What does Sup Forums think of Christina Hendricks?

What does Sup Forums think of Christina Hendricks?

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Tough, cute, I'd stick it up her poop chute.

Not much, i'm lactose intolerent


What other titcow could take her on in a boob-off? Seems almost like she's in her own weight class.

I think I should be the bull to her husband's cuck.

I like how she looks like a fleshy inflatable.

She needs to stop shaving her legs, pits, belly, nipples, asshole, and everything else.

hmmmmm... yes quite... is that... i daresay... a hint of nipple my dear?

Disgusting under that one inch layer of makeup. Tits are gross with veins everywhere and areolas the size of dinner plates. Smells of talcum powder.

how is she allowed to get away with this?

wasn't there a big to-do about how titty monsters are discriminated against for TV/movie roles?

She was decent in Mad Men but often overrated. As far as the titcow thing, she never birthed and calves and is likely barren by now. There never was and never will be any milky.


hint: if you suck 'em enough, milk will come out

It is a fucking travesty, a mark on mankind, that we will never see those village feeders bare.

Thanks for the tip user. As a human dairy farmer, I am well aware of this. She is 42. Her only real value is to sell her off to a halal butcher for cutter/can grade meat.

Isn't she going to age out soon? Why doesn't she take as much work as she can get while she is prime mommy?

>no pov titfuck vids


yes there is

Disgusting titcow

More pics pls

literal homosexual

This sounds about right

this pic is peak christina

t. Fat virgin thinking every woman has to have giant disgusting udders to be sexy because his Chinese inflating fetish comics say so

t. closet homosexual

you just reminded me I needed to photoshop those juice cartons into milk cartons

t. homosexual

She should make JOI mommy videos

>veins everywhere and areolas the size of dinner plates

projecting homosex,sad!


yeah I want to see her give nurturing handjobs while her massive tits sway gently until they get covered with 7 days worth of man goo

are you into milkplay?

never thought about it but it looks comfy

handjob+breastfeed is top tier


>me what does Sup Forums think of her le 'body of work xd


bonjour reddit

*A challenger appears*

When you need an absurd photoshop to challenge the titqueen, you know there are no contenders.

It's the only way to make it fair





Christina "Titlet Nightmare" Hendricks

She hasn't even begun to peak

they definitely are though

Ariel winter if she hadn't fucked her shit up


Ho w do women with huge breasts reconcile with the fact that men are literally fucking programmed to look at them?

Like, you have to make a concerted effort to not look at her tits in this webm. Your eyes are naturally drawn to them.

I looked at her eyes

It's ok, user, being gay isn't a crime anymore.

Sauce me up, senpai.

Based Glennis

Her boobs get the spotlight but people forget her ass sometimes.

Nah son, tittyfuck or gtfo

can we take some of her dna for cloning

Trust me I don't forget it


If you look close enough you can see the entire outline of her nipples those things are bursting at the seams

a lot of them cover them up if they catch a guy they dont want to look looking at them

that has to suck though to always do that

While big, she still wouldn't have been close


If you look close enough you'd know that was fake you fucking autist cunt

Notice the cowbell photoshopped in? No? Holy fucking shit


When she takes a shower, she slings her breasts over her shoulder to wash her stomach.

>that fucking waist belt

She 100% knows what she's doing, holy hell

look up pictures of Hendricks when she was her age pre JUST
ariel would have been the ultimo tittymonster


She looked 10/10 in Drive

>you will never fuck her tits and cum on her glasses

the cowbell is verry fitting

>noone has made a webm of hendricks getting fucked in Bad Santa 2


I'd rather cum into her armpits.

Womans titties grow trough her life. If she was already that big at 16, at 30 or god help 40 they would have been freakish.


him fucking the fattie in the bar toilet was a hotter scene

Isn't breast milk able to be a carrier for HIV?

Why would someone need to alter that which is already perfect?


That and many other diseases. There is a beautiful hooker here that is offering nursing but I am too scared to try it.


It would be cute.

do not do it. I remember reading about this in college. One of the few opportunities when you would be literally swallowing diseases by the mouthful.
NO user!

She's just going to end up a fatty though, so it's a moot point

Literally perfect, if only she didn't shave.

"Moo" point

she used to be skinny and have tiny tits

Mia Zarring

They wear revealing clothing and then complain on facebook about how men are pigs that should be castrated

Am I banned

manfaced tranny with linebacker shoulders desu

she obviously needs upper body strength user

>me on the left

some of them just cut them off

