You hear a tapping at your window. It's late and you wonder what could be making that noise...

You hear a tapping at your window. It's late and you wonder what could be making that noise. You cautiously open the blinds. It's Batman. He screams at you from behind the glass, "Work on your art!" What do you do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Wonder how batman tapped on my window when I'm living in a nuclear fallout bunker 30ft below the surface

I show him this animation I did, I guess. Trying to get back into animation.

Ok I have, like, a question or something. Don't laugh. Are there brush settings or something I can use to color lineart that, like, isn't on its own layer above the background? If you tell me I have to color inside the lines I'm just going to fucking kill myself.

Here's some other stuff. This I believe is a lizard of some sort that just finished eating a cow.

You're keeping your proportions consistent, which is excellent.

However, it's missing some fluidity. Right now, she's going from one pose to the other, almost gliding across the screen. This is a full-body motion, which means she should be using her hips more. Trying shifting her waist to the right before the rest of the body, and have it "drag" the body along with it.

That hip movement will also create something important- when the upper half of the body is being dragged into place, it should dip down a bit before coming back up again when she settles. This is a nice arc movement that can make it feel more natural and alive.

Do you mean you're looking to color without covering the linework, or coloring the linework itself? Both are possible.

This here is a ᵗʷᵒ ᵐᵒnᵗʰˢ ˡᵃᵗᵉ sketch I'm doing it for a sorority or something.

>color without covering the linework
Yes this one. Tell me please.

What program are you using? Most drawing programs come with the ability to arrange layers by clicking and dragging. If that's the case for you, then simply place a new layer underneath your lineart layer. This only works when it's just lineart on a layer with a transparent background. If you are trying to color lineart that's on an opaque layer, check your blend mode options. You can create a new layer and set it to "multiply," which allows you to color white spaces without obscuring the lineart.

Excellent. Much appreciated.

I want ot buy a tablet for the first time and I was wondering if pic related was a good option. If not , wich ones are the best option ?

Wacoms generally tend to be good investments. While I don't have the tablet pictured, it could suit you fine. Keep in mind though, there are lots of tablets from them out there at a fairly low price range. I have the Intous Medium (CTH680), which I like because the pen has a built in eraser.

I'll go out on a limb and say if its wacom then its probably a good buy.

Have been drawing a lot of Robin pics lately.

Doing spare time doodles in Flash in between work hours.

I show him this.

But can he beat Batman (with preptime)?

I also leaned this in a Batman thread.

BUT IM SHIT, BATMAN! I dont have a tablet but even if i did, owning one wouldnt magically make me better. Give me a tip, batman, anything

i remember that animated short it was great

good job

Although, he is outwardly cool, Darkling is anxious and over-eager to prove himself. I think he might, at best, and scape from Batman.

>Escape from Batman.

Gestures. Figure drawing sessions. General practice.

Okay, I just did Loomis for an hour. Not ready to post yet, but you got me going, Batman.

Show him this a peace offering.

Tried my hand at using screen tones. Might not be my thing.

Yeah I know. I just kinda did it as a quick test. Haven't animated anything in ten years. Was really just testing to see if I still had "the knack".

I'm interested in getting back into actual animation, especially since I'm living in L.A. and worked at a couple of animation studios last year.

But these threads don't last and I never get feedback.

I think a finer grain on the shading for the dragon would be better.

Something I did yesterday. I kind of wish I had a better grasp of some fun perspective angles and focal points so I could make some interesting pieces with nice characters. (my color theory could also use quite a bit of work. I always feel I should do some speed paintings in photoshop or something to get some mojo back but I get very bored with landscapes/settings)

Needs better flow. The speed of the animation is a bit weird, and the flow makes it look stuff. The frames aren't exactly bad but think more about the motion itself. Maybe add a flex to the final string so she's just not swinging into that pose but also actually flexing her muscles.

Take this criticism with a grain of salt however. I'm not an animator by any means.

Post. I'll give you feedback to the best of my ability. to be honest /ic/ is way better for that case.

That thing reminds me more of a pangolin. Lizard scales aren't that pronounced.

I'm supposing he was trying to do one of these. However you're still right. The back of them is not particularly pronounced, atleast from the images I've seen.

It could also be an armadillo lizard but they're a bit more uniformed.

I might give that a shot. Thanks.

Yeah its suppose to be an armadillo lizard. They're pretty spiky i guess.

Armadillo lizards are more flat rectangles than spikes for their back. They really only jut out when they take position.

>tfw catching my last good night of sleep before working all day and all night most likely through one very long uninterrupted coffee fueled stupor this weekend to draw a comic teaser, three storyboards, three folders of concept art for said storyboards, two scripts, one unfinished painting comission, and a bunch of audio editing
>all of which needs to be done and finished with by monday

Pray for me, my soul may be shattered

Well shit I'm not a lizard biologist. If my cousin notices I'll just say "Artistic license. Go away."

Where are you working? Or atleast have any examples of your work? Just curious. Either way, good luck.

Just some criticism. Even if you were to keep those spikes center I would vary the line width and opacity possibly for center lines if you're not planning to take it further than lineart.

Working at a call center m8, literally all of it is work on my own projects and collaborations. Only just now got a schedule change that let's me get balls deep into it.

This is the protagonist of the comic.

Oi, that's nice. Going to uni doesn't allow for much time to do anything, and if you do decide to skip on your schedule you end up behind in classes, so I kind of know that feeling.

Your style and colors feels familiar... I like it though. That's a pretty abrasive looking MC.

I just quit my call center job. The other option was suicide.

>tfw Procrastinating
>Sat here with my paper and pencil for 3 hours just browsing Sup Forums
Just kill me Batman. I'm not gonna make it.

drew this yesterday, whatchyu guys think?

Very flat(like a cardboard cutout) and beginner. I would not apply such a (for lack of a better term) wicked background with such colors and things, it's actually making your drawing look flatter than it actually is.

yeah i was not being serious with those backgrounds haha, just slapped some photos down

>i personally wouldn't use such, excuse my language, "wicked rad" background choiced

I will definitely think more about that stuff when I do my next animation test.

I've got plans, but I need to get the gears spinning again. Fortunately I feel much more confident as an artist than I did in college.

The background is far too distracting, and kinda nauseating I'm sorry to say.

The character isn't too bad though.

Skeleton character I have.

i wanna FUCK that skeleton

i would also be satisfied with eating cookies it baked

If she's a skeleton, how did her thighs get so thicc?

zombie thighs ala meat still on the bone?

One more!

I'd bury my bone in her graveyard, if you catch my drift.

Shitty fanart incoming

I have it to replace my old broken Bamboo. It just works, and while I have the small version, medium has the best price out of the bigger Wacom ones.

So, out of curiosity, what do you all think about her based on the design alone? What sort of personality would you think she has? Occupation? Interests? What works about the design? What doesn't? Anything you would change?

a homely friendly skeleton who, on first impression, probably scared a lil' kid. But after getting to know her for a while(the skeleton not the lil' kid), turned out to be pretty good company to be with

ask him how to deal with these kinds of Jokers

Reminds me of the "supernatural creepy/scary neighbor who is actually a really nice person" trope (not that this is a bad thing though). Also amazing ass + tights.

Hidden Signature?
Is it really that big a problem for you? Does it really matter outside people you can actually call out on that kind of shit?

That's pretty much what I'm going for! Aside from why she's got thighs and a butt, do you all have any questions about her?

Aside from gardening, what does she do? Like daily life stuff.

>I'm living in a nuclear fallout bunker 30ft below the surface

That's a normal sentence.

I feel like she'd probably have a doting, motherly personality that she can't fully express because oh God she's an animated skeleton brandishing a small gardening hoe run away.

She's clearly interested in gardening. Past that... Home decor? Like, craftsmanship-wise, maybe?

I think you might have explained this like a month ago, but what exactly is her whole deal? Does she remember anything at all before just poofing back to life? Or does she only know her assumed name and that she likes to garden? Has she developed any interests, or made any friends with the living since coming to life?


She's the bones of a woman named Vivian Baumgarter. It's not amnesia, it's just that she's a completely new consciousness that popped into existence.

She's mostly interested in living comfortably, which can be difficult due to almost everyone in her small town being freaked out by her. Its also no help that the previous Vivian was not a good person, and is largely disliked by the town. She feels the need to prove that she's her own person.

I'm thinking of doing some comissions. What do you guys think as far as pricing? I don't want to low ball myself.

Could you post some of your work? Preferably work that you would consider "commission quality"?

Time Taken X Minimum Wage at the very least.
Do a commission-level illustration and see how long it takes you.

Take a look at other artists with a similar level of skill and see what they're charging.

Hi, I have been meaning to gift an art tablet to my gf people has told me that the Wacom Intuos is good and cheap but I really don't understand to much about it what would be the best buy (taking on mind that she has never make digital dawings)


>What do you do?
Start working on my art. It's goddamn Batman. What else could you do?