
it better not be another shit mobile game. My hope is sg-1 blueray remaster or something

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I want an atlantis wrap-up movie at the very least.

Please no edgy series that completely misses the point of the original and also rehashes concepts used in the original fucking spinoff (Atlantis).

by the time anything releases it will have been almost a decade since any new stargate was being shown.

trust me, we are getting a dead soulless reboot that will kill the franchise

What if its a continuation of the original movie continuity?

They didn't agree with the direction the series took and had a different direction they wanted to take it in.

they said the reboot is dead now, at least the reboot movies that roland emmerich was going to shit out. ID died so stargate won't be destroyed by a reboot


SG1 and Atlantis surpassed the Emmerich movie.

lol guys..come on. Stop being so hopeful.

1. No way they continue the television franchises
2. No way they reboot the television franchises
3. The original movie isn't too old to have sequels
4. ID was always more popular than Stargate, so it would be easier to reboot
5. Any SG team will now have a black, tranny, muslim and at least be half female


What did he mean by this?

independence day, also by Emmerich. I didn't spell it out because its already been mentioned in the thread

I have read the original books, i's shit
There are midgets protecting Earth with super weapons
They relocate the Abidos people to Earth giving them stuff, then sending them to a shitty planet with tigermen

all the sources say "next chapter" which implies not a reboot. nerdgeist.com/2017/07/05/stargate-is-returning-to-san-diego-comic-con/

the reboot is also officially dead, Also why would they call it Stargate Command which was going to be the name of the series of SG-1 season 9+, but they decided to keep the sg-1 name last minute.
My guess it's either going to be as netflix series because brad wright has been successful with it, or another shit mobile game like unleash with the cast doing voices.

New series post disclosure

Actually I'm wrong. If they got RDA's fat nogunz liberal ass into shape, and got the other cast members back on board, they could do a good story like originally planned about the Stargate program going public and O'Neill trying to accept being a global hero.

The time lapse could serve well, show our progress and such. But it could only work as direct to dvd, it would never survive in the theaters.

Face it, Stargate was never really THAT popular, but had a very strong loyal fanbase that allowed it survive for so long. After it felt betrayed by universe and the numbers trickled down they pulled the plug on the entire franchise.

This isn't star trek or star wars, they can't slap the franchise name on the film and make a semi-decent profit.

Something like Battlestar Galactica?

Didn't they get money and/or massive discounts on using military staff and equipment because of the incredibly positive depiction of the air force?

you mean because it' based on a real space portal and they wanted to do what in universe they did with wormhole x-treme

i think so, at least that's how they got to use a real sub for continuum, and not have to use shit CGI for it

I heard they're getting French Stewart back for the reboot, so everything should be fine.

>tfw the announcement is actual irl disclosure of the stargate program

dubs confirm

its the mmo

God, or should I Satan, please no. Not another fucking video game. We want new show that continues in the timeline

>mobile game
worse it'll be lego dimensions
Satan confirmed

To be fair, it was popular enough to warrant a spin off, which itself was popular enough to last, what, 7 seasons?


I only care about SG-1

Atlantis and Universe combined had 7 seasons


I don't know If I would like another series, Discovery looks like shit

>Everyones waiting at Comic Con for the big panel
>Suddenly the SG-1 music starts playing, people get hyped
>The entire SG-1 Original cast comes walking out, people cheer and high five each other
>The cast members sit down, the producer takes the mic
>"Nice to see a lot of Stargate fans here today, today…. we are announcing, the new SG-1 series, introducing, the next generation of SG-1!" crowd claps, some cheering
>Producer motions to the side, as the Ghostbusters 2016 cast walks on stage, dressed in SG-1 jumpsuits
>The hall goes deathly silent
>Jeb Bush jumps on to the stage "Please clap."
>People start to file out silently, make their way to the roof
>People start throwing themselves from the top floor.

desu I'm hoping for a new series...
I swear I'll go apeshit if it's another shitty mobile game.

Please No! That's how Josef Mozilla killed the series. Normal folks, you know actual fans, pissed all over Josef Mozilla forcing a dyke relationship between Keller and some military dyke degenerate scum. But honest to goodness decent normal moral folks, you know, the righteous. Told Josef Mozilla to shove that degenerate sick shit that only 4% of the population engages in up his demonic fag enabling ass. But Josef Mozilla, a cultural Marxist disciple, became so butt hurt he moved to have Atlantis cancelled. Now SciFi had previously dropped the ball by canceling SG1, which was their most expensive enterprise in order to shoe horn in Pain Killer Dyke and Flesh Gordon using SG1's budget. PKD were about dykes so no one watched that shit, and Flesh Gordon was dumber, lamer, and more corny than Saban's Power Rangers; see Flesh Gordon's Hawk Man Episode: don't do so with a gun because you might shoot yourself:-I'm not joking. Needless to say, dyke got cancelled and flesh got canned, so SciFi was a bit more cautious. Of course Josef Mozilla didn't care and SGA got the boot and Josef Mozilla and his coconspirators replaced family hour with degenerate programming and of course the classic fans walked away and SGU got canceled. Since then a new era, an indoctrinated populace took over. SciFi and other forums blocked and banned thousands of us who were traditionalists. And the age of the cultural Marxist sjws began. Even dark matter has faggots, it took Josef Mozilla nearly three seasons to show his true self and alas, the demon reared his ugly head.
I too fear it will have fags and dykes and trannies even though these subhuman animals are less than 4% of the population. We need a return to traditionalists values.

>tfw no titty monster leather clad tok'ra gf

I saw gameplay of that unleashed mobile game, doesnt look bad, just made me want to play it

I thought I couldn't care less but then you said mobile games.

The cast:
Colonel Jazz Jenner: A black mtf tranny who put up with unbelievable amounts of discrimination in the airforce

Major Khaleesi Washington: Strong black independent woman, tells Goa'uld Egyptian gods that her ancestors were true Egyptian gods

Ali Ahmed Ali Ali Mohammed: A syrian refugee who serves as a cultural guide for the team, pointing out the richness of non-white cultures.

it's bad

>It's a white people leave earth episode

How long would it go before brown people would be trying to immigrate New Haven?

On second thought, maybe, if we're lucky the north Koreans might just Nuke Hollywood killing all Cultural Marxist yet remarkably, all traditionalists will miraculously be unscathed.

it's more stargate content which I like, I don't watch stuff for the memes

>I want an atlantis wrap-up movie at the very least.

i thought they wrapped Atlantis up. wraith heading for Earth, wraith defeated. bing bang boom.

>someone was autistic enough to make a Stargate SG-1 SGA and SGU leather compilation video

please wrap-up sg universe

new series, git

is it you?

i'd rather have no content, than shit content. Anything that comes out now won't be as good as sg-1 or sga, even if they got everyone who worked on it back. I'd rather have sg-1 bluerays with remastered effects so the early seasons match up better to the rest, like what they did to the pilot.
they are but in comic book form

The beat that one super hive ship but Atlantis was now stuck in San Francisco bay with Todd on board.

Still a fuck ton of Wraith left, evil asguardians, and etc. Left in the pegusus galaxy

I'm not a nerd I don't read comic books or tie-in fantasy books.

>Watches stargate
>is not a nerd
Pick only one

SG-1 is the most normie scifi show there is. It's got fucking macgyver. It's a stoner classic.

>timed tutorial mission
that's beyond a sin of game design

Didn't the asuran replicator plot thread get wrapped up? They fucking uploaded themselves into a never ending subspace nightmare because they thought it would be like ascension.

>SG-1 is the most normie scifi show there is

you delusional moron

name one

Doctor Who :^)

>Normies sci-fi
You sure you're not stoned right now? Star wars and trek are normies, meaning normal everyday people have general knowledge what it is. Sg1 is in the realm of Farscape, Babylon 5, etc.
A good way to find out how cancerously Normie a show is is how many times it gets mentioned on Big Bang Theory

>that farscape parody in episode 200
>dat blue skinned amanda tapping
>the director of wormhole extreme says he's never heard of it before

I don't know a single male who's ever watched or talked about this show. Isn't it for teenage girls?
>You sure you're not stoned right now?
I am smoking a joint as I'm typing this.
> Star wars and trek are normies
Star wars is normie but it's not even scifi. Ignoring that trek is NOT fucking normie. Regular people associate Star Trek with the comic book guy from Simpsons. They do stargate too, but just because of the "star" and because it sounds like Star Trek.
However among young adult males it has a cult status as the show where Macgyver shoots aliens. It's a comfy procedural show anyone can watch when it was (is) on tv at around midnight. Only comic book guy nerds go out of their way to find rips of some 70s hippie show about intergalactic friendship and long eared elf aliens.>Sg1 is in the realm of Farscape, Babylon 5, etc.
Pretty close I admit. Babylon 5 is nerdier though.
>A good way to find out how cancerously Normie a show is is how many times it gets mentioned on Big Bang Theory
I have never seen more than 20 seconds of the Big Bang theory so I'm not familiar with this measurement.

I know youre being funny. I'm no that guy, but don't ever bring up Dr who again. That shit died a long time ago. May all the SJWs who saw to it that it get infected with aids be force fed the foulest shit imaginable.

Doctor Who indeed

>the 100
>mr robot

the list goes on

how the fuck is dexter, got or some capeshit "scifi"?

>I have never seen more than 20 seconds
It's still more than anyone should watch luckily they're some brain dead people who are still able to use keyboards who do watch it and have categorize references.

>you can tell whenever its a chris judge directed episode because suddenly its all about teal'c being a fucking badass

The first time I was curious. As for the rest I was being polite.
As for the rest you're just listing random shit people watch on Netflix when they've run out of stuff to watch. the 100? fringe? mr robot? Which of these shows has spawned 17 seasons of television, 3 movies including a major hollywood production and an animated series? Don't forget the movie did well with general audiences.

>google mgm
>second link tells you what it is
>there are people trying too guess it still on 4chins

No one is saying it wasn't successful. Just saying it isn't Normie shit everyone knows about.

>they are but in comic book form
Non-canon. Just some random publisher that was able to pick up the license and put a random writer on it. Mullie and Mallozzi are not involved at all, the writer just took their abandoned pitches for Atlantis and Universe movies and ran with them.

Is this true?

All the site says is there will be an announcement FROM Stargate command on the 20th. For all we know stargate command is just a gimmick for the panel

I bet it's about the comic that wraps up SGU

holy shit you are beyond help.

All google says is that the movie reboot series is on hold as of 2016. Meme harder.

Is it more normie then trek?


Fucking commie jew fuck

>the next generation of SG-1
there was always a possibility for that. It felt they kinda tried something like that already in season 5


that is from 2014 you weeb, the reboot movie is cancelled/on hold because ID2 didn't make any money. You would know that if you read the thread

wasn't SGU suppose to be the next generation, with a younger, edgier cast?

If it's a new show or a new movie or anything big you don't even want it in the current cultural landscape. SGU that devoted more time to space lesbians than to gates was a sign of the times coming

wast sga the next generation? and sgu was voyager

i need this to be good announcement.

Stargate always reminded me of innocent, fun shows like Hercules, Andromeda, Xena, shit, even The Relic Hunter... Just good clean cheesey fun.

If brad wright is still involved, I'll have some hope. He's the one who put a stop to weird feminism "women in man's world" stuff from the beginning from season 1 like the ep hathor, and actually made them into characters. Travelers which is his newest netflix series doesn't really have that either, but i haven't watched it all yet, so i might be wrong, if anyone want's to point that out

I love how later episodes rip the piss out of Carter's sexual organs line.

I remember reading somewhere that they were going to end the SGU story after the 3 year travel with a comic series

Maybe if it is something different they are going to make a two part miniseries to finish it, like Farscape did. The problem is that they sold the props and dismantled the sets so it would be expensive ,quite a possible no-no

Mozilla killed SGA so he could have more minorities and fags.

>everyone knows about.
No, but compared to other sci-fi (excluding star wars) it's among to normiest which is all I said.

don't forget the disabled

The comic won't wrap up the story, the authors said it would just be about Eli figuring out a way to fix the damaged pod.

gib 10/10 post-disabeld computer gf

>not having a cute goauld gf
why live

>tfw no qtpie carter

But user remember her balls are on the inside.

i loved sg1 and Atlantis, would i even like sgu? idk heard bad things ages ago so i didn't bother

If dubs we get a new series.
Teal'c will be a quirky woman.

Speaking as a long time SG-1 fan, SGU was great. Check it out for yourselves and don't let the haters do your thinking for you.

Hoping for a new series but to be honest I would 100% settle for HD remasters.

It takes a long time to get somewhat good... and then it ends

its shit, don't waste your time.