The Snowman Trailer

(From the director of Let the Right One In)

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will never be able to take this seriously because of

>Michael Fassbender as Detective Harry Hole


Norwegian name

> From the director of Let the Right One In
Tinker Tailor is better movie though

looks fucking retarded
>and they call him... ... ... the SNOWMAN

it's the bald guy!

The Snowman Killer*

How is the book? I was looking forward to the film especially because of Fass and Alfredson but the trailer looks pretty bad.

The killer will be J K Simmons

lol, the tranny from Sense8 is in this.



I've been waiting for this one. Alfredson is an incredible filmmaker and I'm so happy to see him going back to the wintry settings of Let the Right One In.

That's a strong cast, too. Should be great.

Does she play Mrs Harry Hole?

Fassbender is the killer,he's got multiple personality disorder,calling it right fucking now

is this an unofficial sequel to pic related?



>Tomas Alfredson
>Detective story

I'm really ok with this

Why not Fergusson? Are you sexist?

oh i hope not. that story trope is way too overused nowadays.
i really wished mr. robot in season one wouldn't do it but they actually fucking did it.

This is close enough, it's the biggest red herring in the film.

Read the book if you want to find out the identity of the killer

i remember something about the killer punishing women who cucked their husbands...
Sup Forums & Sup Forums are gonna love this movie.

>killing women he disapproves of

Is he the grand wizard of the Thot Patrol?

having read the wiki, all I know is that it isn't Fassbender or Fergusson, although both of them are suspects at some point because stupid plots.
whoever wrote the copy for wiki gives a detailed enough summary up until the finale which is "Harry, prompted by a chance comment by someone else, figures out the true murderer and exonerates the girl he likes" and I'm deeply irritated that the whole thing sounds so terrible and cliche but they try and hide the conclusion of this rat's nest.
I wouldn't be reading wiki spoilers if I didn't want spoilers. Just tell me your stupid fucking conclusion to your shitty crime novel full of mary sues.

>(From the director of Let the Right One In)
the good one or the American one?

>tfw this isn't a young jeezy autobiography

>hairy hole

The movie looks like it will be good but the trailer was pretty shit and almost turns me off of the whole thing. Just they way it was edited and the music makes it look like some kind of January horror movie.

Norwegian here, it's not pronounced as you think. It's actually pronounced Hairy

the killer is his ex-lover's current lover
there's like at least ten fucking red herrings in the book its honestly infuriating

the book wuz good

the good one

Did someone say Snowman?

>no hint who plays Matthias
they better have cast the killer good

>inb4 its Kevin Spacey

then in the planned sequel they scrapped and turned into an original screenplay they can replace Michael Fassbender with Idris Elba and give him psychic powers

it's Val Kilmer

Where is this supposed to be set? Sounds like Fassbender is just doing a English accent. Same with the rest of the cast.

>come into thread to ask if the trailer contains spoilers
>thread contains spoilers

I guess I'll never learn...

I think Norway

Kino Christmas movie

I just hope it has the same aesthetic as Fincher's Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Okay here goes:

The book is actually like nr 8 I think in a series about this detective. He is a hardcore alcoholic who gets into certain other drugs at various points. He looks like shit and there is this recurring theme of him getting mutilated in some degree in most books, so he becomes increasingly rough looking.

The book ties into a lot of older stuff and it was particularly violent and aesthetic in a sense. It makes a lot of sense that they chose this out of all the books which all lead into each other and are connected with a lot of references. It is one of the best in the series and it is really visual so it translates to film.