The Great X-Men Storytime - Vol. 4: Mutant Massacre (Part 13)

What's up, mah muggas?

It's crossover time! The first of many! It's the Mutant Massacre!!


I'm still pissed off about the Ostrander threads last night.

And here we go!

Oops, something just came up haha

What happened? Someone ruin a Suicide Squad storytime or something?

Wait, is Scalphunter's costume made of guns?



I love how Claremont's run is pretty easily divisible into smaller runs.

oh no

Ostrander made a facebook post about liking Suicide Squad, I took a screencap to show Sup Forums. A discussion about creators and comic movies was underway and then it was suddenly deleted. No explanation given.
X-user commented on it being stupid in a few of the Ostander threads, only reason why I brought it up here.

i missed all that. i'd be scared to share ostrander stuff on Sup Forums cause of old mindsets about separating Sup Forums and rl. I don't want anons yelling on his facebook wall!

Yeah, that was some real bullshit. Just when you think mods can't surprise you anymore, they go and pull shit like this.

Hopefully you don't remember Arclight and Vertigo from Deadpool's game. Because that game was pretty shit

Marauders are a cool group of bad guys

i'm gonna miss most of the thread but I'd like to see the talk about how they don't show the massacre and if that makes it more/less effective.

He was 90's before the 90's!

Is the fight in this event the first time we get Wolverine vs Sabretooth?

Well, they show a little of it. Honestly, I'm surprised by how pretty much all of the casualties were unnamed/made-up characters for the crossover. Current writers wouldn't be that merciful

We see a great double page spread of it in...X-Factor, I think.

What is Arclight up to? I've always thought she and Vertigo had pretty good looks, definitely the best of the non-Sabretooth Marauders.


Pretty sure she's dead.

Kind of a shitty leader when it comes to the Morlocks, ain'tcha Storm?


Oh yeah, we missed those issues. Oops.


You know what's funny? There've probably been enough members of the X-men/X-affiliated teams that if you put them all in one room there'd be more of them than were Morlocks.


Interesting how Claremont just crippled most of the team instead and had them out of commission instead of death. I never realized no named morlock dies, that is strange

Ice fucking cold.

Well, MOSTLY body armor, you mean.

These guys are great X-villains as human supremacy in a way like Sentinals or those newer Stryker kids aren't.

And yet the story still worked even without "shocking big deaths that will change the future of the X-Men FOREVER!!"

Also, checked

This little scene is one of my favorite moments in this X-over.


>A pity, scrambler, I have none
Haha, rekt



Geez, we've had a lot of these lately, haven't we?

Crazy to think so many of this X-over's defining events happened in the first issue.

And here's a nice little chart you may remember.




What a page.

>I don't care if you're naked, let's go go go!

Ah, Limbo fashion.





>Because that game was pretty shit
And it got a "HD" rerelease in time for the movie on the current generation

Also I hear that the rerealeses of Marvel Ultimate Alliance 1 and 2 run like garbage and don't even come with the DLC characters despite going for full price

Poor Bobby.

So I heard too. What a joke.

There's always hope, Dani! ;_;

Goddammit Bobby, I can't even feel bad for you now.

>Maybe, Bobby, because some of us insist on acting the part
Shots fired

damn brutal




Oh shit.


The Marauders don't mess around

Sinister has a second group of henchmen in the 90's called The Nasty Boys, they were a cool bunch too, but used in barely a handful of issues



>Mutant on mutant violence
Why? To what goal would a mutant have in slaying another?

What would Charlie have done in this situation?

Heh, the Nasty Boys.

There is an explanation way down the line. I forget what is was, but it involves Dark Beast

We'll see way, way, waaay later why this Massacre happened in the first place.

They appear in the same episode of the 90's cartoon where Sinister tells Magneto and Xavier he's going to harvest their " boys"

Why would you call yourself Psylocke if that's what Mojo called you?

Ah shit, wrong commentary on wrong page lol

Yeah, I remember them. Can't believe PAD of all people came up with that name, heh.


Odd, to see a mutant call themselves a "mutie".


The Morlocks seem the type to take pride in the word.


Yeah, kind of like what black people have turned nigga into.

Not trying to create drama.

Geez, poor Betsy.

Yeah, I was thinking of "nigga" too. Or "queer".


Was nigga already mainstream by the mid 80s?

Yeah, you're being kind of a shitty leader right now, 'Ro, not gonna lie.


Ah shit.



Man, these X-men sure can think fast.

Holy fuck you're still going? I followed it for the first 20 threads or so. Godspeed, x-user.

>I only kidnapped you naked what are you so upset about

Oops, I miscalculated things a bit, will be back asap

Coming up with a new name is hard.

bump for when user returns

Because the pun is too good to pass up

Phone-user here. Should be back in about 10 min or so

Alright, let's do this, motherfuckers.

Stop being a turd, Ororo.

Ha ha, fair enough.

Goddammit Logan, you and your samurai shit.



Time for our first real Wolverine/Sabretooth fight!

Also, Betsy gets her own costume