Finn got cuc.ked by CB

>Finn got cuc.ked by CB
>Murdicai sucks at relationships
>Steven is steadily trying to get with Connie
>Gumball took awhile to get Penny
>Marco is trying his best to hook up with Jackie
>Dipper couldn't get the girl of his dreams

>While this motherfucker got the girl in less than half of first season

So, Tell me again Sup Forums. Is this the best alpha boy in modern cartoons? Heavy emphasis on boy and modern.

Other urls found in this thread:

First we need to see Dance Dance Resolution. How will Lincoln handle dating 4 girls at the same time, and will he still get at least one? Or will it just be another Roadside Attractions.

I've seen Finn naked.
I've seen Steven naked.
I've seen Dipper in a loincloth.
Marco is too old, others are furfag.

I've seen Lincoln in underpants. He's in no way best boy. He could get better.


Every episode is him kowtowing to his sisters and being their bitch.

>We'll never get a cartoon where the MC gets with another boy.

Because those shows mostly focus on supernatural elements and Loud House pretty much only focuses on shitty females

Greetings, Sup Forums! I've come back from the future with news about the next 3 seasons of The Loud House!

>Shortly after "Save the Date", Lincoln does something STUPID and Ronnie Anne breaks up with him.
>Lincoln then spends all of season 2 and most of season 3 trying to win her back
>He eventually does, but then a New Girl shows up and he can't decide who he has more affections for!
>Then, just as Lincoln repairs things with Ronnie Anne, she walks in on Lincoln getting kissed on the cheek by the New Girl and breaks up with him again!
>Then the New Girl finds out that Lincoln had a thing going with Ronnie Anne that he didn't tell her about and yells at Lincoln never to speak to her again!
>Lincoln then spends the next season humiliating himself to try and win back both girls, but neither will ever like him again!

I hope you're excited, Sup Forums!

kill yourself.

No, not every episode is like that.

Don't forget the fact that Steven ALMOST got the kiss within the first season but Connie's eyes started hurting.


Finn can fuck any female in Ooo that isnt Bonny and Marcy
Mordecai yh
Steven hasnt even met any other girls his age yet to ditch that brown garbage Connie
Dipper was a pussy getting machine in one episode he had alot of potential gfs that all ditched him when they saw he was a jerk
Gumball is naturally alpha if the Zac episode is to tell your anything
Marco has Janna wanting to slurp his cock at every minute

The episode about the Volcano was disgusting though

Lincoln should've known better

Are you from an alternate timeline where The Loud House was produced by Cartoon Network?

Ronnie Anne has barely appeared at all. They could have dragged it out further, but they didn't, they are clearly attracted to each other and have kissed.

You can hide behind the supernatural stuff, but that shit isn't what was keeping the other pairings apart or causing their break ups. At most, it just delayed the focus given to developing the love interest and their relationship, just like this show uses stories about the sisters or Clyde to keep the attention off of Ronnie Anne.

>Lincoln then spends the next season humiliating himself to try and win back both girls, but neither will ever like him again!
>Season 4 Lincoln realizes his true love of his life was his sisters

Considering it's a Sadie Hawkins dance, I'm betting part of the subplot will be that Ronnie Anne is too shy to ask Lincoln out, and the four girls definitely wouldn't help. It'll probably end in losing all four and ending up with Ronnie Anne afterwards, who then have a great time.

You mean Attention Deficit? What was disgusting about that? What did Lincoln do?

Wait, how old is Marco? I always assumed he was 13-14.

I don't want this to happen but it probably will.

That happens all the time in shows where the MC is female


Except now you've changed the timeline by coming back to tell us all this.

Sup Forumsmblr don'tworry, SU will most likely to that at some point.

Disgusting. Sorry, but I don't do fatties and uggoes with weird ass noses. I'm talking about cute boy MCs getting with other cute boys.


Then how is he too old? He's only a year older than Dipper, the same age as Steven, and despite being 12 when adventure time started Finn is now 16.

Why the gay people of the.other boards aren't as faggy and obnoxious as the ones from Sup Forums?

Having sisters has its perks.

It's already happening, user.

>I dont like gross fat manlets
Rude, espicially since you are a fat female land whale at yaoi fetishist.

>Except now you've changed the timeline by coming back to tell us all this

Great, now it's

>The Loud House has not been renewed for a second season

Because unlike the fags from /lgbt/ or /r9k/, these ones come directly from Tumblr so they have to force their obsessively sexuality as normal.

He looks older. Finn still looks like how he was when he was 12, Steven literally still looks like how he was when he was 8. And Dipper just looks younger than how old he's supposed to be (plus he only just turned 13 at the end).

>literally 40% of the board is talking about waifus, lolis, and cake, but one gay comment means Sup Forums is obnoxious

>He thinks only Tumblr can like shotas
And last I checked, Tumblr hated shotas anyways, so me wanting to see two boys dick each other is actually very anti-Tumblr.

It already has been renewed for a second season. They've shown us screenshots of an episode coming in season 2.


I wish I had sisters and for me to have a lot of confidence around other females... but alas... just an only child.

>but one gay comment means Sup Forums is obnoxious
Nice try

Steven has friend zoned Connie.

I don't have time to reply to the specific la-la homos in this thread, but yeah. You fags are very faggy unlike other boards. I see people just bring up gay shit to derail threads into what they want. Don't care if you are a fag, just make your own thread instead of derailing other people's. Assholes.

But that cartoon is shit.

>Only 15 years old but built like a gorilla
>Handsome as a gorilla too
>Main guy in a shoujo manga where relationships usually take forever to happen
>in 3 episodes he and the main girls already confessed to each other and are dating.



Get your Sup Forums shit out of here!

You're trying a little too hard, sister.

This is very cringe, not going to lie.

You forgot your caps on.

He's had a lifetime training how to deal with different types of women from his sisters.

He knows their weaknesses.

>he hasn't created a harem with his sisters yet

what the fuck

But incest is bad in a cartoon show meant for kids. While fan art on the other hand....

Why do you guys still watch the Tumblr House?

It's pathetic. Lincoln already has an apology count higher than Dipper.

Ronnie Anne bullied Lincoln physically and publicly, then Lincoln called out on her shit publicly, so then they present her as the victim and try to make you feel sorry for her.

>punched lincoln
>gave him a black eye
>pants'd him
>tripped him
>stuck gum in his hair

And then when he calls her out and gets shit for it

Finn is just chill as fuck.

But Tumblr doesn't care about any cartoon that isn't Steven Universe.

The Loud House is for nuMales, user.

You're too old for it to appeal to you.

Tell me what's so tumblr about this cartoon? No one in tumblr likes it. It's not too deep for them SU tier.

>looks it up on tumblr

>Lynncoln shippers vs Ronncoln shippers

They love it.

tumblr probably loves your favorite show too , dummy

I don't have a problem with that. I don't care who else likes a show. I just care that I like it.

that's not tumblr user, that's life

Finn is too busy being a hero.

Mordecai is popular as fuck with women, but he is insecure due to not having figured out his life and being consumed by self doubt. He had to do the most to make Margaret see him more as a friend.

Steven only knows Connies and they liked each other from the outset.

Penny always liked Gumball, but he alternates between being a moron and competent on the writer's whims. He will just end up as a more sarcastic Richard.

Steven Universe is even less Tumblr than the Loud House now. It's anti-Tumblr

>all gays in the show are aliens and not human because being gay is inhuman
>all the "black gems" have violent tendencies except Sardonyx who is made up with a "white gem"
>main character is the strongest, being a white male
>the new big "black gem" that Tumblr loved got killed by the white male MC and was put in the wrong for being a violent psychopath and an extremist

Dude, it doesn't matter what happens to Lincoln, if it happens to a female, then its misogyny and must be stopped.

So it's gonna follow the Regular Adventure Falls path to success?

gotta admit it was refreshing as fuck to see a romance where it was actually about the relationship and not just about obtaining one. Shows that don't go anywhere are cancer and I wish we could see less of them. AT/RS etc.

>Steven is steadily trying to get with Connie
They're already together, man.
They've been inside each other.

Both shows proving little brown girls are best.

But have they kissed?

>comparing shoujo manga to American TV cartoons

The cancer is you for being so fucking retarded.

Fusion is more than kissing and sex.

>intense hand-holding

It took them awhile to fuse tho.

Timmy Turner also had at least two girls kissed by now, and Aang was deep in Kataras pants.
Why are Nick protags so much better than CN?

>Finn got cucked by CB
It's like you don't even watch the show.

Shoujo manga usually is the kind of shit you see in Adventure Time romance except that they get together in the end. That one is specific breaks the mold

>comparing two forms of animated storytelling featuring kids of the same age just on different continents is retarded.
>unable to discuss cartoons

What are you even doing here? Seriously? Do you like discussing cartoons where nothing happens? Are you here for the lewd? What?

Took a handful of episodes to go further than any of the characters in OP could ever conceivably go.


So, you're telling me that CB didn't took Finn's girlfriend? Man, I don't know what even means than!

>Nick protags always get the girl
But remember Arnold always getting friemdzoned by that hillbilly girl?

Jimmy Neutron could never get Betty.

And let's not even get started on Doug.

As for love action Carly always cucked Fredie with some Chad.



>that's not Jessica

Puffy vagina

>Are you here for the lewd?
We all are, Some manage to discuss between faps while others complain about other people discussing.

>Reddit the show

Please, don't bring this garbage in here, son.

>girl of his dreams got BLACKED

What's with all the Steven Universe shills today? Not just in this thread but across the board.
If our mods had any nutsack they could delete at least five SU spam threads right now without any real backlash.

Or maybe they are the ones posting...

>Show has a big event going on
>Big episode with divise themes just dropped

This is like being on Sup Forums when a new game comes out

>Why are there so many X threads?

To be fair not only Lincoln has experience with girls by having to deal with 10 sisters. But also is the only one of the list that doesn't have to worry about the next supernatural bullshit that will come out of the toilet and try to eat his entrails.


Yeah, shit like
sure is "discussing a big event" aka a shitty character being introduced and killed off just as quickly.

He learned how to deal with this kind of things with Lucy

It was still a half hour special with a new character that was fairly lore heavy. It piqued people's interest and now people are talking about it again.

Be a fag about it, but you know it's true.

Yeah, a "thirty" minute "special" sure gives people an excuse to shitpost and ugly looking cartoon all over the place.

>Wah wah wah
>Why don't people post cartoons I like?

You sound like the kind of faggot who's actually making those air quotes in real life while he types.

Nice argument.
Fucking millenials I swear.

I'd watch loud house but I watched the clip where the two gay dads appear and the animation style didn't do it for me. The dads were cool, though.

Why do all these shows try to be pretentious with these pseudo intellectual deepest lore plots that don't go anywhere and relationships to add forced drama.

Do kids even like this shit?

>Hispanic girl

That's worse than being single

Get a load of this Gen X'er