Who wrote the dialog for this thing Jesus Christ

Who wrote the dialog for this thing Jesus Christ.

The dialogue is pure Resident Evil

>watchaction chink glorified cut-scene for the """"dialog"""""

The question is:

Who staged THAT gun """""""battle"""""""" between Chris and main villain, somebody post the webm

THAT one

>they start running in circles


I want surprised because already seen webm of that in some random thread.
that "edgy teen" dialog was cringe fest though


>you will never


>that feel when no rebecca gf

Rebecca looked like a goddess in that wedding dress

That's the only thing that justifies the existence of this pos, every moment was perfect

>good boi
on the verge of closing the video,what a cuck


CG was second to none,everying else was trash


You fucking what?

Sorry as much as I like Reb i dont like people giving me good boy points

The CGI is trash too, Kingsglaive was better.

t. badboi

haven't watched it yet,but in Vendetta military stuff was done well at least to me it looked like it on top of that cool weeding dress.

>gets flung in the air
>still manages to shoot the guy while falling
>rolls on his warm

Leon is far beyond human limitations

Semi-automatic cringe spree

How is he not out of bullets?

extended magazine

Now you might be asking yourself why does this team need a railgun

Fuck you that's why

Infinite cringe

Right, downloading this. If it's shitty, expect me back whenever the movie ends since I'll bitch about it

>graze the target
>destroy 3 skyscrapers


>If it's shitty

Does you think we're posting these webms as some form of positive recommendation or what?


Fuck the first 20 seconds are the most hilarious shit I have seen in weeks

Well, disappointingly shitty instead of just shitty

Before I turn my eyes away from this shitfest, I have to say this

Somewhere, somehow, Kurt Wimmer eagerly watched this made-for-kids chinese cartoon and found it so fucking cool he wishes he could do it in movies if studios still allowed him to

>notBane's GF out for revenge next movie


Hello re**it

I counted 6

I count in multiples of 2

>aiming where they are instead of where they're going to be
Psh, rookie mistake

Board f

>Kurt Wimmer
I had to google the guy
Apparently he did Total recall 2012 which i consider it for a movie(Directors cut) that is good and suffers from a bad title.
This movie was ok I had trouble with some teen dialog and unreasonable decisions that simply put were stupid.
Technically it is done well.

They are too good to be predicted,gun tango is the only way.

Actually the target had two heads and that was a headshot for the head 2.

If Total Recall 2012 is all you know on him, try watching at least the trailers for his first two movies Equilibrium and Ultraviolet

The action in Vendetta is suspiciously similar to his action-style, named Gun-Kata (not a joke) that though up for his movies.

but it didn't hit the main most important head, so what's your point even?

Kurt Wimmer is a gun nerd /k/ tier who can't direct for shit without copying other people.

I don't complain about his action scenes tho.

This looks like it was made in Source Film Maker

Those are some pretty unsatisfying cgi titties.

Oh I have heard of Gun-Kata its stupid term as always.
I was going through his bio right now and I have seen Sphere,Equilibrium,The Recruit,Ultraviolet,Street Kings and Total Recall.
I dont remember much in his early titles especially ultraviolet and rectuit.

How could you make something worse than the live action movies?

The monster had redundancy systems even if she took out the main hear it would still be alive.

Someone must be a big fan of Equilibrium.

>main head*

Glad we established she accomplished nothing but billions in property damage.

John Wick, not Equilibrium.

Alright RLM, calm down, lad.

Sorry what?

>that breaking bad conversation

Kill me. Only the first 5 games were ever good. The 5th being number resident evil 4.

>John Wick

That Leon scene against the zombies was John Wick as fuck

I have only played the original one from 1997.
It was "things I know" for me,and I recognize that guy from RE4.

>I have only played the original one from 1997.

That and 2 are all you need, the other 3 i'm talking about are merely decent if you loved old resident evil. Every single film has been a disgrace, I haven't paid attention at all since the first one.

I have seen all movies I believe but I dont remember much of them except the first one and recently I watched the Final Chapter.
So I though thank god this is over only to come to Sup Forums and find out that there are already talks for rebooting the franchise.
China is a hell of a drug.

That's sock

This is what RE directors thought the fans wanted more of in RE. Remember when RE was just a spooky little Frankenstein story?

Sup Forums was a mistake

He killed those people through pure neglicgence, that was fucked up.

Also that grenade was really unneeded.

>He killed those people through pure negligence
I said the exact same thing while watching it,guess he is too bad as to take responsibility.


Haven't watched it yet but everything I've seen has indicated it will be more Resident Evil than RE7.

In before the RE7 defense force projects their buyer's remorse into slavish praise and immediate dismissal of my opinion.

Current fans do.
The fanbase you're talking about was left behind over a decadr ago, keep up.

settle down, leon wick

This shit is the continuation of Degeneration and RE6. Nothing good about it, only worth seeing because how stupid it is or for ''the irony''

That said, the extreme collateral damage the heroes do this time cracked me up in this.

this is actually cool though

>said no one over the age of 17 ever

>being this boring

dont worry, if everything goes well you'll grow out of it in only a few years

I hope i never do.

That's alright, not everyone is perfect.

i can see that

I doubt that.


Is this supposed to be Milla Jovovich

yes i think so


your a fucking no-fun allowed pleb if you think equilibrium isn't kino as fuck

Fuck her in particular

there were better scenes for her titties but nothing really that good, very disappointing for a slutty russian leather dominatrix in a hentai

*confiscates your waifu*