She did literally nothing wrong. Bring her back right the fuck now

She did literally nothing wrong. Bring her back right the fuck now.


She didn't even give the Friendos a chance to Call It. It wasn't right.

She was perfectly in the right until she hulked out and tried to beat the shit out of a tiny fleshy version of her old leader. Go home tumblr

She'll be back. She's in the commercial break bumpers.

Even though there is a 1% chance, I hope Steven meets a gem that cannot be befriended. I want it to kick him in the balls.

Aside from being a murderous black communist?

>killing people who are trying to murder you
>not self defense

>Rose wanted to save the gems that where still under control of Home World
>this crazy bitch just wanted to kill them all
It's funny to think that Rose was winning the war without her crazy killing weapons

jasper did that

She took it to the point where she was trying to kill a kid who disagreed with her and seemingly tried to do to the same to Rose.
But this being Sup Forums, I'm sure it's already being spun that Rose jumped Bismuth.

no such thing as a good war, kiddo.

Steven told her about how most of the Gems he meets tries to kill him before he befriends them, she's really just following status quo really.

She wasn't necessarily wrong. But she sure as hell wasn't in the right. The Break Point would've needlessly escalated the conflict, even though it probably would've indeed given the CGs an advantage for being able to one shot enemies. Honestly, I feel like she was at least partially projecting her hatred of the upper crust into the cause.

Either way, it's a complex issue with no easy answers.


Rose would never use a weapon that could shatter a gem, but even if she did...

>Rose decides to use the breaking point
>the win a few easy battles
>they caught the attention of the diamonds
>they use the corruption blast and BTFO the earth

>Rose bubbles bismuth
>the same exact thing happens except that no homeworld gems die at the hands of the CG

I feel like she'll come back eventually, but it feels weird to have a 22 minute episode and make this huge reveal and have her in the bumpers, even, just for her to be bubbled again. On the other hand I guess it's a bit much to expect her to be a new permanent member of the CGs, but she's gotta come back eventually.

>Nigger needlessly tries to escalate the conflict
>Wants to genocide her own race to protect another
>Would have gotten them all killed when home world regrouped, copied and improved upon their new lethal weapon

Rose did nothing wrong by putting her down

so where are the steven as george zimmerman or dressed as a cop edits

It's been literally hours

Give it some time, user, she's going to have her redemption arc eventually

Steven Universe is clever enough about audience expectations that it feels like the bumpers were a way of making it seem like Bis was more a permanent fixture than she is. Simply put, they were fucking with you.


there's this

In SU you can incapacitate someone indefinitely without permanent damage. Doing this is as easy if not easier as killing them. Bismuth designs a weapon explicitly to kill and not incapacitate. Self defense arguments are fucking stupid because in SU you basically have to go out of your way to kill someone.



They didn't win shit, user. They SURVIVED. Everyone they know is dead, and Homeworld is still up and running. They only left because they thought the cluster would finish them off.

there may or may not be a new episode tomorrow depending if the whole Canada thing is true or not, and can you really call a weekend a "hiatus"?

God, I remember when the first and early second seasons were running. So many anons saying...

>Lapis won't be relevant again
>Peridot won't be relevant again
>Jasper won't be relevant again
>There will be no new re-occuring gems because this show will be status quo like Adventure Time

what canada thing?

Bullshit, he didn't even try to befriend her. That's actually unusual for him and I suspect it's purely because he likes Lapis.
He needs to realize that they both did wrong and they both suffered, it's not just one abuser and one victim.

I think Rose just bubbled her because she had clearly gone senile thinking that shitty weapon was any use whatsoever and she served her purpose better as a martyr. What good is a weapon that slowly and methodically kills a single individual when the enemy out-numbers you a thousand to one?

I did say "was winning" and not just "winning"
Cuz you know, someone thought it was a good idea drop a Gem nuke on them

Technically gems don't even die, so Bismuth wouldn't really be killing anyone.

Well, the first time they met she basically killed one of his friends in front of him and then smashed his face

Canada airs beta on friday, while they'll air it in a two episode block in the US on monday.

I'm not saying she's never coming back, just that the bumpers were meant to make her look a lot more prominent than she will be.

is she Rosie O Donald or Whoopi Goldberg

>can poof gems easily
>Bismuth wanted to shatter them for no other reason than to be an edglelord

Gems die when their gems are shattered. Bismuth's weapon is for exactly that.

Best TV Dad

Yeah, she'd just be slicing them up into a bunch of shards. Which we've seen in their conscious form are barely sentient semi person severed limb creatures that spend an eternity seeking to make themselves whole again to escape the agony of being broken. That's much better than killing them.

Doesn't mean you can't win it.


It's 4 weeks of steven. We are one week 3. We have one more week.


So they're going with the Netflix model then? Release an entire season all at once (more or less). Well it's better than the bomb model, but I still prefer the standard.

Star Wars was pretty great.

I was actually agreeing with you. Should've been more specific with my point. I mean that characters like Peridot/Lapis were downplayed in promotional material up until the very point where they became central characters.

It figures they'd do the opposite for Bismuth.

>upgrades all your fucking weapons
>gets bubbles up again without thanks


The show acknowledges this and is bringing her back.

The trident was a poor upgrade. A spear is way more ideal for killing.

Even if he does he'll just bubble it.
That's what bothered me about Bismuth, she knew Rose well but apparently not well enough to know she's never support a shattering weapon when a perfect eternal imprisonment system exists and it isn't actually any more difficult than shattering.

a cross-lugged spear would've been a perfect upgrade, though. All the focused stabbiness of the original model with less chance of being intractably stuck in something (or someone).

When you can poof your weapon and reform it, it doesn't seem like getting it stuck is a real issue.


That brown chick has terrible makeup.

But user, if we aren't willing kill our enemies in a war against space nazis for our freedom and to save a planet who are more than willing to kill us, it wouldn't be nice! Won't somebody look out for the well-being of the planet-destroying tyrants we're fighting!?

>did literally nothing wrong

People keep saying "Killing them in self defense is ok" but this isn't a perfect mirror to real life. They can basically "kill" them without ending their life by bubbling them. Nothing like that exists in real life.

she a qt 22/7

>ugly as fuck dyke
>did nothing wrong
Her entire existence is wrong.

It takes a second or two to recall a weapon that way, and in battle that's a second or two where you're a sitting duck. On top of that, it's pretty much like having to reload a sword after every few swings. Might as well be using a shotgun at that point.

Yeah, Jasper deserves shattering desu.

The thing though is that the Homeworld soldiers themselves aren't the ones at fault. Rose wanted to teach the enemy gems that they could choose to be different from the roles that had been assigned them. She wanted to win their hearts and free their minds. She wasn't trying to fight their army, she was trying to fight their ideology.

How many of the same people that think they should have wantonly slaughtered their way through the Homeworld ranks are fans of Peridot, Lapis, or Centipeetle? Bismuth would've shattered any of them, given the chance.

Or the bumpers were because this was their first true half hour episode and the bumpers are anime as fuck.

Gems can spawn two weapons. For all it matters, she could leave one spear stuck in them while using the other spear.

Bismol already poofed one of them.

So is this going to be the explanation for how the Crystal Gems get an advantage against Jasper?

These guys get it. You can't poof and bubble a human. You can poof and bubble a gem. Killing a gem serves no real strategic value, Bismuth just wanted to kill, self defense doesn't factor into it because they could already do that.

I don't know why they need one, she's really not that tough. She's gonna have to get a pretty huge power boost from those corrupted gems she's been collecting for it to be believable.

I'm kind of starting to wonder if Homeworld gems rescuing and liberating bubbled comrades was ever a problem in the war. If so, Bismuth wanting to shatter her enemies becomes a lot less stupid and useless. But it's still pointless now that the war is long over.

Forced Fusion

The people complaining about this don't care. They just see Steven Universe "promoting" the message that the oppressed shouldn't commit violence against their oppressors because it's wrong (even though literally nothing in the show has suggested they shouldn't FIGHT, just that they shouldn't KILL) and get all rump-rustled. In their minds the world is becoming a scary place dominated by "fascists" like the boogeyman Donald Trump, so anything that seems to support nonviolent reactions to oppression triggers them. These are people who actually cheer when cops are murdered and categorize comedy as either "punching up" or "punching down".

The fact that the setting of Steven Universe isn't supposed to be some 1:1 duplicate of our own where every message is equally applicable to real world issues is lost on them.

She's arguably the toughest gem they've faced thus far.

She didn't believe in Steven.

Sure but even so Lapis (with water), Stevonne, and Garnet can each take her solo. Everybody just got a powerup too so she's going to have to bring something special to the party.

If you have no taste, sure.

>Literally introduced just to teach a lesson that is constantly pushed throughout the show

SU writers clearly gave up

Stop posting this garbage

They've halted her attacks or driven her off, but never stopped her completely. The Faygo bitch is implacable.

Oh those were the days.

Bismuth wasn't entirely in the wrong for wanting to shatter the homeworld gems. However she is short-tempered and her methods are more brutal than what the Crystal Gems were known for. In case anyone forgot, Honeworld is fusing shards of dead gems together to try and colonize planets with an army of what are essentially zombies. Literally a fate worse than death.

You have to be fucking kidding me. Look, I get this whole genderless space rocks you SUfags love to toss around. But this is a fucking man. There is absolutely nothing feminine about this design.

>Is named Bismuth
>Is Black
Bravo, Sugar.

your efforts are in vain

Could Pearl shoot lasers before the trident? That would be a decent upgrade

and yet, lots of people suddenly disagree with the lesson. almost like it needed to be made more clear.

probably didn't come from the trident, since they were a surprise to Bismuth

Effort for what? I'm just amazed at how ridiculous this show is, and that people here actually think this is acceptable.

I don't think it's too much to ask to keep her around for a week maybe, Meet Lapis and Peridot, fight Jasper. That could add to the conflict of needing to destroy the enemy versus the possibility that they can change. Then just personal Rose shit pushes her into crazy mode ultimately. But one episode even extended or two is just lazy/predictable. I mean at the point when Steven talks about other gems usually trying to kill him everything is obviously headed down the she's a traitor or double agent rout and isn't going to be here that long. But hey, kudos for just being an overzealous soldier instead, that was a neat spin. But the pearl bubbled her for a reason/double agent thing could have been teased out as well over a few episodes. And even if she does come back eventually what are the chances it's not just going to be a centipeeetl episode. She comes back and at best just redeems her past actions by sacrificing herself to save Steven and then is gone again.

Am I really the only one that saw the foreshadowing in this scene?

>She did literally nothing wrong.
She is an extremist who created a weapon that is inferior to all of the weapons that the crystal gems used. She probably would have gotten the earth destroyed because she wanted to be an edgelord.

Think about this
>Rose's sword is said tobe perfect because it instantly poofs a gem slashed by it.
>Just two episodes before that Jasper shrugged off a direct hit from that same sword

They're going to need a lot to get rid of that pest

I think they gonna do a ,oh sure just unbubble me when you need something then put me back under, episode later

Nah, it was pretty obvious.

You are not. It wasn't terribly subtle. Like, the whole episode is building up that something's off about our new friend.

Though I though it was kind of a clever move to have Bismuth participate in slice of life stuff. The HW gems that get turned CG had to be coaxed into it, but Bismuth is an OG Crystal Gem, so she takes to it immediately. It's a nice contrast.

Note: both actions take roughly the same amount of skill/effort.

>poof gems
incapacitate combatants, no longer a threat

>break gems
effectively kill combatant, no longer a threat

One strikes to subdue, one strikes to kill. The 'break' option is a terror weapon, and if widely used, shows willingness to fight a war of extinction.

Hell, you only ever use terror weapons when BOTH sides know you're going to win anyways, and that's to break the will of the defender. Atom bomb vs. land invasion of Japan, being the famous justifiable example.

Ya there is you bleeding heart faggot.

>Implying the writers of SU implied that this character didn't do anything wrong.

This character is literally the anti-theme of the show which is love wins the day, lets make friends with our enemy, and passive resistance is better than lethal force :^).

They aren't going to make this character anything more than just the big bad guy that shouldn't exist because any actual home world levels of antagonist would rip this little entourage of idiots a new asshole. It's a shame but this shitty character which ISN'T EVEN A FUCKING GEM is the most correct person.

>Note: both actions take roughly the same amount of skill/effort.
Actually, breaking a Gem would take significantly more effort. It's a relatively small target, and you have to hit a specific area of their body, while you can apparently poof a Gem with enough damage anywhere.

Not to mention that the Breaking Point is highly impractical as a weapon. It's short-ranged, unwieldy, and requires a mechanical action with every attack, while Rose's Sword is light enough to be wielded by a human child and can quickly cut any foe with any part of its surface area.

On the other hand, after you've poofed a Gem you have to put them in a containment bubble and keep watch over them indefinitely, since a rematerialized healthy enemy combatant is significantly more dangerous than a Gem Shard's disembodied limbs. But that's a relatively minor problem if you're able to defeat them in the first place.

i thought bubbles were stable unless interacted with by an outside force.