So who's the best boy in cartoons, and why is it Lincoln Loud?

So who's the best boy in cartoons, and why is it Lincoln Loud?

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>So who's the best boy in cartoons, and why is it Lincoln Loud?

I watched a couple episodes and he's just a pathetic punching bag for all the female characters who abuse, bully and constantly get the better of him.

How is he the best male character in cartoons? He's a butt monkey.

You wish to have sexual intercourse with the little boy.

I prefer the heavy metal chick and lil miss goth myself.

You can't honestly think that.

No stretches of "will they/won't they". The guy has a crush and he's gotten a kiss in both episodes she's been a part of.

Was Luan's episode pushed back because the Olympics are starting today?

He,s cute and fun. His white hair is very nice too
Best husbando

I hope people aren't making porn of this show.

Get him naked, then we'll talk.

There is never hope for Rule 34 not to happen
>lives with 10 sisters
>thinks no porn will happen
>espicially being out after like 3 months
Are you an idiot?

>what did you say you wanted to do to me??

Well at least there's no porn of the baby.

Yeah, about that....

There was a ten part sequence of Lincoln fricking all his sisters before the first episode debuted.

(spoiler) there is (spoiler)

There were at least two ten part sequences before it aired.

>drawing porn right now

Are the creators themselves pedos¿

IF you're asking if they draw lewd pics of underage characters, yes. But that goes for all shows.

the degenerate furry creator did a comic about a cat who wanted to fuck his mom

Any evidence of this?
>all shows
Cartoonists are actual pedos. Creepy

But is the point to get off on the incest, or to just makee people laugh because it's a play on the phrase Oedipus Complex?

Also faggot biracial parents
And spics
The creatow is surely jewish

i would think it was for laughs if it was just one strip

Eddie Puss. Sugar's EEnE porn. Canon Rugrat porn. Lydia Deets porn. Chippettes porn.

Are we really going to do this? Act like some virginal naive 7th grader and act like we don't know artists draw porn?

Incestuos porm of 8 year olds is not normal dude
I doubt disney drew goofy rape.scenes

>artists drawing porn of their characters isn't normal.

It is normal. You're perfectly welcome to prove otherwise. Burden's on you.

>Disney didn't draw goofy porn

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but Disney didn't personally animate his cartoons. He hired animators to do it. And they certainly drew porn of their characters.

Are you 12? How is somebody so naive? Are you pretending to be retarded?

>canon Rugrats porn
Elaborate pls

There's a famous storyboard where Stu had a breakdown and rapes Angelica. Or something like that. I don't remember the details.

Normal means mentally healthy nk frequently happening
Pedo enanler

I want to be Lincoln's childhood friend and tease by telling him how I'm attracted to all his sisters. As he rolls his eyes and tries to rebut and tell me how living with his sisters is a pain, I would take him by surprise and kiss him. He'd be shocked and disgusted, and try to push me off but since he invited me over to read comics, we'd both already be in our underwear. After a brief and playful scuffle I'd have held him down on his bed, and we'd both be hot, sweaty and panting. I'd jokingly tell him that if he called out for help I'd tell the rest of the class about how he reads his comics in his undies and that he tried to do the gay stuff first. Lincoln would get flustered and call me a jerk, and he'd look away from me, but then I would slowly begin to rub my crotch against his, stimulating a boner for both of us. He'd gasp a little and squeak at me, asking what the hell are you doing, but he would be enjoying it too. Slowly we'd begin to dry hump/frot and eventually climax against each others throbbing boners in our cumstained undies. We'd then awkwardly come to our senses and promise to keep it a secret. But from then on I would always buggingly ask if I could hang out and read comics together again.
Fuck off Clyde.

>normal means mentally healthy and frequently happening

Yes, exactly.

You draw the same characters hundreds of times a day. You take a break and draw porn. You know how back when you were a little kid you'd doodle dicks and stick figures with circle tits? You should remember it was only a couple of years ago. Well that's normal healthy human behavior.

Artists don't stop doing that when they grow older, they just do it better.

Rule 34 isn't just an internet gag, it's the logical consequence of normal healthy human behavior. You're welcome to not like it. You can go post to your tumblr about how it triggers you and should be outlawed. That doesn't mean it's not normal healthy human behavior.

Hello, Poor Man's Dipper Pines.

Also, beat this one.

>adorable kid
>acts like a real kid
>the most developed kid character in Pixar

dipper pines is a poor man's dipper pines

No. It is happenkng but NOT normal
Baby siblimg porn is sick

do you type with your fingers or do you just fling your shit at a keyboard?

More like all the shotafags into Dipper are jumping on Lincoln's bones after finding out GF is going to end and that's the only reason why

I fling shit at pedos on their jails

>fat annoying autist
Literally Steven Universe the Prototype

Lin is honestly cuter than dipper

Dipper is a bad character



where the fuck do you think you are

gb2reddit or tumblr if you want a moral safe space

Sup Forumsmblr has been infiltrated for a while now. Even the mods are SJWs

What's going on in this pics?

At least he's more sympathetic and endearing than Steven

ah yeah

i've been rolling around in the /trash/ for the loud house threads and honestly it's the last bastion of old Sup Forums lawlessness

he's getting buttfucked by bobby

speaking of which...

Lincoln looks like he's having a fever.

Oh hey that reminds me, I was going to do a thing with bobby and linc and lori and clyde.

clyde can fuck right off

Stay mad,.child predator!

i was going to congratulate you on a post free from typos, but you managed to fuck that up.


>expected cute Sup Forums boys thread
>got people discussing about morality and real world laws involving cartoon characters who don't exist instead

People like this are going to get all cartoon porn banned aren't they?

it's already happening in south korea

look up daughters of megalia, they've been described by korean posters as SJWs on steroids

I thibk the guy is an idiot or trolling. Most likely both.

I need some sauce on that


>Spic phoneposter


Dipper has been my favorite character for a while, but then again he talks and acts like a 30 yo so idk if it counts

R.I.P Lincoln Loud Death Cause: Lori at full rage beating up Lincoln ?-2016

Why wouldn't it count?

Lincoln Loud = KEK

Its just that plain and simple

chubfags are literal cancer.

>tfw you like steven but you're not a chubfag

sounds like a mary sue.

what redeeming quality does he even have. His voice is awful, his design is awful. The show should have just been about the gems.

>tfw you like chubby but not Steven

Young Greg on the other hand

user, everybody knows Kevin from Supernoobs is the best cartoon boy.

>musically talented
>puts other people's needs before his own
>can admit when he does wrong
>is willing to listen to what anyone has to say
>has good self-esteem
>only resorts to violence if necessary

>can't fail at anything
Yep Mary Sue people

Wow, he's poorly written on top of being badly voiced and designed.

>only resorts to violence if necessary
This is why I hate the Tumblr age of animation

Where did I mention that? He makes mistakes too.

He made tons of mistakes at the start then gradually became more and more of an asset to his own team rather than a burden.

Do you know what a Mary Sue is?

And he still makes mistakes sometimes.

What's wrong with being willing to listen to what someone has to say?

Steven Universe is anti-Tumblr as shown in the Bismuth episode.



Disregard SU poster, post superior cute boys.

>Steven Universe is anti-Tumblr as shown in the Bismuth episode.
>this make
Oh come on, Rebecca Sugar clearly stated SU to be lgbt propaganda at a panel.



>makes mistakes
>learns in course of 1-2 episodes
>not Mary Sue


Stop posting this day loser


People are misunderstanding what she's trying to promote. Rebecca just wants gay stuff to be normalized, and not something that needs to be given attention in any positive or negative way.

You know most characters learn in the same episode they make a mistake, not over the course of a season.

Are these all drawn by Boybox?


>gay stuff to be normalized
See that is why it is propaganda because she said she is pushing her view that kids need to see it as normal.

Steven isnt the type of kid Lincoln would like to be buds with

What's wrong user. He's just a healthy young boy. You're not one of those sick pedos now are you?

Lincoln hangs out with Clyde who is the shittiest best friend imaginable and was willing to have a sleepover with just about anyone else.

idiot gays will never be
Normal is man and women getting together for reproduction

It will naturally always be viewed as different

Um, why not?
If this is because you don't like SU, just say so.


because lincoln already has enough sisters


user, I think you should see someone. Thoughts like those are unhealthy and could get you into trouble someday if left unchecked.