New Doug: Hulk 2003

Nostalgia Cuck reviews the 2003 Hulk movie, it's kinda nostalgic? Who gives a fuck I miss Latza posting.


Doug's days are numbered. If people want we can watch it in Eggkara so Doug gets not money from it. I do wonder how Latza is doing, I wish he never shut us out.

It's been a wild ride for Paul but at least he has a job.

Doug is a fag, Latza thread?

Does anyone actually find Doug funny? It's just cringy le wacky 4 year old skits.

I only enjoy his reviews where he's just being himself.

Gotta pay back those $800k student loans.

I think back in the day for a lot of his original fans (30 somethings today) liked the mild humor and just being reminded how bad these old movies were. When I was kid I thought Casper was a great movie but in College Doug showed me how shitty that film was and that's why I liked him, he played off of Nostalgia. Now he just panders to 16 year old SJW's, and it's skits on movies that are still in theaters. i would have some level of respect for Doug if he didn't bow to the beast of SJW's.


Why does Doug film with this harsh blue lighting? It looks awful.







Look at her? hi.. it? now


We're doing it.

>JewWario's has risen


>195 patrons
>$655 per month
Spoony is well on his way



>April's OC character getting fucked by a literal demon bull
What did she mean by this?


Did Tamara just see this?

>arm of an 8 year old
Every fucking time

>watch new todd in the shadows
>it aint me starts playing


>I can't even DRIVE
jesus christ

Sit home all day long.
Can't shoot any more videos for sweet patreon money.
Fucking why?


holy shit, why?
she was good already now she became a freak



Literally can't tell if that's a feminine man or a flat, tomboyish woman

Not even memeing either

who in their right mind pays money for people to make youtube videos?


whatever she was, is tons better than what she is nowadays, at least she didn't look like a freak

I have no idea who "she" is or what it looks like nowadays

I was just scrolling the front page when I saw your webm

JesuOtaku was one of the channel awesome people which videos focused on anime. She was ok, nothing special about her to be honest.

Fun fact, remember that tweet of Spoony that Lupa dig up years after he made it? The one about being tied up in his basement and such? That's who the tweets were directed to as a joke

This is how she looked like before

This is "her" now

>He's got the arms of an eight-year-old girl with rickets
>I can't even DRIVE
>from his goddamn retirement fund
what an amazing post

>Hurr durr le SJW pandering SJW is the greatest threat mankind has ever faced SJW burned my crops
You're just parroting shit you read on Sup Forums ,if you actually watched his videos you'll see he's not pandering to your spoopy boogeyman