Enough with this crybaby bullshit

>if you kill your enemies, they win
>if you put out a fire, it wins

What the hell is wrong with this idiot?

Other urls found in this thread:


if you convert your enemies (islam), you win.

>it's an edgelords complaining about win-win protagonists episode

Steven needs to spend some time on Sup Forums, get red pilled.

Thread theme m.youtube.com/watch?v=FU6ZwGGkupQ

Steven would redpill Sup Forums. He'd have them believing within a week.

But in this case Steven IS right because if they try to take on homeworld with a few dinky weapons and no recruits they're fucked.

The only feasible way they have of stopping them is by poofing former enemies and turning them into allies one by one.

Turning them into shards just gets rid of a potential soldier

But OP is clearly trying to bait everyone

What would he have them believing?
That everybody should be a bleeding heart pussy?

Too much "I hate Steven" threads today... What's happening?

Can they at least execute the diamonds?

Steven is a cowardly little bitch what isn't willing to do whatever it takes to secure the existence of the crystal gems and a future for gem children.

yo faggot, how about you post on the other thread with the exact same image? We got atleast 6 threads today. Fucking idiots.

the show being so shit you can't defend it anymore.

Yeah, cause they're evil faggots who can literally mind rape people with their magic or some shit.

Avatar taught us the same lesson and Aang came out as doing the right thing. Edge lords just want to see kids suffer and be corrupted like them.

So you're telling me that if you kill in war you're "corrupted."

Fucking libshits

>expecting an innocent 8th grader to be okay with killing living beings

I know the logic behind "you'll be just like them" isn't sound but he's a very empathetic person. That's why him being part human is important. Even though Rose was different and more aware than other gems, it was still just posing.

What is PTSD for 1 dollar.

Stay mad fagget. I'm clad you blame all your problems on libs instead of fixing them yourself. There is a reason sjw are winning

Childrens TV is brainwashing

You teach your subjects ineffective morals so they'll be less likely to do something that could actually remove you from power. The message of the benevolent tyrant is - don't fight, question, so you can get your answer: that I was right.

This shitty fantasy show is raising a new generation of complacent little cogs in the civilization machine. If you value your power, your influence over the world, and recognize your ability to construct morals that are as valid as anyone elses, if not superior for a prosperous humanity, and your right to enforce them, fight for them, and make them real, watch it with caution. Because it denies that you have any of that.

Or maybe it's going to do a 180 and teach our kids to be little communist revolutionaries

>how dare this children's show pussify our children with this hippie-dippie moral that murdering your political enemies is bad?
>Fucking liberals

Isn't it implied that they ended up shattering Pink Diamond?

Imagine being this retarded.

You mean right

Steven universe teaches naivety that is effectively subservience. There is no happier slave than the one that thinks he's free.

You know it's gone straight to shit when even tumblr won't defend it

Maybe. What we don't know is who made the Diamonds in the first place, and why. How was this highly stratified Gem society formed? For all we know, they're just doing what they were taught to do too.

Stfu. he is 100% right.

This is a pretty good blog post, what's your tumblr URL friendo

Let children be children. What's with society's obsession with killing and violence? Even if we are "slaves," we're on a fucking internet imageboard, what the fuck are you doing preaching this worthless message? If what you say is true, than we're too far gone and living comfortably at that.

the number of people take don't murder people to mean don't fight just shocks me

its not like Rose wasn't fighting, she just didn't want to stoop to Homeworld level

There is a difference between doing nothing and not slaughtering random people

>Show that glorifies a rebellion against oppressive tyrants
>"Hurr durr why is this show teaching kids to be subservient to tyrants!"

>Avatar taught us the same lesson and Aang came out as doing the right thing.
When Avatar did the killing-versus-imprisonment thing, it was a well-established "magical" problem with a bullshit out-of-nowhere "magical" solution. In the Steven Universe version, the "magical" solution is already well-established, not to mention easier and more practical than killing.

Put it this way: Liberty's Kids never promoted a message of letting the British kill the Revolutionaries and have the Kids stand by and do nothing.

>8th grader
He'd be a high school freshman given his birthday.

Delaware starts you in Kindergarten the year you're 5 on the last day of August and you MUST start school that year. Maryland's basically the same except it's the first day of September. His birthday is August 15.

If he were in school, he'd be a high school freshman.

when did this show do that?

I swear people complaining about the message literally didn't even watch the episode

>they would still have to bubble the shards anyway
>only known way to destroy gems is the lava in the magic pocket dimension that is the Inner Sanctum

>only way into the inner sanctum is via bubble warp or by being a fucking Crystal Gem or their guest

Killing the people you're trying to free is pretty stupid, it's true. Also gems have an alternative to killing - bubbling, which is pretty much the same, except you can bring the victim back and turn them into an ally.

>Liberty's Kids never promoted a message of letting the British kill the Revolutionaries and have the Kids stand by and do nothing.
Neither did Steven Universe. Do you even know how gem battles usually work? If you had watched the show, you would know that it is easy to incapacitate a gem without intentionally killing them.

The show has the Liberty's Kids running all kinds of espionage for the Revolution, letting them kill Brits instead of just, y'know, letting the Brits march all over the country crushing the Revolutionary Army or the Army just running away all the time and never fighting.

So far we've only ever seen Steven bubble corrupted Gems, never homeworld gems. Garnet only bubbled Peridot, and that's only because Peridot had info they needed.

Even so, he's not jaded or anything if that is a thing at that age. He's full of pure resolve, made friends with past enemies, and has been in other peoples' minds/feelings. Why do people expect him to even consider lethal options? People are relating it to as if humans were killing one another.

Calling steven a pussy for not endorsing killing, calling those who agree with steven's choices libshits.

If childrens TV like this is brainwashing, good. We have no need for more hate in this broken world. It may just be a childrens show but fictional ethos can inspire true pathos. If brainwashing is happening i hope it espouses the virtues if discourse and compassion over cruelty.

we have met like 3 Homeworld gems

1 is still at large, 1 was a traitor to Homeworld and an ally of the Crystal Gems and the last on got bubbled but was later released for info and joined their cause

I'm really not sure what your complaining about, are you just saying you wish SU was more violent?

>it's a "my side is always the good guys" episode

Killing and violence is the most economical way to resolve conflict and get on with increasing the number of humans that can be thrive in the universe at the same time. The faster and less destructively you get it over with, the better (chemical weapons heyo).

The losses are minimal compared to years spent in diplomatic stagnation and attempts at integration and compromise. Lives can be replaced, land and time are at a premium. Better to wipe the world clean and start anew, with all one people, one faith, one philosophy, so there can finally be peace.

The message just doesn't make sense.

And that's why the homeworld gems fucking nuked earth and turned every gem on it into a mindless animal

>shattering a diamond
>hardest thing on earth
how? I am curious

All of what you said made perfect sense in context though. Bismuth was the first time he had to actually destabilize a gem, and was able to. When Jasper attacked them on the beach recently, they didn't avoid fighting her or roll over, they took shield and sword in hand, and did everything they could to defend their friend.

you know normally I have a second gif where Sup Forums turns into tumblr instead, but as far as I can tell you guys are in complete agreement and equally retarded tonight

> He watches a kids show made by a sjw and then proceeds to get mad when the show promotes sjw ideals


>people complain that character wants to non lethaly stop enemies in a show where they have been shown to be just as lost as the CG

>see this as Steven being a pussy

>same people would probably be okay with murdering POW because they are the 'enemy'

In all honesty most first world countries if they had a cheap and easy way of containing enemies and not needing to feed them etc they'd do that.

Needlessly fighting and killing in war or battles leads to a whole host of fucking problems.

It's like taking a side in the Israelis government and gaza terrorists, both are killing innocents rather than trying to avoid it, but anti Steven fags are fine with that sort of logic because they are the 'enemy' hurrr.

>but as far as I can tell you guys are in complete agreement and equally retarded tonight
My God, it's true.
You're literally taking the tumblr social justice "by any means necessary" argument.

>killing and violence the most economical way.

That's why most countries try to avoid it right? They just hate money.

>Killing and violence is the most economical way to resolve conflict and get on with increasing the number of humans that can be thrive in the universe at the same time.
>...and that's why the main character of this kid's cartoon should have killed a person.

Life is like the cartoon m8


>if you kill your enemies, they win
No, but you're just as ruthless and corrupt as them.

>if you put out a fire, it wins
OP, I'm going to burn your house down.

Nothing is stopping you from making your own show to brainwash kids with your ideas

That fire was the only thing keeping me alive !

Diamonds are also programed. They do nothing wrong- they just do what they are forced to do.

They used to avoid it because war usually meant destroying infrastructure, fertile land, and everything else. And then we began to develop weapons that only animal killed life, and killed it very thoroughly, while wearing off in an acceptable timeframe for taking everything the corpses left behind.

Countries not wanting to be obliterated quickly got in the business of trying to prevent the further development, proliferation and use of those weapons. The war to end most wars is more terrifying to people than the war to end all wars. The first jerk to get ahold of anti-human spray suddenly owns whatever tract of land they want if the inhabitants don't bow to them.

>Steven Universe is capeshit now
Finally we belong on Sup Forums

nah, determinism isn't an excuse that resolves one of responsibility, arguably everyone is programmed from the very moment the universe came into existence and we can never do any different than we were always going to do, however this does not absolve us of responsibility for our actions

But that's completely wrong, that's not even the same trope as "if you kill them you'll be just like them".
>Shattering Gems, wouldn't that make us the same as Homeworld?
>Of course not, we'd be shattering them for the sake of our cause, to protect our allies our friends, to free all gems from Homeworld's tyranny.
>It's just, it-it's not what a Crystal Gem would do.
When the hell did he say anything about it being a loss? He's standing up for his principles, for protecting all life about not losing the reason why you fight in the first place.
Don't get the trope mixed up with that Cucknadian Prime Minister's retardation, because that is not at all what the point that was being made.

the concept of responsibility is just used as part of your constant reprogramming by society, and sometimes as justification for terminating a rogue program

Yeah, but it's different than determinism from a physics perspective. Humans are "fated" to make the choices they make, but they come into the world new, are taught various things, and then are tasked with deciding between them based on their own beliefs and predilections. Gems are made fully adult, knowing their intended task and believing they should do it, and it took coming to Earth and seeing Earth life for one gem to think "Hey, maybe it doesn't have to be like this." Because they had all been indoctrinated by their highly stratified society. On earth, the closest comparison would be if you were born in North Korea or Nazi Germany, except even more limiting.

Because the Diamonds don't value life.

The Crystal Gems do, that's why they stay on Earth to protect it.

I don't know if it's multiple people, or one autist, but I can't help but keep laughing at the triggering.

I mean your kinda speculating, we don't know how oppressive gem society really is

I mean look at an ant colony or bee hive are the insects being oppressed?

its not like we have particularly good sources on this, most of them are pretty bias

>Start a rebellion
>A Rebellion founded on a social revolution
>A Rebellion that obtains almost 100% of its soldiers by defection from Homeworld ranks
>A Rebellion that promises the right to choose your own fate instead of following the Diamonds' absolute will

>Bismuth gets her way and starts shattering homeworlders
>Homeworlders no longer have a choice if they get captured, they either turn traitor or get shattered
>Your cause now contradicts itself entirely and the Diamonds paint you as a bunch of radical killers
>No one willingly defects anymore
>Lose more gems than you force into your ranks by attrition
>Rebellion loses steam and gets crushed

Bismuth didn't understand the war. The point wasn't genocide, it was to convince Homeworld to adopt Rose's way of thinking. She didn't want to kill them, she wanted to open their minds. The Diamonds are literally the only ones who might have to die for that to happen, but there's still a chance they'd willingly step down if the Rebellion got too big and it was obvious they didn't have a chance anymore.

Wouldn't it ultimately be a bad thing to shatter gems thought? I mean, Homeworld has no problem creating forced fusion experiments on gem shards. If they did what bismuth wanted they'd just end up having to fight Homehorld soldiers and twisted monsters as well in the end.

I really would have liked it if Steven had told her about it as a good reason why he didn't agree with her methods.

>we don't know how oppressive gem society really is
It has been made very clear it was, and it has also been made clear unlike ants they have the capability of choice but it never occurred to them

And we do have a good source, we saw Peri go through the whole ordeal and she is still struggling with it really

Forced fusions take over 5k years to make.

The bigger issue is you still have to bubble the shards

literally why are children's cartoons allowed on the comic board

separate but equal please I'm sick of cartoonfags

>we don't know how oppressive gem society really is
We've gotten a pretty clear picture at this point.

>Cast uses an assortment of weapons
>A piledriver somehow is an allegory for a gun
>Because it is designed to destroy the gem and not the physical form

Maybe Steven is literally doing what he's been doing since episode fucking 1?

I don't think Peridot would agree that Homeworld is oppressive though, she just thinks they were wrong in creating the cluster and wanting to destroy earth

really because I don't, I would still like some detail on this caste system and these elites Bismuth kept railing on about

I don't think they did, just that they were left that long on earth

Likely with proper monitoring they could make much more effective monsters

Your analogy doesn't even work

Because it's the comics and cartoons board.

Sorry buddychamp, you'll just have to deal with it sportslugger

>I don't think Peridot would agree that Homeworld is oppressive though,
>she just thinks they were wrong in creating the cluster
A giant monster which would destroy a load of life just so they can get a weapon? Sounds like inflicting harsh and authoritarian treatment to me


Organic life. Most gems don't give a shit about organic life, Rose was a freak and most of her allies only protected life because of her.

>Sup Forums and tumblr actually agree that the BLM retards are right
Holy shit I never thought I'd see the day. You are literally agreeing with tumblr SJWs you fucking morons. You are agreeing with feminists saying it okay to kill your oppressors holy kek.

>Most gems don't give a shit about organic
Peri does, especially Steven. It was a big part of her motivation to flip off Yellow Diamond

>implying OP isn't an extreme minority on Sup Forums

Hold up, now I think SU and the gems are retarded.

But Stevens point is he doesn't want to wipe out the Gems as a species.

Considering Gems need to wipe out life on planets to procreate, simply overthrowing their regime is easier than killing them all.

>A piledriver

The problem is that the gems don't age, are far more durable than humans and can regenerate from literally any damage that isn't to the gem itself, can thrive in virtually any environment, and have some unknown internal energy supply that doesn't seem to diminish.

And they can produce massive quantities of themselves from the raw unprocessed materials of a planet (destroying it in the process)

They're fucking horrifying out of control viral alpha predators, someone needs to kill most of them and then make sure they don't make more unless they need more.

lol. and what are you 'morals"?

He's a fucking kid, have a think about the burden of ending someone else's life and tell me if a kid can do it?

>lol. and what are you 'morals"?
Their morals are THEIRS, and that's what matters to them, not the effects they actually have.

Yep, the "he who fights monsters"
Or in tumblr's case, "xhe who fights innocents"

Shattering them just makes fucked up cluster monsters cause they seek to be whole again

yes because real children don't think enough about other people to realize the horror of what killing truly entails

Yeah, they do it all the time. In Africa they have whole armies of child soldiers.

I see nothing wrong with children killing. I think we need to arm every man, woman and child with a gun.

The viral nature of the gems is even alluded to in the show. They are undying inorganic entities that breed by doing to planets what a virus does to a cell. Gems are very much a threat to all life in the universe that aren't Gems.

It's not even just a "they *might* be dangerous" situation, they are already primarily a caste based slave using despotic empire that is willing to genocide billions of sentient beings because their leader is irritated about a rebel that used to live there.

>He who fights monsters must take care, lest he be called a monster himself by worse monsters for false reasons.

Bismuth would have killed Centipeetle immediately.


So what's makes the monsters he was originally fighting more than just others that were fighting monsters ?


>stare into the darkness, but never embrace it

She should have killed peridot and lapis