Wtf I hate McDonald's now

wtf I hate McDonald's now

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shit movie that shouldn't be taken nearly as seriously now as its ages old and now outdated


>eat 3000 calories of anything a day
>don't exercise
>get fat


It was actually 5,000 calories

i would burn 6kcal/day plowing that vegan wife

all that poster ever makes me want to do is get a batch of fries even though I haven't eaten McD's in ages

>not being smart

watch this fagit

He didn't rape while eating Macdonalds

proven anti rape recipe, alert Jezebel and salon and New york times

Seriously why is it so foreign to people on how to lose weight. Either
1. Limit your food intake
2. Exercise a good amount


luckily for me, eating too much makes me want to throw up

Rule 1 of not being a retarded human. Consume only as many calories as you're going to use during the day. Don't eat just because you can, eat because you need to.

Yeah it was a funny and entertaining movie but it was totally useless at being informative. He always ate full meals including soda when water was always an option.

its made by a hardcore vegan just so ya know of course hes gonna make mcdonalds look bad. Its less a documentary and more propaganda when you realize that it all makes sense.

I can't even remember the movie that well.

Did you go into any of the actual reasons why McDonalds and all fast food chains are bad? Or was it only "lol, if you eat fast food every day you will feel like shit and become fat"?

He's actually not vegan anymore lol. Probably cause his vegan gf dropped him

are you even old enough to post here?

>Spurlock's results unable to be re-created by anyone in controlled or just personally attempted studies
>Refuses to release his food diary

It was lies then and it's got worse with age.

That liver problem part with his doctor was the most questionable scene.

Their fries are trash now. Wendy's has the best fries/burgers now for shit tier fast food. If you make a step up it would prolly be something like Chik Fil A or Culvers or something.

This is the big red flag about this film is you'd think it would be easy to replicate but it impossible.

What were the results he supposedly can't replicate? I can't remember

Add Arby's to that step up from shit tier since the costs go up. Prices are getting pretty out of whack though where it's better to hit up a Bob Evans Perkins or some other eatery like Meatheads or Smashburger.

are we gonna have this thread over and over again?


Getting fat from eating only mcdonalds?

what a load of bologna

There was a movie where a guy lost weight by eating McDonalds and calorie counting, but it wasn't nearly as popular.

This was the beginning of outrage culture and nanny statery; of course a movie that advocates self-reliance and responsibility wouldn't be as popular.


The amount of weight he gained without exercise for a person of his size would need to be consuming X calories. X cannot be created from 3 meals at McDonald's and furthermore all other participants experienced nowhere near the amount of weight gain he did (possibly because the amount of calories he said he was consuming is impossible) and none of the additional health issues.

It's why Meme Degrasse Tyson said if he wrote a dieting book, it would only contain one sentence

>consume less calories than the amount that you burn

But he's fat.

I think the movie you're thinking of is Fathead.

Just because he knows the answer doesn't mean he wishes to follow it, he seems perfectly content with his fatness.

>eating the same thing every day is not healthy

>eating McDonalds cheeseburgers with onions and pickles on them

>Not like onions and pickles

Damn, what did your parents do to you?

reminder to you kiddies that in 2003 only 30% of Americans had internet access, thus not really knowing the real issues to excess fast food

Generally I like onions and pickles on freshly made hamburgers, but the onions and pickles they use on McDonalds hamburgers are fucking _disgusting_

People have no clue how many calories they're eating over the day. I was never able to lose weight until I started doing autistic calorie counting with kitchen scales and everything.

>Trusting McDonalds condiments

Also they severely overestimate how much of a difference exercise makes

>bust your ass all day
>congratulations, you can eat like one more thing

Meme Magic Man said the same thing after he lost a bunch of weight.

Jesus, people out here are willing to eat ass, but dislike the onions on a McDonald's cheeseburger? Outrageous.

He wrestled back in his high school and college days.

Onions are only acceptable in salsa.

to me that guy does look obese so at the very start of the video he fails. Westerners have a warped view of what is and isn't overweight I mean it's not hard to have that when near 70% of them ARE overweight. No it's not healthy to have a grabable guy you fucking fat retard

eatting ass is a fine luxury
onions is a silly option

Eat 30 bananas and 40 tomatoes a day.
Drink 5 litres of mineral water a day.

WTF, i'm sick. Veganism killing you guys!

man the end of the video is actually retarded. "naturally" thin, damn how thick can you be

eating soggy onions doesn't make my dick hard does it you fucking melt

Portions are big.
If you will eat them all - you will get fat.

Calories in calories out is supreme.

Even if you have a condition that effects metabolism (a lot rarer than fatties think), calories in calories out would still lead to weight loss.

People who question ts effectiveness fall into 3 camps:

>skinny people overestimating what they've eaten
>fat people underestimating what they've eaten
>skinny people who are on point with what they've eaten but have failed to take into account their active lifestyle majorly increasing their TDEE

One guy in the last category claimed he wasn't gaining weight eating 3500 kcal a day and working out. I asked him his activity levels and he said he walked 40k steps a day at work. Thats almost 19 miles. He needed to eat more.

>eat more
>eat shittier
>stop exercising
>get fat

>hey dude would you like to have more food on top of the food you ordered?
>sure famalam

Was anyone else shown this in biology/science class on a rainy day?

It pisses me off when I think about it, it fucked up a lot of kids' preconceptions about food and reinforced the "good food/bad food determines obesity" paradigm

I love liberals campaigning to make McDonald's less affordable

I had it shown in class once way back in HS. Fucking walked right out of there with that shit.

I was still an edgy shit back then, but I don't tolerate sitting down and watching straight up bullshit.

Take this shit to /fit/, cancer

Wow eating fastfood daily makes you fat. Really made me think...

wtf I love McDonalds now

>Liberals want cheap McDonalds while also increasing the minimum wage


>walk 8 kilometers every day
>feel tired
>eat a bunch of shit
>gain more calories than lost
How do i break this cycle bros?

it doesn't. and you didn't

Don't eat shit?

Eat spicier food and poo poo it all out

Whatever the shills say there's no special diet that will get you to stop being a fat retard who needs to die. I switched to a whole foods diet and I still overeat.

The point of the doc was that McDonalds wasn't making it clear to its customers that their food shouldn't be eaten all the fucking time. I was a young tike when Super Size Me was first released and also in Canada so I don't know what their advertising was like at the time but I l
know they did shit like ask people to supersize their meals. Why would you ask customers to get so much damn food?

>normalizing being overweight

equally retarded

finally another opportunity to post WKUK

wtf I hate supersize me now.

buddy this is the first time weev had this thread
at least in this timeline

Pickles aren't too bad but good god fuck big mac/double cheeseburger onions. Dehydrated onions with added water to make them moist again. They came like some kind of powder that you dump into water

which means he was never vegan in the first place. He just pretended to have morals. All for pussy...primitive guy, thats why his films are dumb

>cant get super sizes anymore cause of this homo


>Tfw watched this in health class

>McDonalds wasn't making it clear to its customers that their food shouldn't be eaten all the fucking time
this is just common sense though, maccas shouldn't have to tell people not to eat junk food for every meal.
Well maybe they do in america but the rest of the world are reasonably intelligent

The calories per day he claimed to consume. Also the overall health results by the end. Some people tried to go even longer and still couldn't replicate what he claimed.

Here in Ontario the law requires that all restaurants show the calorie count for everything on the menu. Think some other regions also do this.



Anyone watched this? I couldn't take it seriously

Did you guys see this absolutely (unironically) cinematic "documentary" that was full with absolute bullshit?

I believe there are people who are unable to store all the energy they ingest but there is no human capable of gaining weight on a deficit.

Some phaggot on /fit/ said he loss 70 pounds in 4 months and he ate mcdicks every other day. Pic related

>tfw those african american youths being interviewed in supersize me, saying you don't get fat from macDonalds if you just do enough pushups after eating there, were the smartest people in the whole fucking documentary

Summarize it in two sentences please.

poor bastard. i hope he has enough money for the skin removal surgery.
Good for him anyway


he did that in 4 days? How?

I got internet in 2002 and it was the shity dial-up AOL. I thought searching for porn using Google instead of the bar on top of the browser meant no one could see what I was looking up.

Get out europoor

Looks neat

why couldn't you take it seriously?

My mom monitored all my internet access so I used to go into the lesbian chatrooms on AOL and set up a thing where I'd trade naked pics. Pretty much I'd have two dykes Email me pics and I'd send them to each other and say it was me.

Fuck Spurlock for being single handedly responsible for banning the super size across all fast food chains.

I do like watching this doc though just to reminisce about the early 2000s though.

>used to google Pamela Anderson and Carmen Electra nudes
>took me a year to realise that google showed my search entries when typing in the first letters
>everyone at home knew

>everything you are eating has cancer
Wtf I hate food now