It's Everyday Bro

so this is the power of CHad

Who is this semen demon?

This is faux chad

i only just heard about this dink today

what the fuck is this

Next thing you know, he's the president of the united states.

How can you do something so bad and be ok?
How can people give 0 fucks about music?

wtf i hate white people now

I wouldn't want to live next to a cringey, memeing faggot either

So this is the power of white privilege.

EVERYONE in that video needs to be executed by some sort of KGB.

It's times like these we need an evil dictator to purge lots of people.

that dislike ratio on youtube

How long before party bro house is enveloped in date rape scandal?

Josh A does this style but not gay as fuck

>vine and jewtube stars have replaced reality stars
lmao just lmao

is this guy Chad because I get a tryhard feel from him

Is England your city?


get out commie
>>>reddit is that way

Dislikes don't do anything on YouTube. The cash algorithm only tracks ads watched and viewer retention.

As long as my collar stays poppin'.


>near 70 grand for that video

one will probably get caught sending dick pics or asking for nudes from their underage fanbase.

its par for the course for youtubers these days

>that little
How do youtubers make a living?



shit dem trips

>millionaires are underpaid

>another off-topic liberal thread with no complaints
Really does show the true nature of the anti-Sup Forums cancer from Sup Forums and Sup Forums

my namea Tessa Brooks and i smell good

100% chance all of those guys fuck underaged girls regularly
