finale of last season.


Hi salty cunt didn know you used the word niggers for niggers also watch your tongue


Pretty much all the rulers are authoritarian right, except High Sparrow

I think he meant specifically in regards to Game of Thrones.

I didn't watch season 1, who is this guy?

>Jaime has still not turned on Cersei even though she got their last surviving child killed

Maybe she let him go off screen, maybe she assumed the daughters would do it.

Who cares, he's out of the show

do you think the writers will somehow find a way to bring trump into this? i can see them casting a slightly overweight oldish guy with gold blonde hair and having lady mormont defeat him in battle


A character who didn't appear in Season 1 you dumb fuck.

>Applying modern political divisions to a medieval society

isnt this Jon strangling him? so the leaks are true?

>implying jaime cares about his kids

Nobody. He had two scenes that were of no consequence

I'm not even sure we're ever told his name, it's just bookfags who care

Post that cute image of the actress pls


He seemed pretty upset about Myrcella.

>Jaime still doesn't know Cersei fucked Lancel

Do we still believe that Stannis is alive? I want to believe Stannis is returning with a flaming sword in his hand and killing Brienne and Melisandre.



I hate Stannis and I spit on his corpse.

it's a feudal society, there is not left or right dumbass

only dothraki and free men are anarchists you could say

and the targs are definitely authoritarian with an interventionist foreign policy

or moonboy


Euron is the show's Trump.

>This scene is no longer canon
bravo d&d


Only because his incestuous urges were kicking in after watching her kiss momma snek



Mentally challenged millenial females say these about their favorite television/film female characters when they do something "badass"
I originall thought it was just a pol meme until i saw many examples


>he likes characters who murder their own children because some chick tells them to

jaimes characterization was basically scrapped in season 4, now they just make him do whatever's necessary to keep the show rolling

SHe does have very nice tits though


Dabid murdered her, not Stannis.

Reminder that once Radmure dies, the Tully Menace will finally be over.