/who/ - Doctor Who General

Comfy Ten edition

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first for clala

Doctor Who is dead.

What's her catchphrase?

So who should play Thirteen's companion(s)?

captain jack


John Barrowman



This guy.

Alexander Vlahos

does the xmas special take place during the tenth planet?

It's implied it is

sugar cookies

Sweet niblets!

"Just my luck!"

>Now that's what I call three bag's full

Maybe the beginning but filming pics show their Tardis's in a warzone so perhaps not


It just occurred to me that on GoT, Ashildr killed the First Doctor

Really weird that people still remember my post, years later.

Don't remind me of her existence. Moff's worst character by far. It doesn't help that Masie Williams can't act if her life depended on it too.

Has it really been that long? Damn

I dunno, something about the phrase just tickles me. It just sounds so campy, imagining the Doctor saying it every episode just makes me laugh

reminder that this really happened and someone thought it was a good idea

So like, did The Master make him a mini version of his suit to wear...?

RTDcuckS think its good


I thought you were leaving forever because you got eternally triggered by the idea of a female Doctor


so you excited for the next season? you like the new doctor?

It's so far away, I don't really know. I'm pretty skeptical about Chibnall, considering how his past Doctor Who episodes were.

I don't know anything about Thirteen other than her actor and what she looks like, so I can't really say whether or not I like them yet.

I wanna FUCK the Doctor.



I can't really remember. I thought it was from a joke I made about what Capaldi's phrase would be, so presumably that was before S8.

When you reach the level of denial where you have to resort to sex appeal of the actor to justify watching a shitty show.

>I don't know anything about Thirteen other than her actor and what she looks like, so I can't really say whether or not I like them yet.
So you've just completely flipped your stance since the reveal? Because on the night you were one of the dummies saying embarrassing stuff about how the show was ruined now.


"Could a male do this?"
just watch it turn into sjw pandering

It felt really weird and wrong jerking off to the Doctor for the first time last night

>he hasn't wanked to Patrick Troughton

>still no series 9 soundtrack

I'm still refusing to, it feels so very wrong in my head considering the Doctor is pretty much my childhood hero. It feels fucking dirty somehow. Like if I fapped to Jodie I'd imagine Hartnell Doc just looking at me in pure horror. All the posts about breast expansion regeneration and Jodie feet posting is cruelly hitting me in my fetishes and I'm not sure if I can hold out any longer lads

all right. i got to the 4th episode of the tenth planet.

animated or reconstruction /who/?

Is the Doctor pure?

this. i really want to, but it feels so wrong

I never said I hated her or that the show was ruined. But clearly saying 'well doctor who was a good show' as a tongue-in-cheek jab in reference to the fact that a shitton of people are pissed and are going to freak the fuck out means I hate it I guess.

I unfollowed their social media for the same reason, I knew it was going to be nothing but bitching in the comments left right and center and I just couldn't care less.

I have nothing against a female Doctor except for the fact that I like to gag on the Doctor's cock, hence my initial saltiness. Kek.

lumley would have been a better female doctor ree

What's that phrase even from anyways? Did you just come up with?


You can't resist it boys.

Cum for me.

Wasn't at all obvious that your response was tongue-in-cheek, especially since it was amongst a shitstorm of people unironically saying the same thing. I'm glad I was wrong though.

Personally, I'm expecting /who/ and everything to get better over time. Already it feels like most people here support it, and the big babies that are still whining will probably (hopefully) drop the show during S11.

"3 bags full" is from Baa Baa Black Sheep, the nursery rhyme. It make no sense in the context I put it in though, was just meant to be some nonsense that vaguely resembles a phrase.

real fans support the idea of a female doctor. glad we got rid of the assholes

>Wasn't at all obvious that your response was tongue-in-cheek

Loss of tone on the internet.

I did fuck off for a little bit to avoid all the cancerous drama though, it was pretty draining.

My only hangup is how am I supposed to get off to the Doctor railing me against the TARDIS if they don't have a dong? THE REAL TRAGEDY :(

>cum for mommy

Eat shit. Doctor who is dead now thanks to you SJW scum.


Sure it is, boardie.


what did he mean by this?

RTDcucks are truly fucking delusional

>JOI starring the Doctor

Please stop

same but inverse, i want attractive female companions, not attractive doctor.

exhibit A

>tfw my company is holding a vote as to what to rebrand as
>one of the options is offerineo dot com

>liking a female actor makes you an SJW

okay boardie

Hello. I'm the Doctor.

Basically: Cum.

I fucking hate Osgood
It's a character that worked in the 50th,but using her in series 9 was a lazy,unispired choise,fuck you Moffat

Welcome to 2015

>since the departure of Russel T Davies
dropped it right there.

2 years later, I still can't stand that one

I wish he had more great episodes but, where the actor is concerned, if this is going to be our last Doctor to be played for a white male actor for awhile (it probably will be, might as well come to terms with this starting now. the next next Doctor is either played by another woman or a black male) I'm glad it was someone like Capaldi and not another Tennant or Smith type.

thats true, if he was the last one it was a hell of an ending in terms of acting. he's fantastic

the only way we get another white guy is to meme the ginger thing as much as possible. make the next one an irish guy.

I cant see them doing 2 girls in a row, one becaue its goes against all evidence for canon we've seen and two because they will have already played all their cards and the gimmick would have worn off.

I love Capaldi but who gives a shit about who the "last white male actor for awhile" is? It's a completely meaningless description. You may as well mourn Colin for being the last blond Doctor for awhile.

Not to mention that there's no reason to believe that just because we have one female Doctor suddenly the balance will tip into the other extreme and we'll stop seeing white male Doctors.

How prominent is Jodie Whittaker in Broadchurch? Is she just recurring or is she a major character? I think I'm going to start watching the show to get acquainted with Chibnall's style of show and Jodie herself, as well as some comfy Tennant.


Not one of the two lead roles but she is a major character. Mother of the victim.

It's not exactly that that im worried about, it's just going to be that all the years of relative similarity will end. which isnt to say the show will be any worse for it. It's just like watching your favourite game series change up the forumala for the latest installation

it is a gimmick, she was chosen out of only a list of women

They did have The General say that all of her other incarnations were female and that when she was Ken Bones it was a one off, perhaps they'll stick to that.

>Last Christmas
>Magician's Apprentice/Witch's Familiar
>Face the Raven
>Heaven Sent
>Hell Bent
>Husbands of River Song
>World Enough and Time
>The Doctor Falls

Capaldi had more great episodes than matt

>she was chosen out of only a list of women
The lack of self-awareness necessary to write something like this should be lethal.

All 12 previous Doctors were chosen out of only a list of men, you idiot. Were they gimmicks?

tradition is the opposite of a gimmick

and you're wrong, capaldi was the only actor who was even given an audition for 12

>Capaldi has some dialogue about being tired of going on tired of everything
>One is all, "Hmph. Tired of everything, you say? There's a great big universe out there to see."
>Capaldi: "I've seen it all. Blah blah blah moan moan."
>One: "Tut tut, What you need, my boy, is a change of perspective. Hmm.. yes change.. and not a moment too soon, I might add!"
>One giggles with glee
One: "I might have to save that one for later!"
>Capaldi talks about how he's gone through various changes already and how not even that's enough anymore
>One: "Then perhaps you need a REAL change, hmm? We Time Lords aren't just limited to.."
>One gestures to himself and Capaldi
>One: "this."
>Capaldi doesn't catch on and One moves on deciding not to press the issue
>Later in the episode after One has said his goodbyes and all and Capaldi can no longer hold back regeneration the First Doctor's words about a real change. The current Doctor smiles with peace now ready for change, it finally clicks how he can get a completely new perspective on the universe.
>The Doctor says his final words and regenerates into the first female bodied incarnation

Yeah, it seems likely that they'll allow one single line in an episode about a tertiary character dictate their casting choices for the rest of the show.

What are you talking about?

>and you're wrong, capaldi was the only actor who was even given an audition for 12
It's wrong to say that in the past they've only ever auditioned men for the role because for 12 they auditioned one single man? Do you want to try that again?

I don't understand how you can survive with so much cognitive dissonance coursing through your body. In one post you said that only auditioning women means it's a gimmick and bad, and then in literally your next post you mentioned about how for the last Doctor they only auditioned one single person and somehow that's fine and "tradition".

It's wrong to say that every doctor was cast from a list of exclusively men
there was no list for 12

also I'm a different user so your high horse about cognitive dissonance is irrelevant. I'm just stirring shit and have no emotional investment in your argument

But that doesn't negate my point at all, it actually strengthens it. You're just nitpicking one tiny thing and using that as an out to the argument.

And sorry for writing so many words in my last post that you couldn't read it all, cletus.

Do we know for sure no women auditioned for the 11th Doctor? Sauce?

Be honest with me /who/ will Jodie be used by the likes of Sarah Dollard to spew horrible feminist shit? or are we safe, can we actually get a normal female Doctor?


>start losing an argument
>I d-don't care! I don't even believe the stupid things I'm saying!
what did user mean by this

fuck off cletus

Mate we all know you're like 9 and are a little redhead runt tranny with a lisp. Go away. We've seen the video.

I'm a different user whether you believe it or not. your denial suggests cognitive dissonance on your part.

I'm looking forward to the glitter age and I think the different direction will be an interesting change of pace. I haven't even read whatever argument you were having earlier

Dollard is likely gone with the rest of Moffat's writers in the great Chibnall purge for his era

Hey user I didn't read this post.

>i was only pretending to be retarded

Oh fuck off Edge, you were shitting yourself over the idea that you wouldn't get another hot man to jack off to and you're still incredibly salty, probably only hanging around here to remind the entire general how much you like the Tenth Doctor (it's basically avatarfagging at this point). Don't pretend you were ever being tongue-in-cheek
