ITT your dad's favorite film

ITT your dad's favorite film

maybe this, or something with Steve McQueen like The Great Escape. He also was obsessed with The Matrix for a few years.

Probably The Big Lebowski.



Braveheart or The Scorpion King

Let me guess, your dad is younger than 50. Fucking millennial.

my dad's almost 57.

Easy Rider

Then he's a retard. Sorry user you have retard genes.

lol you don't even know who you're mad at. who's the retard now?

its a jackie chan movie i think its rumble in the bronx or Armour of God can't remember which

I've asked him at different times and the ones that always come up are The Burbs, Mars Attacks, Goodfellas or Pulp Fiction.

Taxi Driver


Only movie my dad has seen without falling asleep, so I guess it's his favorite by default.

>The Burbs, Mars Attacks, Goodfellas or Pulp Fiction.
jfc your dad is the ultimate pleb

Dr Zhivago

Randy Travis AND Meat Loaf?

No but seriously how is it?

Been a while since I watched it. From what I remember, it's kinda like a cheap Bruce Willis action movie.

The Blues Brothers

Same. Essential dadkino.

not everyone's dad a film paedophile like yours mr.pseudo-patricianchode

But that's my mom's favorite.

Westerns, and he's not that old(47) either.

Outlaw Josey Wales

Your dad's 47? How old are you?