>Katie McGrath has joined the cast of The CW's SUPERGIRL in a recurring role as Lena Luthor, a "beautiful, powerful, and enigmatic businesswoman who arrives in National City on the heels of her brother Lex’s incarceration hoping for a fresh start. Lena has taken over as CEO of her family’s billion dollar tech company, LuthorCorp, which has been tarnished by Lex’s evil infamy. Her goal? To re-brand the empire as a force for good. Lena wants to be seen as her own person, separate from her brother. Kara is drawn into Lena’s sphere and must determine if she is friend or foe".


Other urls found in this thread:


>Morgana is Lena Luthor
Aww yeah, on board.

B13 when?

So how is her ass?

I'll crack up if they make her go bald at some point.


I'll be mad if they don't.
I mean do we atleast have the technoclogy to make it cg?

Can't wait for the influx of casuals on Sup Forums who will think that Lena Luthor was made as an OC for the show.

already happened when we got the news that she was being added this season

Better than her titties

Idk I vaguely remember seeing her tits in something but it's been awhile

>Katie McGrath
She's cute as fuck ... but she can't do an American accent to save her life (go watch any random scene from the show Slasher she did this summer if you doubt this).

Her ass? it taste good.

So, the show's going to keep being about Superman's B-list supporting cast.

They'll make a "hairless vagina" quip at some point, right?

What I remember was she CAN do the accent, but she tends to slip in and out of it. That's on her obviously, but also the fault of the director for not calling her out on that shit.

Hopefully for her, things will turn out better than in her last "big" role

So that what Vlog meant...
Sorry for picking the first link without watching all of it

Maybe she could do her homeland accent, but have them write it in as some aspect to the story

[But Sup Forums won't like that, will they.]

She is fucking hot.

Call me when/if they add Kate Kane.

how long until she is bbc material too?

fuck this show.

Yeah, like Supergirl.


There's hope, seeing as they now have Maggie Sawyer coming onto the show. She's well-known as having been Batwoman's 'woman!'

>making LexCorp a force for good


Have they cast Toby Raines?

CW needs more lesbian drama.

It already happened.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Supergirl has the hottest cast by far.

All of these CW shows are just carbon copies of each other plot wise. Are they all directed by the same person?

>Rich playboy returns from the dead and avenges his father's death one arrow at a time
>Dork gets super speed and is manipulated by his mentor who is secretly his nemesis
>Ragtag bunch of misfits conned into saving the world
>Girl reveals herself to be an alien with superhuman powers, saves Earth by betraying her blood
>These are all the same

nothing on twitter/instagram :(

This is absurd. There appear to be almost no shots of her butt at all.

Like one or two photoshoots where it's barely present, but that's it. Does she have no ass or what?

This is the best I can do

>Are they all directed by the same person?

Oh wow, same.

I might actually watch this shit, this chick is stunning and the ass is fat.

It can be appreciated in Jurassic World.

>Female with double L initials
>Superman properly cast in the season

He's going to try and fuck her.

>He's going to try and fuck her.
Isn't he with Lois?

Though it'd be hilarious if Clark fucked Lex's sister.

The man has a problem. Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris. If it has double L initials and tits he wants to be inside of it. Lex is probably just mad at him because he is gay and feels excluded by being ignored or something.

When is the CW COIE going to happen so we can just replace Supergirl with Superman?

is this good enough?


No, but continue

She looks super hot...can't wait for the femslash fics.

She looks like Eva Green and Kristen Stewart's love child.

and could totally play a whitewashed Asami

>Eva Green and Kristen Stewart's love child.
Are you trying to kill me?

With like a bit of Daddario.

The fuck? The company isn't their families, it's Lex' company that he built up. That's why it's named Lexcorp in the comics, cartoons, and damn near everywhere else, not this Luthorcorp crap.

Thanks for the heads up Cap Autismo...just shup up and jerk off to the hot girls or to Supertwink if thats your thing.


I would if there were any.

well, thats an evil sexy luthor if ive ever seen one.

I really want them to do Batwoman now just to see what hot actress they'll pull out of nowhere. Please CW, I'll do anything (except watch Arrow).

Any nudity?

Those tits.

I really hope they just get Bridget Reagan: Ginger Edition.
She is literally on the same network.

I prefer BatwomanxQuestion myself

Too bad. The two things they ask of you to make a CW Batwoman show are to watch Arrow and wholeheartedly love Felicity.

Prepare to be dissapointed:

giant.gfycat com/HilariousQuarterlyJavalina.mp4

Still would in a heartbeat


My current desktop wallpaper.

Man she is way hotter as a redhead.

>how long until she is bbc material too?
There were like 6 girls last season (counting recurring characters like silver banshee) and she was the only one interested in him other than his established ex-girlfriend. You have more of an obsession over it than you act like the show does

>Lois asks hhow could you?
>Clark responds by saying "you know I have a thing for LLs" and yells "IT IS A SERIOUS CONDITION!" as she storms off
>at this point he realized he forgot to ask for a threesome

>Her goal? To re-brand the empire as a force for good. Lena wants to be seen as her own person, separate from her brother. Kara is drawn into Lena’s sphere and must determine if she is friend or foe".

So will she turn evil or be evil all along? Or a twist and have her be like Harry Osborne a guy who legitmately wants to move on from that supervillainy mess that is his family?

This show is still on the air?!

It's going to turn out that she's actually Alexis Luthor, a descendant Lex's from the 31st century who's come to the past in order to prevent Supergirl from ever joining the Legion of Super Heroes.
Screen cap this

They could just fact check and see if she looks like Lena.

>giant.gfycat com/HilariousQuarterlyJavalina.mp4
Am I retarded? How this link work?

Eh, there's worse.

Would fuck.

Check the TLD

Why would you show me this?
Now I want her to be Roxy Rocket


>She'll never handcuff me to a rocket and drive us both straight into a cliff face orgasming as we near our inevitable doom.

Just kill me already preferably by handcuffing me to a rocket and driving us both straight into a cliff face orgasming as we near our inevitable doom.