Can you recommend me some of the latest Batman graphic novels worth picking up?

Can you recommend me some of the latest Batman graphic novels worth picking up?

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>graphic novels
You mean comic books?

They're novels but with graphics. So no not comic books. Graphic novels are for adults.


>for adults.
We don't have anything like that here. Try

>Graphic novels
*Tips fedora*

Guys pls.. Can you recommend me some.

I legitimately want to go REEEEEEEE when I hear """""""""""""""""graphic novel"""""""""""""".

But I am a pussy timid bitch... I am mean I am a well-adjusted person and just keep it to myself.

Good bait. Anyway, does anyone have any good Flash Graphic Novels too? I want to read more serious ADULT like stories.

Batman: Earth one and Dark Night: A true Batman story are the only recent Batman GNs. I'll recommend the latter one

What kind of Batman stories are you looking for?

How about Johns Flash Rebirth run? Not the current rebirth but the Flash series that came out in 2009.


>serious ADULT like stories
JLA: Created Equal.
Identity Crisis.
Earth 2: World's End.

Tanks Glad to see some gentleman on c-o

>Batman: Earth one and Dark Night: A true Batman story

Dark Night isn't really a Batman story, just Paul Dini working out his inner demons. However, it's still a good story and I recommended it.

Some people don't like Earth One. Batman is sort of, not just new to being Batman (as in something like Year One), but he's also very incompetent at times. However it does have a kind of Tim Burton Batman feel to it, which I enjoy. I recommend it but do keep in mind that EO Batman is the polar opposite to the "Batgod" concept. And it's not for everyone.

Wait are you seriously recomending identity crisis to somebody

This is a joke, user. These are terrible stories. Anyway, are you asking for original graphic novels (OGNs) or entertaining comic runs collected in trade form? If you're asking for OGNs I can echo the reccomendation of Dark Knight: A True Batman Story. It goes over the time Paul Dini, writer for the 90s animated Batman series, was beaten up and how his love for the characters of the Batman universe helped him cope and recover from the incident.

The last ones worth it was Morrison's Run. But you don't want that because the nu 52. So go for Snyder's run. Absolute trash, but it's new and pretty(ish), and just steals everythijg from Morrison's run and dumbs it down for lazy casuals. So you'll love it you absolute cunt.


Here you go
It's not cannon anymore and it gets some shitty art at times but it's the best run there is
After this read batman inc, three volumes

I also recommend anything by Paul dini, who wrote detective comics at the same time Morrison started batman and eventually got his own spin off books, Gotham city sirens and streets of Gotham

Fuck forgot pic

>Batman being inexperienced in his beginnings is a bad thing

Yeah it's so much better when he's able to succeed in literally anything without any problem.

I'd rather something that has come out this year.

gr8 b8 m8

Are you trying to be a casual?

baka fuck off pls

There have been no Batman graphic novel releases that have come out this year.

If you want a Batman hardcover or trade paperback release from this year, I don't believe any arcs that are accessible to someone like you would have been collected yet. It would only be the tail end of Snyder's Batman run. Technically there might have been some reprints of older stories also released this year but they are not stories that have actually come out this year if that's specifically what you are looking for.

Basically time of release isn't that important. You seem like a normie so just buy Batman Year One to get your feet wet.

>latest Batman graphic novels
Uh, I really can't think of any worth reading. Batman: Earth-One vol. 3, Batman Noel and Batman: Leviathan Strikes are the only Batman Graphic Novels from recent years that I can think of.

Of those, Earth-One sucks, Leviathan Strikes is too contingent on having already read all the Morrison Batman books up to that point, and I never read Batman Noel so I don't know how it is.

So I guess I'd recommend Batman Noel.

>There have been no Batman graphic novel releases that have come out this year.
Dark Knight: A True Batman Story came out this year, although that isn't really a Batman story despite the title.

Then you're a retarded asshole who should go back to tumblr
I just gave the absolute best of batman and you
Who even knows what trades come out when just read monthly like a human being

Why didn't I realize this was a troll thread sooner
I'm so fucking stupid sometimes I'm sorry
On the off chance you're real
Snyder's run is trash, both eternal books are trash, please please don't read them they're just not good

>Batman being inexperienced in his beginnings is a bad thing
I said no such thing. Only that he's shown as being very incompetent at times. That's why I mentioned Year One. In YO he does screw up on occasion and you can see him learning as he goes. However EO does more with the concept of an inexperienced Batman and shows him screwing up even more, which has turned some people off to the book. I was just letting OP know this since they were asking about recommendations.

kek, suk my dik faggit

>Batman: Earth-One vol. 3
Only vols 1 & 2 have been released. As far as I know there hasn't been a release date set for volume 3.

>Batman being inexperienced in his beginnings is a bad thing

Yes, since the whole point is that he isnt Green Lantern, he isnt "inexperienced" he got the EXPERIENCE before being batman.

Notice how No one dislikes Year one or long halloween, where he is also a Rookie batman, and LOTDK was mostly about Batman in his first year. The argumento of johnsfags falls apart when almost all extremely popular batman stories are Batman as a newfag.

Bruce in earth one has less than average intelligence. Batman not testing his toys is Retarded. Batman not knowing you can't step on evidence is retarded. If people likes a batman that is a vampire and kills, likes Batman year 100, likes Pirate batman, etc it means that batman fans are willing to like a lot of "versions".

Video extremely related, this is how an inexperienced Bruce should like, not like a failed manchild over trash.

Might not be this year with Wonder Woman and Teen Titans getting their releases in that line.

How are the other Earth-One titles, I have read all the Batman and Superman ones, I am curious about the others.

Wonder Woman was good but not particularly challenging to read thematically or anything. Probably the most "safe" book Morrison has written in a while. Might be the best of the line though.

>Might not be this year

It probably won't be any time soon at all. Wasn't the wait between vols 1 and 2 like three years? And it seems like Johns is doing a lot more work with DC now than he was just a few years ago. So the wait for vol 3 will probably be a lot longer (assuming it even comes out at all).

I thought it could have used a few more pages here and there to flesh certain scenes or characters out more, especially once Wondy left the island. But it was still entertaining.

Graphic novel just means non-serialized comic book. Do you also flip out when people call movies film instead of TV shows?

But Adults wouldn't be caught dead reading a comic book, but a graphic novel is ok to like for any age.

I've been really wanting to get into the bat family comics, any suggestions?


that's not the reason why people say it.

>one weekly issue

Graphic novel
>a graphical story from beginning to end

it's just an easy way to differentiate the two

What batfam characters are you most interested in?

But Graphic Novels are classy and for gentlemen. Comic books are for loser virgins.

dick grayson, batgirl, batwoman, one that introduces you to them, basically a bat family graphic novel for noobs, is there one?

>that's not the reason why people say it.

I know a guy who calls all comics graphic novels. Personally, it doesn't bother me. I don't care what people want to call them. But there are people out there who call them graphic novels instead of just comics because of the stigma of immaturity associated with the word comic book.

Sure both terms have their own definitions but don't pretend there aren't people who prefer one over the other for their own reasons.

Death of the Family is a cool one for the batfamily.

A lot of people just do it because book retailers have changed the common definition to mean all bounded material.

Maybe look into Robin: Year One & Batgirl: Year One. For Dick and Barbara.

>Robin: Year One & Batgirl: Year One.

There's a trade release for these that includes both stories too (I think it's just titled Robin/Batgirl Year One).

whatever happened to the caped crusader

The same 4 everyone recommends.

Grayson. Just get Grayson.

I also enjoyed Batman Europa

Also look into Batman: Second Chances which collects some of the Jason Todd becoming Robin stuff. For more Jason see Death in the Family and Batman: Under the Red Hood.

I always "REE" when some asshole uses a thousand quotation marks for a single word.