Dear White People

So I don't get it, why did this scene erupt into such a big argument?

Other urls found in this thread:

Black people are children who use the word as something to hold over white people's heads and either don't understand context or don't care to.

kek it really is a general now

>why did this scene erupt into such a big argument?
I don't know, nigga. Bad writing?

Because it's satire and everything's exaggerated.

>So I don't get it, why did this scene erupt into such a big argument?

shit if it were me, it woulda been a bigger argument

"i guess it felt kinda weird with you trying to stick your dick down my throat"

and then i woulda pushed him right there

and then i woulda got killed and cannibalized by 30 feral niggas

holy fuck every line of this is so contrived past the first minute

This scene made me angry as fuck holy shit I hate blacks.


>pol boogeymen

Go back there.

>wow u racist bro u cant say dat shit

So after watching this I have gathered:
>group of blacks show up at party
>that are known for being overly sensitive
>guy who owns house
>wants to sing along with his music
>at his party
>they think they can tell him he can't
>think they can control him in his own home

No that's bullshit. And white dude was in the right and so were the cops.

Absolutely. That one guy even had a fucking gun in his pants.

Also the cops entered his house without permission or warrant. This may be handled differently when some anonymous calls in a report at a party, but he should have told them to gtfo.

There is nothing right about pointing a gun at someone in a crowded room. That's more likely to cause a panic than anything and the cop should have lost his job for that.

Literally all black culture is is grievousness towards whitey. Without it, they have nothing.

Cops just know what to expect with blacks. There would be no such thing as a cop that isnt racist after dealing with almost every non white race.

Cry more.


>Buying drugs from blacks I have bought drugs from before
>Ask if I can give them a ride to the mall
>Sure, whatever
>Me, very white metal head looking kid
>Subject of rap gets brought up
>Brag I can rap all of Biggies' Warning
>Dont believe me
>I say I would prove it but I dont want to drop the N bomb
>They laugh in my face
>"Nigga who gives a fuck"
>Proceed to rap flawlessly

A couple weeks later I went to treatment and never saw them again

What a stupid fucking post. I hope you never have to actually meet a black person and have your racist worldview shattered.

>Because it's satire

>Literally just had this thread earlier today
Sup Forums is such trash

Haha looks like you'll need to meet one first. Lets hope its not one of the 3% committing 50+% of all violent crime in America.

It's almost like different people are on at different times and want to discuss things after threads vanish.

Get a life and only see threads once faggot.

I'll do you one better, check the time of the last post in that thread and the time this thread was created.

Idk if some black guy called me a cuck at a party no matter what. I would start some shit.

I've known good black people all my life. Where the fuck are you getting these stupid ass statistics? If you're going to pull numbers out of your ass you'd better show me the evidence.

What if I dont like niggers or Sup Forums?

I'm black and I can say this shit is pure cringe lol I would say depending on the background of Blacks you get different outcomes, black guy from the hood if he's tight with you may not care if you say nigga. Black guy from the suburbs definitely does not give a fuck. Getting mad or violent over a word that is used by the rapper himself makes no fucking sense. How the fuck are you going to sell a song to people and say don't sing the lyrics, it's fucking retarded. If it was a dramatic piece from a play, OK. But it's all dance and party music so these angry black kids are full of shit calling someone racist. This is why blacks are laughed at. They need criticize thier own fuck sakes. The only true thing though was that black dude crying. That happens to a lot of Blacks, and it's always about something involving thier race. Sucks I know. Oh and the police thing is propaganda. Growing up my white friends Dad was a cop, he was too chill. He even caught us playing with pepper spray once.


Absolutely retarded.

I will say I hate the n word myself but I will never get mad at someone saying nigga. The Word has a new meaning now, but I never say it myself. Even tho I'm black.

niggers being offended by others using the N word, would be the same if russians got offended if non russians used cyka blyat, in others words niggers should be genocided

Everything that could possibly be discussed about this scene was already discussed in that thread. It's the exact same thread, probably word for word OP also
>b-b-but I missed it!
Lurk more retard

Probably the same guy

And im sure they're out there. The problem is your black culture. If kids grow up with that nigga talk about shooting niggas and smackin bitches, etc, what do you think the result will be.

Heres proof as carried out by one of your babysitting stations channel 4 who desparately wants this to not be true.

How can you people live in such fantasy?

Blacks are 13% of the u.s popluation yet blacks make 50% of the arrest rate. Maybe there's a problem in black communities? Why not kill Black lives matter and get cops in black communities to be introduced to black children as someone who can be looked up to as a role model. Tell teens that the shit they hear in rap is mostly fiction and shouldn't be taken seriously

You glossed over the important part of his post.
>Get a life and only see threads once faggot.

In other words, if you had a fucking life outside of Sup Forums, you wouldn't even see this thread multiple times. So fuck off, loser.

this one nigga is a doctor n shiet STOP BEIN RACIS NOW

Black fagility.

If you want just one thread about something that stays there for people to read later then literally go to reddit.


I'm sorry for being racist bro.

I was gonna say "My n-word" except uncensored just to be funny but then I saw the second post and even though you said you won't get mad I still don't wanna do it.


Respect man. At the end of the day, were family. I don't understand where respect has gone. God Bless.

>Oh and the police thing is propaganda.
Nah. Cops pull their guns out all the time when they aren't needed.

One flew over the cucks nest

They don't do it to blacks anymore than they do it too whites.

They do, though.

So he's not a cuck lol

Don't bully it sounded cool in my head

Prove it.

>get called out on doing a very reddit thing
>for some reason the comeback is to tell them to go to reddit

What is with this site anymore. Why do people just throw around reddit aimlessly.

This discussion reminds me of this interview with Samuel L Jackson where he's pretty based.

Kurt seems redpilled as fuck

You should check out the show, he has quite a few scenes like this.

So what is this show about anyways?

Nice blog faggot

the nigress with the long haired hippie numale guy has the most unbearable face to me, idk if i wanna watch it lol

>rap flawlessly

As opposed to what? Its talking fucking words you dumb fuck.

Wha's stopping you from becoming the next rapping sensation, user?

She actually doesn't get THAT much screentime so that might not be a problem, plus she gets BTFO a few times anyway. The show switches focus to a different character each episode.



HAHA "Dear black people" Written and directed by whites and white sympathizers.

You are literally a dunce if you don't see the problem

Just a faithful portrayal of American university life.

One of the white guys literally does a thing called "Dear Black People" in the show itself so you are not clever or original for coming up with this.

>I say I would prove it but I dont want to drop the N bomb
>being THIS beta

people selling drugs don't give a shit about PC culture.

Jesus way to bring the fucking mood down right in the middle of a party

Asperger's. He shows it on an anonymous image board, you bet your sweet ass he shows it in real life.

>You can't say a word I use all the time because of your skin color
The hypocrisy is hilarious. Keep crying black bois.

You think that isn't to bait people away from smelling the bullshit? It worked on your dumbass apparently



So you'd go up to your local african american drug dealer and call him a nigger?

It's to make you look like an ass for posting that like you came up with something mindblowing. If you can't see why "Dude let's make a Dear Black People as revenge" is stupid then you are fucking retarded.

African aesthetics are so gross. It's like they're trying to make themselves look even uglier.

I can't fathom how shit like this exists and we're not crusading in the streets.

Where did I say I came up with it, I implied imagine if that was a separate show. OBVIOUSLY. Go get your dunce cap and ride some more BBC cuckboi

>One of the white guys in this show by blacks does something 'racist'
Gee, what a surprise. Meanwhile the show literally portrays blacks being racist against a white guy singing a song as the oppressed ones. What a joke.

Nobody said it was for revenge. You are projecting SO FUCKING HARD.

>like you came up with something mindblowing
lolwat? I'm not him, but I think you're reading a bit too much into tings lad, are you a nigger by any chance?

The lesson was actual black people dont give a fuck

Man, why are you so mad about this? Did a black person rape you?

Because none of you actually have the balls to do something like that. It's easier to sit in front of your computer and whine. "Someone else will do it for me", the Sup Forumstard's mantra.

HAHAHAHAHA Cucks on damage control. Nice strawman bruv

This. Only spoiled black kids with no real things to complain about pull the victim card over petty shit like this.

Says the guy who has never raised his voice above a whisper.

And what would you have one do?

>y-you m-mad?
It was this moment that Jamal knew he lost all credibility, and indeed the argument.

yeah, and user didn't know that already
must have looked like a right pussy asking his drug dealer permission to say "nigger" in the context of biggie lyrics

What even is your argument? Are you this desperate to call someone 'beta' on the internet? Keep reaching lad.

Black people and sjws don't understand satire, they take hyperbole as reality

I was 20 with three gang members in my car, in the section of the hood where the cops dont even go.


Wow Sam LJ is a sith?

Hmm yes, they seem to have trouble with the fundamentals of language. The concept of context seems completely alien to them as well.

god the acting is HORRIBLE

the American empire is crumbling before our eyes