Thoughts on Tim Heidecker?

Thoughts on Tim Heidecker?

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i'm glad he calls out Sup Forumstard neet faggots like the ones that populate this board.


Stop looking for validation on the internet, Tim

Every time I see him, his bloated alcoholic face gets worse.


Is this the new image you'll be spamming everyday, Sup Forums reject from Sup Forumsedit

TV Sheriff rip off

is useless without Eric.


That's the kind of response i'd expect from Tim

I'll never forgive him for wasting airtime on adult swim.

he fight the insecure white males with fragile egos like on this board


More like Cuck Cuckdecker lmao

hes a funny guy

He seems like an ok guy. He's not funny to me but he keeps getting work in show buisness so i guess he is entertaining to someone

better than eric who is fully cucked by his annoying sjw trust fund gf

Dumb nigger.

Call me Sup Forums if you want, but I'm unable to find him as funny knowing his "real" opinions. He kinda acted like a baby because of some message board losers, I thought this dude was edgy?

Hi Tim!


I hope you are joking user. It was so very very clearly a joke yet autistic neets just couldnt accept this

Seems like every time he does something and gets backlash he pulls the ITS A PRANK card. I just think he's a pussy

who is his gf?

that's just what white people look like after 23, mang.

At least they aren't black.