What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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she bypassed the compressor

LOL! I remember seeing this for the first time a few years back and thinking, "WTF?!?!"

Episode I

>Lucas didn't even want to go in there, he did to get away from the camera.

how many BBC do you think she has bite with those teeth?

It's demographic grew up or didn't, your mileage may vary

Also disney
Also the series was intended for kids, and that almost never changed outside of a few books and a few games

Lucas's poor handling of the prequels has been badly overblown. Then again, his involvement in the original trilogy has been overstated as well. I think his biggest mistake with the prequels was to assume his audience was 12 year olds as he claimed. Sure, many of us were young when these films came out, but even older generations saw a qualitative difference between 456 and 123. Sure, these are PG films but it doesn't mean they're made for children.


Lucas getting full creative control

Does George only own one shirt?

>Also the series was intended for kids

You are wrong. There are a lot of things that are not suitable for kids in the old trilogy, also in the prequels, and even in cartoons like The Clone Wars.

This. They could have been better, but so much of what's wrong with the franchise now is a response to fans overreactions to the prequels.

what's the context for this?

Also what's George Lucas been up to recently? Haven't heard about him for a while.

don't speak on topics you clearly know nothing about, dumb ass

Sorry to interrupt, but I think Lucas was trying to have it both ways. That's why a film for kids was so interested in the taxation of trade routes and the resulting blockade and political dysfunction...or why blood and gore are so prominent in the original trilogy.


Yes, ever since the 70s.

>blood and gore so prominent

Only in ANH when Obi-wan chops off He Doesn't Like You's arm

They don't show blood, but death is constant. An entire planet is blown up as an intimidation method.

In EP 5 Luke gets his hand chopped off and chooses to die over becoming evil. He doesn't but he didn't know he would survive.

Merchandising made money hand over fist for Lucas. A victim of its own popularity. Should have died in the 80s.

They keep trying to make more movies

he is not the person who wrote 4,5,&6 those were ghost written.
the rest is trash.
he is a talentless hack.

a better question: was Star Wars ever good?

There's also the shot of his aunt and uncle's charred skeletal remains.

The rating system is fairly rigid. I'd be interested in a modern rating for ANH. Would it be PG or would it be bumped up for PG-13.

While I can't wait to see what happens in the next movie, I am also dreading just going to see it. I saw the force awakens when it came out in theaters, and it was so cringe-worthy having to try to watch it while everyone is clapping and cheering at every little blaster han solo shoots. then at the end , when luke was revealed the entire theater started giving a standing ovation, clapping halfway through the credits. I wish I could wait for the dvd relelease or something but the avoidance of spoilers in this day and age are impossible. fucked either way it seems.

Infuriates me how the audience at theaters react, it's not like the fucking director and actors are there to receive the applause. Laughing at jokes and on-screen comedy is fine but cheering everytime someone pops his head out of a crater is just too much .



It peaked too early.

I'm one of the few people that don't mind REY, Finn, or the prequels. I thought TFA was a good movie and it played it safe so casual viewers who had no knowledge of the old movies could jump right into it. I thought REY & Finn had good chemistry together and have no real complains about it. Everyone talks about SJWs and shit, but I don't see it. I thought Rogue One was overrated though. It was decent storywise but it felt like it was edited shitty. It was forgettable but not bad.

I thought that even though the prequels were cringey as hell, I could still watch them and have fun with them. I like that corny love story between Padme and Anakin. It's the fantasy aspect of Star Wars that can make me just accept it and run with it. The only thing I hate about those movies is there's a lot of pointless scenes and the CGI is too noticeable.

My beef with the older movies isn't even the story. I thought the story was good enough, the Empire was badass, and Vader was a gangster. It was just the heroes that were shit. Luke's a little bitch and I don't know why anyone even cares about him. He was just boring. Leia was a bitch. Didn't care about her and her pointless blabbering. Everyone likes Han Solo, but I thought he was just there. Never liked Harrison Ford and any movie he's in where he's remembered in a positive way, I feel he could be replaced with Kurt Russel and be x10 better. Personally I think the original movies would have been better with a different cast.

Also every single person that I see with a "Resistance" tattoo or shirt seems like a faggot.

Disney bought them.

They're going to make it pro-diversity and pc propaganda (more than they already have)

tfw I miss George

I love the prequels as well but TFA was cancer.

Also fuck you for shitting on the OT heroes.

I didn't mind TFA. It's basically a rip off from a New Hope, but the target audience for Disney is the future generation. It's not you, it's not me, and it's not the "die hard" fans. It's one of those things you just have to accept. They're basically making it easy for new fans to jump into the Star Wars bandwagon and continue where it left off. Besides, it's a kids movie. People like to pretend it wasn't marketed to kids when it first came out. There's a lot of people who worked on the project who didn't take it seriously. Everyone did once it became successful and they tried making it appear to a larger audience (teenagers and adults) but the original movie was a kid's movie.

I don't think I'm wrong. I thought Han Solo, Luke, and Leia were shit. I liked Vader and Tarkin more than anything when it came to the original movies. I liked the world it build with the Death Star, the Empire, and all that military stuff that resembled either Nazi Germany or the USSR (but in space). I don't think I ever gave a shit about the Jedi. I thought they were lame. To me it's like people who play Fallout and like the Brotherhood of Steel when the Enclave is better.


you missed the whole point of the OT then

Oh come on nigga, let's not pretend star wars isn't just white people fantasy stories with asian mysticism. It ain't that deep.

don't discount the autism of George Lucas



Decent annoying millenial impression


>Watching a movie about ''le resistance'' and some other shitty characters nobody gives a fuck about
Literally, only watch SW when they do Revan or some respectable shit

I dont think its completely his fault. He asked all the great directors at the time to direct them and
they were too scared to take on the Giant at the time.

In all reality, if George didn't make the prequels, people would have nit picked it regardless.

I still love episode 1 and 3. They have the best endings in the entire franchise imo.

Episodes 1-3 and the Nu trilogy

my life

We all do, user.

RotS has a really good "full circle" ending, but nothing beat RotJ's ending with the redone music from the '97 version


It was a dull franchise in hell all along.

wow so edgy.

go take a helicopter ride you fucking commie

Some guys are making a documentary about nuclear reactors. Lucas happens to be walking by and autisms in the background.

>They're basically making it easy for new fans to jump into the Star Wars bandwagon and continue where it left off.
The absolute easiest way to do that would be to re-release the original trilogy to theaters again, not make a brand new Star Wars movie that rips off ANH at every turn without any of the character development or emotional impact.



That there were enough virgins in the first place to take it this far.

straight to /r/cringe and /r/Sup Forums

They haven't made a good movie since 1983.

"wow so deep and mature" say the 12 years old

Why did they burn them like that.

I skipped the new one with the negro the george lucas 2000s trilogy was bad enough I don't imagine the jews did any better

it was never good

light side vs. dark side bullshit is when I stopped paying attention

SW was only good in the first place because of Jews

Look up the director of Empire (best film) and who Lucas' editors, effects guys, and screenwriters (who held back his retardations) were

What went wrong? George Lucas offered Lucasfilm at bargain price. Despite what you think, $4 billions is nothing for Star Wars, Indiana Jones an ILM. For example Disney bought PIxar for $7.5 billions.
Lucas sold it cheap to allow the creatives to make a compelling story and care not about getting their money back.
He made a mistake, he sold it to a greedy incompetent jew, Bob Iger. That guys doesn't even have a degree and started as a weather man. YES you read me well a WEATHER MAN, not even a journalist. And Kathleen Kennedy is the same, she was just a secretary.
They're incompetent and extremely greedy, they took advantage of the bargain and still wanted to make the money back as quickly as possible without caring about the movie itself, it was all about marketing it to the brain dead masses

In the OT Dark Side/Light Side isn't even a thing. The idea that Force Powers are just Dungeons and Dragons magic powers that have a specific side is completely retarded. Luke used grip in Episode 6 and he was 100% a good guy. Disney have wholeheartedly embraced the dumb meme shit that using a particular power can make you go evil in their new works, instead of it just being about what kind of a person you are.

I miss old Disney. Not only would these new movies be actually good, we would get lolis in slave Leia gear.

You can already see the bags forming under her eyes after days of drinking/snorting coke. Typical chav bitch.

Ep 1,2,3 in many scenes looked like a cheapo tv show despite an army of sfx specialists. They didn't appear serious enough. Old trilogy and the newest ep VII look way better.

Lucas sold it to whom he thought Star Wars would appeal to most, slave traders.

People who are writing this are mostly middle aged woman who never cared about Star Wars and fantasy. They just belong to circles where they get to work in a big company that makes a lot of money. They could work in an bank or insurance company, it would be the same job for them. They're soulless.

Not enough romance.

You think he would sell them to slave traders on purpose, and then call them out on TV for being slave traders? It doesn't make sense. He told us that they betrayed what was the original plan. When Disney bought Lucasfilm, Bob Iger said they would do a SW film every 2-3 years. Once George signed, he said they will make a SW film every year, forever.

and st/a/y there.

Already a thing.


Star Wars has never had good romance.
Han/Leia arc = SHIT
Anakin/Padme arc = SHIT
What does this new trilogy have? Poenn? No thanks, I'm trying not to vomit.

With a Luke Skywalker Yoda falls in love.

To confess unable, gifted by a deus ex machina with the Jedi's phone number, the little green alien is. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and crush on him as well, is overjoyed to find out that he has.

But, the next day, when to Skywalker Yoda recounts the previous day's confessions, with a perplexed expression he only looks at him. After some investigation, the Jedi master finds out that the boy he called is the same boy he fell in love with not. In fact, he exists not in this universe at all. Luke's alternate universe counterpart, he is, fallen in love with the alien's own AU self, who has, blissfully unaware of his crush, who too is.

To give each other their darkest hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal, to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves most private secrets in order. Their respective loved ones while the two chase, to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of the FORCE drama ensues as they begin. Hmmmmmmmm.

yea that whole "light side, dark side," and "light and dark are equally power just different perspectives" bullshit are just laughable juvinile. That false duality shit creeps up all over the place when lazy writers need to sell screenplays.

But ROTJ was filmed in the 80s.

>was Star Wars ever good?
It was fun.

well your latter points are legit, but in ESB, luke asks yoda

>is the dark side more powerful

to which yoda says its quicker and easier and more seductive, then tells luke how he can tell the two sides apart.

This would indicate there is a duality to the force. And while it makes sense that powers arent inherently light/dark, i'd imagine someone like the emperor knows how to use the force in ways so horrible no good jedi would or could

>What went wrong?
The same thing that ruins everything good in the world : feminism

Movie Revan will be a woman of color.

Feminism itself doesn't mean anything. It's the people who pushed this meme into every fucking movie that should blamed.

Literally this, and Disney just used the worst shit out of Star Wars.

That was an allegory for 'good' and 'evil'. It was never meant to be taken literally. I can make an excuse for the PT because in there the Jedi are actually supposed to be the blind, soulless, corporate tools they were portrayed as. They long since stopped serving the Force and started serving the Republic and themselves.

You mean Kathleen Kennedy, the ruinous whore


>unironcally using Polygon as a citation


Weird way to spell "prequels".

You have autism.

TFA was good, Rogue One was okay. Still miles ahead of the Prequel trilogy. Maybe make this thread again after Disney releases something as indefensibly terrible as the Prequels. Until that time arrives Star Wars is doing okay at worst.

You wanna know what Star Wars was truly about? It was about Luke's story of how he became a jedi Knight from a farm boy to a jedi the original trilogy was a mythology story of luke skywalker's journey how Ben found him and explain the wonderful magic of the force and the jedis how he destroyed the Death Star and was trained by yoda and defeated darth Vader and stored peace justice and balanced to the force. Sadly disney has ruined the luke skywalker story and the continued of ep 6 is A FUCKING FAN FICTION MOVIE!! FORCE AWAKENS RUINED THE HOLE STAR WARS STORY!!! Are main character a GODDESS MARY SUE!!! Disney has destroyed the hopes of restoring what made the original trilogy so great

>Sadly disney has ruined the luke skywalker story

Lucas ruined it by making 3 movies about his dad.

I thought the prequels were ok it's not as good as the original yes it has it's bad moments and acting but it at least feels Believable to the Star Wars universes and actually had a real original story

Disney blackmailed Lucas into selling.

>George Lucas offered Lucasfilm at bargain price.
George Lucas was blackmailed into selling, and tricked into thinking he'd be kept in the loop.

I don't know if they blackmailed him but they definitely lied to him. You watch his interviews just before selling. They changed everything once he signed because these scumbags have no honor. If it wasn't written on paper, it doesn't exist.