What is this skin tone called in your country?

What is this skin tone called in your country?


el castizo

It’s called Sup Forums panama


Even niggers have white skin on their palms


Turn it around

This. The only way to confirm whiteness is to post dick pics to see if the shaft skin is darker then the surrounding skin.

Yeah right. You only want to see dicks, don't you

Two birds one stone.

Give me your wallet

I see a white wymen in the background. BTFO PANAMA NIGGER LEAVE HER ALONE


>not wanting to show off your BED (big ecuadorian dong)

Sadly, I am below average with a 6.5 inches. But girl still like it

Cream white or just cream. I prefer to call it vanilla :3

Mestizo shitskin

It's called attention whore

Whiter than me, muhammad

Why do I bother trying to make actuall threads, when I recive way more attention with this shit.

The absolute state of Sup Forums