Opinions on Time Squad

Opinions on Time Squad.

I feel like I vaguely remember this, but I have nothing else to say other than it looks Butch Hartman-y as fuck.

Never watched it because the kid was ugly

Did Mr. Peabody die and that's why Sherman had to hang out with the macho spaceman and the gay robot?

Its one of those shows that was ok but didnt get replayed enough for anyone to develop any major nostalgia for.


Flint the Time Detective was superior and from grorious nippon

Really though, it was a pretty good show from what I remember. It's a shame nobody really talks about it here.

I remember really liking it. Was like a stupid, incredibly uninformative Mr. Peabody and Sherman, which the show didn't even pretend to deny. Pretty good humor, not always hilarious but usually good for some chuckles.

Probably not the kind of stuff kids were into at the time though. And like said, it just wasn't played at opportune hours. I think after its first season it was just kind of quietly swept into a corner to let the creators at least get one more season out.

What boggles my mind is the lack of fanart of Sheila, the female Time Squad officer. I guess maybe she's nothing special, but damn did it awaken a force in my pants as a young'm.

Also holy shit, I did not know Mark Hamill voiced Larry. Thinking back though, I guess it's pretty obvious and I was just a dumb kid.

I liked it and it's probably why I liked the Booster Gold ongoing too

I loved the ever living shit out of it I was surprised to learn that Larry was Mark Hamill

great premise and the writing was funny
the episodes were kinda weak though

we never made it to the hitler episode

Pretty good

>"A 300-pound man skinny-dipping with a robot. That is just not right."

I didn't enjoy it. The adult was barely tolerable and the kid and robot really got on my nerves.

I adored it and it makes me sad that so many people are lukewarm about it. The theme song was great too.

anyone got a mega for decent dvd/tv rip?

Was this show made by the Gym Partner's a Monkey people?

and why was CN so vicious when ending this show and removing it from their site?

Loved the episode where they had to convince a young George W. Bush to study so he could get into Yale, join the Skull & Bones society, and carry out 9/11.

You think you're joking, but they actually did do a Dubya episode. I think he wanted to build the world's largest ball of string instead of being President.

I think the story is due to the GW episode.

My favorite upside would have to be Beethoven.



I actually loved this show to death. Was rather informative in its own weird way, introduced me to Edgar Allan Poe's works at a young age. Sick intro theme too.


Weren't the beefy guy and the robot a gay couple?

Honestly I was pretty fond of the show, took a basic edutainment concept and then buried it in some pretty decent jokes.

You got stuff like the gang going back in time to motivate the indian chief who killed Custer to do his job.

Or napolean being a henpecked husband so the gang has to help him sneak out and do his conquering.

One of my favorites has to be when Larry made a duplicate of himself so he'd have more free time. Then the duplicate made a duplicate. Before you know it there's hundreds of larrys all over the place and something has to be done.

More or less, yeah.

They went to 2004 or so to convince him to double down on Reaganomics to fix the economy. It was when I officially dropped the show.

Fun, remember watching it back when I felt Cartoon Network was building a meta.
Was very comfy, even back then

it was ok

Wasn't that the last episode anyway?

Why? It was a show that made fun of history. It wasn't a show with some real sort of punch to it, they just did a joke about the then-sitting president. I mean, him trying to fix the country's problems with a giant ball of string isn't really any more ridiculous than say Abraham Lincoln going on an evil rampage, George Washington Carver having a thin, evil twin brother, or anything else.


you forgot Eli Whitney's Flesh Eating Robots.

opening was rad

But that actually happened. As did William Howard Taft haunting the White House Scooby-Doo style, right down to the music, to keep Woodrow Wilson from taking over.

For some reason, I vividly remember the episode with George Washington Carver's evil brother Todd Washington Carver who came up with 1000 evil uses for the peanut.

I remember one episode which starts off as a promotional video for Time Squad, complete with rock music, thrilling action scenes, etc. followed by the main characters simply telling Galileo to work on astronomy, and stand around in an empty, boring field for 5 minutes while their time travel whatever recharged.

On a scale of 1 to 5 I'd rate it a solid 3.5

It had some stupid moments but it wasn't boring and the bizarre shit the historical figures would do was always good for a laugh

You mention Mark Hamill voicing Larry, but finding out Rob "Yakko Warner" Paulsen played Tuddrussel was mind blowing, you'd NEVER expect him to voice a gruff macho redneck

I remember that one quite fondly actually, I always point to it when people claim they want realism in their entertainment. I'm like 'you know a lot of the time shit will just fall into place or fall apart and there'll be nothing to do but wait till you can move onto the next scene right?'

One of those shows I never remember, but I did like it back in the day.

>"Hey, this was the same tree I was biting on earlier."

that must've been such a blast for him.


And when they finally went back gallileo runs into scene screaming
>Wait a minute! i forgot to ask! what is a sun!?

Fucking loved it as a kid. I really liked the commercials they did for it with the cardboard cutouts. Anybody know where I could watch those?

GW episode?

As mentioned above, there's an episode where they go to the present, from Otto's point of view, to stop George W Bush from trying to fix the US by making the world's largest ball of string. Pissed a lot of people off. Funny thing is, it was one joke in the entire episode. It was just an excuse to get Otto to the present so he could get caught and sent back to the orphanage.