What ever happened to Tara Reid?

Look at her tits.
She's having a hard time turning 40.

she got messed up somehow

Apparently something very bad


Damn shame

Same thing that happened to Lindsey Lohan. Drugs.

>tfw these images sexually excited me in ways that are no longer possible.

honestly if you know your body looks fucking awful why would you show it off like that? it's fucking bizarre.

White women should be killed once they reach 30

How does the body just deflate like that lmao

Her poor body. ;_; Can it be fixed?

She thinks she looks good

she has been a drug addict + alcohol for a long time

it destroyed her body. her face used to look great too. what a shame.

definitely not. she's way too skinny though. gaining 25 or 30 pounds couldn't hurt. i think it's beyond saving though. that's what happens when you do tons of coke and meth.

She was only ever famous because people wanted to fuck her. Once she JUSTed herself out of fuckability through surgery she was rightly forgotten about.

Why is Tara Reid at the Valerian thing? Who invited her?

Holy fuck, even factoring in any photoshop used she really was fucking gorgeous.

What would possess a person that looks like this to think they needed to do anything to their appearance through surgery?

Drugs and a bunch of botched surgeries.

celebrities can go to premieres whenever they want basically. even if they're d-list has beens. i don't think valerian was as hard a ticket to get as say spider man either.

I can't help but feel bad for her then. She probably bought that dress, excited to show everyone that she's still "got it"

its like she tried to vaccuumpak herself in her own skin

She used to be my celebrity fap back in the mid 90s.

Fucking traffic what happened to her. All I can think about is how many random dudes she must have fucked while coked out of her mind, and I wasn't one of them. Feels fucking horrible bros.

This kind of stuff serves as a lesson that drug abuse has long-term effects that you can never truly recover from

she looks like a fucking ghoul

holy shit

meanwhile she probably thinks she looks like the late great savannah she was a 90s fap of mine for sure. wondering if she would have aged the same with the drugs n all.

Jesus fucking christ, her TEETH

oh my god she's only 41

Coke's a helluva drug I guess


Suicide when

What the fuck is up with her teeth? Holy shit that's fucked up.


>white women age like milk, open their legs for conquerors, are born nation wreckers, and are more prone to mental illness
this is why i kek whenever someone tries to talk about the white supremacy meme.

She looks good for a woman in her late 50's

Hollywood chewed her up, swallowed her, barfed her back up, swallowed her again and shit her out.

Did Lindsey Lohan bounce back?

>congealed jizz teeth


Surgery/eating disorder
excessive tanning

in that order

what happened to her? Is she married?

>tfw this woman is 59

She's white

>the point humans can reach

life is hard


Pity she's a woman in her early 40s.

Late 60's then

kind of

RIP. What it her actresses have gone downhill? I remember seeing a recent picture of Joey Lauren Addams that made me cringe.

What in the fuck is going on there? Did they rot away at the root and nerve and they just used liquid nails to fill in the gaps?

>white women
it's like they all expire after 30 years

Brooke Shields got it worse

holyyyyyyyyy fuck lads

literally Caitlyn Jenner lmfao


Brooke still looks a thousand times better than Tara, not to mention she's 11 years older.

Looks like tanning is absolutely no good for you.

Bruce *

>you will never smoke meth with Tara Reid

she looks like she gets good shit too

>wrinkled mess with pounds of makeup and multiple plastic surgery jobs
just look how disgusting her eye area is. you can dress up a turd however you want, at the end of the day, it's still just a piece of shit.

It's Old MEW!

too much
>weight fluctuations
not enough
>proper diet
>common sense


Not bad. Bit wrinkly round the hips but overall impressive.

her mother is italian, that's why
white anglo/celto/germanic ""people"" on eternal suicide watch

Italians are white

get out of here with your divide and conquer bullshit

let us white people enjoy our last 40 years of dominance in Europe, you'll have your victory its irreversible now

God damn, I just want to see that little front bikini part covering her pusy pulled aside.

i feel like plastic surgery just wasn't that good back in the 90's

mid 70s

you mirran?

Whoever filled up her tits did a damn fine job, I'll give em that much.

South Europe was white 2000 years ago before mudslimes contaminated it.

Drugs are a hell of a drug.

Did she make a cameo on the walking dead?


Early 70s, but she still looks fucking great. Would pump her old pusy full of my young, virile loads.

nice try pal
italians are MED
wog pride world wide


This is how everyone could look if they took care of themselves

mew doesn't have tits like that.

based pusy poster

the party has arrived xP

why is her stomach so nasty?

>clear heels

i'll give you my entire dick and balls

Same here. Even if she tries her best, the results are still terrifying. Just take a look at those grandma tits... Unless her long-standing issues won't be solved soon, she could easily find herself in a vicious cycle. Especially if her bank account is as slim as her too...


never let your daughter grow up to wear clear heels.


literally wtf poor baby girl

his best stand up

who's the al qaeda detainee kidnapped in the back seat there


>Tara Reid
she do any nudes?


Somebody said she played Bunny Lebowski and I didn't believe it so I looked it up.

They weren't lying.


Her knees look like KFC crispy strips

Why the fuck do you wear such revealing clothes if you look like you laid underneath the ground for 2 months?


>the nineties were 47 years ago

RR may be an incubus.

Oh god I remember when those leaked on the net in like 2005. Her nipples are so botched that I hope she tried to sue whatever hack did her bolt ons. She was so perfect in the late 90s.