
Watched 15 minutes of it, hated it, never went back.

Les Miserables


Seeing it with the drum score played live was cool.

La La Land
10 Cloverfield Lane
Hail, Caesar!
The Force Awakens
Kong Skull Island
Spring Breakers

What does dishonest filmmaking mean?

then you switched to rewatch Avengers for the eleventh time, right?

It means there aren't any super-duper heroes in it.

t. Brainlet


Not him, but I do want an answer. It has become some sort of meme lately.

Logan definitely doesn't belong on that list

It's a meme way to say that a film is merely pretending to have artistic integrity, but it's quickly just turning into "anything I don't like"

So it's a few extra syllables to say pretentious? That's a shit meme.

>a film is merely pretending to have artistic integrity
You mean it's copying something else?

It's a concept put out by retards that don't realize that if you're trying to be honest on purpose, it's paradoxically dishonest. These are people that complain about dishonest filmmakers but they're just as dishonest as viewers. Instead of openly appreciating art as art, they force it to fit their preconceptions. They usually have their mind already made up before even sitting down to watch a movie.

>merely pretending to have artistic integrity
The funniest thing is that a lot of defenders of "honest filmmaking" on Sup Forums use Zack Snyder as an example.

That's a good one

die pleb scum

it's dishonest. it doesn't have authenticity. it was created to appear a certain way rather than for a real purpose. it has nothing to do with popularity, other than the fact that these films take no risks because they need to be popular to be profitable.

these films are entirely indistinguishable, which is a bad thing for an artist. they all try to fit in but do subtle things to appear valuable. so there will be limited effort in characterization, or visual expression, but really the creators don't have an interest in creating art. the point is to make 90-120 minutes of content that appears professional and is inoffensive enough to avoid criticism.

>there's no such thing as a piece of art thats dishonest!

all art has value because it exists, it can show us something, even something the artist did not intend. But not all art is honest.

>what does dishonest mean

the artist did something with disingenuous intentions. they were pretentious. they did a big landscape shot, but they had no respect for the land they were shooting, it was just to look impressive. basically, using the subject rather than respecting it.

>Dishonest Filmmaking
>When a director twists and contrives a narrative and its characters in order to confirm their preconceived world view or opinions
>Not Birdman

Why Kong Skull Island?

it was fine. stop sperging about it you contrarian fucking retard