What does Sup Forums think about Chuck Dixon and his works?

What does Sup Forums think about Chuck Dixon and his works?

His Punisher comics are great, especially the Warzone issues with JRJR

>Chuck Dixon

ohh? do they spell "fucking racist" this way today?



But he'll never work in the Big Two again.

How the fuck was he red-pilled? He was just a normal conservative.

But then who will save Tim Drake?

was his Nightwing run good?

He's an overall good writer and contributed a lot to the Batman mythos in helping to develop the non-Batman members of the family as well as Green Arrow. Sadly the triple crimes of being a conservative in a rather liberal industry, being an older writer an industry that is increasingly not valuing them and clashing with management at a time where DC seemed to be really sensitive to that stuff means his career working for the Big Two is pretty much done.

Imo he wrote a lot of decent stuff but nothing that was ever amazing. He ends up a little overrated because most of his big runs were when so many other books were awful.

I like his work in smaller doses. Whenever he took on bigger projects his flaws started to show.

Actually, I much rather him just be a character consultant


I only know him from the Wheel of Time comics, and they were pretty damn good too.

Solid workhorse writer.

I respect his work on Batman and the spin-offs, but dislike that he bothered to create the Barbara-Dick ship.

Kori is best girl

It goes wayback 70s.

Barbara didn't like Dick and Dick had a generic college girlfriend at the time

Those panels in particular is Barbara shutting Dick up and embarrassing him because he was a bit of a douche the entire issue


His Nightwing run was based.

Honestly, his whole No Man's Land era stuff was fantastic.

I found his BOP better than simone.

Solid, but nothing of his really blew my mind. Did good work building up Batfamily characters like Dick and Tim.

>How the fuck was he red-pilled? He was just a normal conservative.

You answered your own question, user.

I really enjoyed his Airboy. He's not groundbreaking as writer, but he knows how to tell a damn good yarn.

He made popoular writing Batman as an asshole and tried his hardest to shill Dick in every appereance

Honestly the work he did on Dick, Babs (via BoP) and Tim and making them all respected, valuable characters and elevating them above a level of being "Batman's sidekick and ex-sidekicks" should probably earn him a place as THE most important Batman writer of the last 25 years.

I mean no offense to Morrison but at the end of the day I'm having a hard time thinking of what his run actually accomplished and the overall impact it had on the character/Batman universe aside from Damian.

then why did dick get beat up all the time by literally who cares

Redpilled ≠ alt-right moron

Consistently average. Never stellar, never atrocious. Which makes him better than about 85% of the current DC lineup.

Because that's what happens in every superhero book?

Those comics are his latest books so far.

Did he even try creator-owned?

>Sup Forums actually not shitting on Dixon

lol wut

Oh absolutely.
Those early years are still the absolute best of the BoP.

Nah, Dixon's BoP was boring as shit. It took Benes and Simone turning it into a straightforward TNA comic to make it entertaining for a few years.

I am so glad the hideous Benes Huntress design seems to be dead.

You mean Jim Lee redesign.

Lee started the belly window?

Yup. If it had been Benes she would have worn a thong or something.

He's a big guy.

That was his redesign benes and JLU made it famous

Huh. Didn't realize it started with Hush. Or that Hush was that old.

>that Hush was that old

I first remember reading about Hush in Wizard magazine.

What an old-fashioned thing to say.

In the modern era, just not worshipping multiculti makes you a stormfag.

I gotchuuu senpai


>Did he even try creator-owned?

You mean recently or ever?

Because if you mean ever Dixon was one of the biggest indie writers of the 80s. That was where he got his start. DC and Marvel came calling later on.

He's not "conservative". He's an anti-clinton democrat that HATES republicans and supports gun-grabbing. His comics are filled with leftwing propaganda bullshit.

Difference between him and modern comics writers is that he never got onboard with identity politics. He's an old school liberal from before the party was taken over by sjws.

Not saying I agree with him (I don't), but that's just how it is.

I want to read his new book.

And I say that as someone who despises Trump. I just despise a bunch crooked Hillary too.

Storytime i hope one day