/dixie/ - Southern US and Friends

404'd in the afternoon edition

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me rn

on the left or right?

It's hard to believe there was a time when nobody gave a fuck about that flag.

on the right
improving conway


can you actually just buy estrogen and drink it, or is it just a meme?

some substances contain estrogen mimickers, which your body turns into estrogen, for example bisphenol-a, which is used to coat canned foods here

testosterone and estrogen is injected to you blood stream, if you want it pure, its not drank

page 9? haha time to sage

you can buy tranny pills on amazon and they're half estrogen/half testosterone blockers

some twinks buy them and limit the doses so their skin is softer but they don't sterilize themselves

I wish it was me on the right.

i wouldn't want be an old man t b h

I wish I was dead

go get your hormone levels checked


unbalanced hormone levels are a cause mood swings

Fucking a lil, weak and mentally unstable man in the ass isn't gay, it's asserting dominance

Is Congay turning into Congirl?

t. roman lead water drinker


it's not a swing if I've always wanted it haha


The virgin estrogen sipper vs the chad lead gulper


Five years old and it was nothing back then, just like it was nothing when you posted it a few hours back on Sup Forums.

iktf, wish I could do this
really want to be a conquistador, must have been amazing to be any sort of cavalry soldier


i actually just saw in on Sup Forums and posted it here

cow-way as the dog

why am I a cow now

Bout to boat

bc cow milk has estrogen in it

texas is having a surgery tomorrow
he's 16, praying to god he makes it :'(


>he's 16
That's an old cat.

old mans hardlife

He is very old, I don't mean to upset but you should really prepare yourself mentally for his death as it will come soon !!

not if its organic
the poor kitty :(. my sympathies.

Bout the boat. Is your job fishing?

some cats live up to 20

and unpasteurized

The oldest cat on record died at 32 IIRC.



daily dixie: normies killed dixie twice

but /dixie/ is a normie thread

t. normie

t. normie

t. normies

dont make me pull your hair hippy

Watch it. I'll cut ya.

I have never had grits



then you are, technically, not alive



Inside every European is an American waiting to be freed

except the Irish

Inside every american there's an european waiting to be unfeed

Except the Irish

inside every american theres a skinny person

I wanted (You)'s you fucking niggers


*don't give (You)s*




Wow. Four hours later and we're still under 100 posts, quite the day we're having.

Don't bother with cuckway, give ME the (you)s!

>that pic




see you in 4 days, cowboy


cool minecraft screen shot




tfw no Saint Crispin's Day speech bf

Tomorrow is the Confederate Founding Day

Don't repress it, babe

are you gingerpedo

I'm guessing that laser precision annihilated this

Nice, think I've seen this one before, good video

Gingerpedo is Texan iirc

he might've changed his flag to remain hidden


thats what he would say

True, but i'm not ginger nor a pedophile. I'm just a perverted /trash/ goer

i think finland is onto something

I can find some kiddy porn and RP as him if it will give you closure

I don't like the new guy.


how should I celebrate

Want to sleep with a southern man in a barn. No homo.

go and fuck a French roastie

it's what TJ would have wanted

lok at this doggo still waiting for his owner

I don't think TJ whored around in Paris like Franklin did. Cool if true though

I think your doggo has AIDs

Maybe I just got them mixed up

Do it for Ben anyway

Wish there were more Tennesseans in these threads
got the worst representation in /dixie/