Recast them

recast them

Chris Pratt and JLaw

cara is cute in this

so? she still cant act for shit

Bruce Willis
Milla Jovovich

Daisy Ridley and John Boyega

Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt


its not 1998 user

Idris Elba and Caitlyn Jenner

Domhnall Gleeson/Saoirse Ronan

mandingo bella thorne

Tom Holland and Zendaya

I would watch this. although it would change the tone more than a bit

Idris Elba as both in white face

Why do they look sickly?

Tom Holland & Zendaya

Finn Wolfhard and Millie Brown

any black guy and white woman



Eddie Murphy and Eddie Murphy

she need hips

I like girls with sharp features. I used to fingerbang a girl who kinda looked like her.

Idris Elba

no u didnt

Well then her asshole gets really wet.


ASR and Sam Rockwell 20 years ago

I will honestly never understand anyone who is attracted to her, she looks like Daniel Radcliffe. Everyone claiming that she's beautiful just makes me more and more disgusted by her

why did they cast some manlet that still looks like a teenanger? may as well go with Harry Potter guy

Dane* is so cute in this

Does he eat fucking babies?


>Daniel Radcliffe
of all people, you chose Daniel Radcliffe?
wtf do they have in common other than being British?

Ass Butterfield and Jane Levy



literally anyone

>choosing twinks as Valerian
Wasn't this the whole point of the cast complaints?
Valerian is a buff guy in his 30's


here, fixed it.


why does he have a bra?

The problem isn't these two, it's the shitty looking CGI characters that took a nosedive into the uncanny valley.

I like this idea

Why is she so damn familiar. I look her up on imdb and she's pretty new. Wtf.

Also. Why cast them if they look so much like bro and sis. They supposed to be?

>tfw Cara Delavigne has less screen time than her own eyebrows

it's so unfair lads, why do they steal every scene?

Henry Cavill & Nicki Minaj

Id see that

Shes a model turned actress. I think her first role was a voice over in GTA5

>she gets her own 250 dollar figure

Milla could still do it though

So how badly is this movie expected to bomb?

Underrated post

Dane is so cute in everything. It's gonna suck when his age finally catches up with him.

can't wait to put this in my ass

>Isn't that the question of the day?

Tom looks really gud here, CGI?


Its not going to really bomb
Through some weird licensing deals apparently the movies already made back half its budget.
It'll still get BTFO by Dunkirk, but chinks love this type of shit so it'll easily make back its money easily.

It'll still end up as forgotten and maybe as terrible as Jupiter Ascending


it already has
have you seen his hairline recently?


This was my first initial reaction but since she's now knows for being a massive cunt, I'd go for Chris Pratt and Karen Gillan!!!FACT!!!

Armie Hammer and, I dunno, Ashley Benson

it's a cool figure regardless of her or not. i'd rather see a different actor but whatever.

I've been waiting for 20 years for Besson to make another big sci-fi movie and he fucking trashed it by casting these two fucking asswipes who look like androgynous meth junkies!!!FACT!!!

I have not. But I thought his hairline has been pretty bad for a while and he just keeps it covered


You niggers aNd your boi pussi twinks

So, which one is the real one?

Will probably watch it over Dunkirk.
Know enough about Dunkirk from reading first hand accounts from different sides and historians recounting events since I am not a fucking pleb that needs to pay hollyjew to learn history from the viewpoint of one side.

giv bf (female)

Wesley Snipes and Amy Schumer

If you wouldn't fuck dane dehahahaan, then you're a gay niggerfaggot.

Is it called valerian because it puts you to sleep?

Probably the candid photo and not the edited shoot

Too bad she's a muff diver

She's bi, dreams still valid.