/who/ - Doctor Who General

Incinerator full of missing episodes edition

Lost, but not forgotten

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Doctor Whore

>/who/ presents:
- The Anthology -

>Are you a true fan of Doctor Who?
>Have you ever written down a sequence of words?

If the answer is yes or no, then you are ready to contribute a literary masterpiece to the second /who/ collection of original Doctor Who-based short fiction.

/who/ did it once. Now, we're gonna do it again! Yet another entry in an age-old tradition of p̶a̶c̶k̶a̶g̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶f̶i̶c̶s̶ ̶t̶o̶g̶e̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶g̶i̶v̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶m̶ ̶a̶n̶ ̶a̶i̶r̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶e̶g̶i̶t̶i̶m̶a̶c̶y̶ / celebrating the magic of Who and the talent of a community.

There are no limits (except the story must be at least 1 word long, and preferably not in excess of 10,000, it's short fiction you fuck).

>- Can involve any Doctor(s), companion(s), side characters, spinoff characters and beyond, as your heart desires
>- Can be in any style, whether it's "legitimate writing", "pisstake", or "shitpost".
>- Can be about absolutely anything
>- The main focus is on good fun in the vein of the wiki, although serious entries are allowed. (If you're going to write smut, maybe approach it with a degree of levity)

Stuck for ideas? Try starting with your favourite TARDIS team (or for timeliness, Whittaker 13th Doctor) and one of these authentic titles:

We are going to be starting an index on the wiki for the collection. Anyone can contribute, no signups/pitches required. If you have ideas, feel free to broadcast them.
The rest is self-explanatory. Format for uploading your work is up to you, as long as it can be conveniently copied across (and ideally don't spam long texts in /who/ directly). (Pastebin works well.)

BONUS: Anyone who wants to do cover art or "illustrations" is encouraged.


Post more doctor fashion



delet this

Whatever happened to the whole Peter Jackson directing an episode idea? Jackson's openly stated he's a massive fan of Doctor Who and he would love to direct an episode. Obviously he's a huge name and he'd cost a lot of money to hire to direct an episode, but he even said he'd do it completely free of charge.
They even did that little skit with Peter Jackson polishing his Oscars when Capaldi sneaks into the room:

If the man's willing to direct and he's willing to do it for free, why aren't the BBC banking on that? Promote the episode and make it clear to everyone with a line like "directed by Peter Jackson from Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and King Kong". It's a massive opportunity to get casuals and non-viewers of Doctor Who to definitely switch on for that episode.

Trying to find a balance between female fashion and more Doctorish clothes.

Now that I think about it, Whittaker being the Doctor isn't so bad after all.

Can I just say how happy I am that it's not Olivia Colman? Christ she's ugly, I wouldn't be able to stand watching her every week.

Jodie, on the other hand, is super cute.


fuck, that track was excellent. I too am really upset it was abandoned. It's even got a good amount of A Good Man mixed in with it, couple of other great bits I recognize , it should've been his official theme.

she'd make a far better doctor than jodie whittaker, and she's a much better actress.
but of course, it's all looks to you, ya shallow fuck.

>ITT: Episodes that could've been GOAT but is ruined by one or two things


not to be the huge loser that I am, but I really hope Thirteen's outfit is like unisex enough for anyone to be able to cosplay it/pull together a recognizable version, without boys worrying about finding/wearing womens clothing or girls worrying about finding some kind of unobtainable high fashion piece.

those one or two things were the whole fucking episode

I'm still not quite sure how the master managed to manipulate the souls of dead people across time and turn corpses into fucking cybermen

>Olivia Coleman
>Better than Jodie

I'd fuck all Thirteen, now all Fourteen. NO MONGS ALLOWED.

She used a gallifreyan matrix, it uploads their consciousness to the cloud, essentially.

And she has a TARDIS so she went back in time and installed it early on.

To be honest, there's parts of listen I love, it's super atomospheric. I don't even mind meeting kid Doctor at all. It's just the annoying awkward dialogue between Danny and Clara on their date that I absolutely despise

Fuck knows how the cyberman thing worked though.

I love how there is one faggot that white knights Olivia Colman every thread.
Like sorry your waifu sucks and is a one note actress with the face of a fucking goblin, but you dont have to sperg out about it

>reminder that this happened and was not a simulation or anything
if you ignore the squee part this is legit GOAT, did any other Doctors do this kind of daredevil shit? Maybe when Ten fell from the ship in End of Time, but he didn't even stick the landing so it doesn't count. Meanwhile, Twelve did this as well as Parachuting after getting his plane blown up by Bonny (why the fuck does he like poncing about in planes so much if he keeps getting blown out of them?). There's also his window stunt in Heaven Sent.

I just don't like short hair capaldi
he really grew into his role overtime

Listen was so close to being Blink levels of great, feels bad

>1 First
>2 Second
>3 Third
>4 Fourth
>5 Fifth
>6 Sixth
>7 Seventh
>8 Eighth
>9 War
>10 Ninth
>11 Tenth
>12 Tenth/Handy
>13 Eleventh
>14 Twelfth
>15 Thirteenth

i fuckin hate that opening scene with him looking at the camera and sitting on the tardis and saying LISTEN!


Moffat has officially stated that War and Handy do not count. Stick it up your arse.

It's like pottery

I like it a lot more in retrospect, now that Twelve has firmly cemented his shtick of talking to the audience directly ("nothing without an audience", Beethoven's Fifth, probably more that I forgot)

I'd have liked another never-seen Doctor instead of Meta tbqh.
Like between the Second and the Third, it's the only time in Classic Who they didn't show the change i'm surprised they didn't retcon a famale Doctor in that time

Do not count in terms of numbering the Doctor you pillock

I forgot about that and that terrible sketch. It is weird though, that was two years ago. If he's up for it they should do it

>Promote the episode and make it clear to everyone with a line like "directed by Peter Jackson from Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit and King Kong".
Made me remember the trailer for the Vincent van Gogh episode. BBC Wales aired a different one that really hammered in the fact that it was written by Richard Curtis, followed by a list of popular shit he'd done before

I think it's pretty stupid, but I also love the idea that he does that all the time. 12 meditating on the tardis is so over the top and moody I love it.

Do not count for the official numbering, but they are still counted as incarnation/regenerations (well, maybe for Handy it is a bit different

With this soft reboot incoming with Chibnall etc. does anyone think it's a perfect time for some monsters that have been turned into a bit of a joke by Moffat/RTD to come back in a more serious way?

I'd really like to see deadly, intelligent Sontarans again like we had in Classic Who.

I like the idea that the light is going up his ass

so now it's:

13 "Doctors"
14 regenerations (After One)
14 separate incarnations (no Handy)
15 technical incarnations (with Handy)

Does /who/ general ever set up a stream of favourite episodes for the thread to watch together?

Is there enough space for him to sit comfortable? The light is supposed to be just behind his back

>[spoiler i'm surprised they didn't retcon a female Doctor in that time[/spoiler]


Just had this emailed to me from Candy Jar Books


If the Lethbridge-Stewart books are canon then 13 has already met the brigadier

All I hope is that there are more horror style episodes, those are my favourites

>"How can you call yourself a feminist and let this pass?"
>"I don't call myself a feminist."
>"Please tell me you're not the future."
sure cant wait for chibnall to save doctor who

Brian knows where the comfy is at


Wow, that's amazing, I've never seen that trailer.

As for Vincent and the Doctor, while it was a fantastic episode and the actor for Vincent was great, I'm still slightly pissed off that they didn't go with a Dutch actor. I'm from The Netherlands so I was really looking forward to an episode about a famous historic figure from my country but they cast a Scottish actor instead. And when they raised the subject of the accent they just waved it off. Amy and Vincent were both speaking in a Scottish dialect throughout the episode. Nothing against the actor, but it seems lazy to me that they didn't even try to get a Dutch actor.

Can't remember the ep, how did they wave it off?

I think the Sontarans have been completely robbed of ever being taken seriously after Strax.
Silurians could have another chance at being properly menacing but I personally disliked the two-parter that re-introduced them to NuWho, and that was written by Chibnall himself.

The Ood, the Vashta Nerada and the Autons deserve another go, I think. There's lots of unexplored stuff with the Vashta Nerada, and it's about time we got another proper Autons story.

>Brian and Rory will never be together again

Capaldi would have saved the Ponds

>13 has already met the brigadier


Read that extract again and get back to me.

15 technical incarnations

There were two Doctor metacrises. The one played by David Tennant, and the one played by Catherine Tate.


I think this is the key word here, but this sound like something Moffat would do, so i think we are good, for now.
Even if 12 did say that he don't remember if he was a woman or not (and there is still the special)


Holy shit! I used to watch the show during the Tennant years. I decided to give it a go on Netflix and watch the newer stuff.

This show is just flat out sexist and to a much lesser degree, racist.

I don't know what you mean but I want to lick Clara's armpits.

>the one played by Catherine Tate

That one is a technical incarnation of Donna Noble.
Well, just an upgraded Donna (even if you can't upgrade what is already perfect)

Think it was the ol' TARDIS translation thing again. The worst part is that I would've preferred a non-Dutch actor putting on a Dutch accent, however terrible. Making him Scottish for no reason just seemed lazy.
Again, I'm biased because I'm Dutch myself and I'd have liked Vincent van Gogh to have a Dutch actor or accent. But imagine if you're a Russian viewer of DW and there's an episode where they meet Lenin and he speaks in an Irish accent for no reason?

I read it properly but I just forgot what happened when I was making my post.
I wasn't far off

Will there ever be less than 97 missing episodes?

Well they've found previously lost stories before so probably.

Seriously tho, /who/ is this Capaldi's weakest scene as the 12th Doctor? (If not, what is his weakest scene?)


>watching Chibnalls other show
>a man is cheating
>a man is a child toucher
>only men so far have been looking suspicious

W E W series 11 is looking good so far lads

men are bad am i right

Broadchuch S3 is a show about a rape fgs, the suspects of which are men.

Doctor Who is a silly adventure sci-fi show; I doubt it'll be anything like BDCHRCH3

>(If not, what is his weakest scene?)
The one in Sleep No More where he starts quoting Macbeth and the dialogue tries to make the concept of sleep bogey monsters sound profound and philosophical. He visibly, audibly gives up and I don't blame him

You mean Broadchurch?

I assure you some of the women in that are absolute witches

Have you considered getting a trip?

Do you know roughly where in the episode it is?


Roughly at the 24 minute mark?

Oh god yes that was fucking awful. He looks like he literally can't be arsed

I'm willing to bet that there are already fewer than 97.
10 years ago I was convinced there would always be 108 missing episodes, and then look what happened.
I reckon it could be a few more years though.

>watching Five-ish Doctors again
Why is this so glorious?

>tired and heavily-pregnant Georgia scooping Ben&Jerry's into her mouth with a celery stick
>Moffat playing with his 10 and 11 figurines
>Baker forcing his family to watch his episodes
>McCoy obviously promoting The Hobbit, constantly name-dropping it and wearing a t-shirt with THE HOBBIT on it
>Moff napping and having nightmares about previous companions begging them for a role

Remember the rumours about that episode that it completely crashed during filming, Capaldi left the set, and Gatiss had to go back to the drawing board? When I watched that scene, I truly believed. Imagine having to go through the toil and strife of shooting such a bollocks script.

There are some proper horrible, monstrous female characters in Broadchurch lapping up the despair of the village for their own career improvement. Also you fucking wait until David Bradley's story arc is over.

Yeah I don't particularly care for the sister or the innkeeper. Jodie isn't selling me yet either, and I'm on episode 5 at the moment. To be fair all she's been so far is the mum to a dead kid and someone whose been cheated on so hopefully in season 2 or 3 she'll have more to do.

Handy is not the Doctor, in any way. It's a byproduct of an aborted regeneration, like an animal that sheds its skin or something.
Once you include that you have to include the Watcher, the 6 gorillion Capaldis in Heaven Sent, and the Valeyard.

Why? Have you got a problem with the way I post m8?

It's a work of art that only Davison and his collaborators could possibly have made, playing on all the relationships and connections that the Who family have, and it's brimming with love and wit from every pore.
The bit that always blows my mind is that they actually filmed stuff on the Hobbit set with Peter Jackson and Ian McKellen delivering lines.

Is "?" supposed to be William Hartnell? Jesus...

I love David Bradley so far, I feel sorry for him.

It seems to me like that post is just counting regenerations, I don't know what everyone is so het up about.

Perhaps. Maybe the film is badly damaged/degraded and is difficult to restore? If anything, especially something like Marco Polo did turn up (which compared to everything else, isn't unlikely), it must need some serious restoration.

All we need now is that cunt that sniped The Web of Fear Episode 3 to give it back.

Someone write it

I can't construct narratives worth shit

>Another incarnation between 2 and 3 instead of Meta

I'd be ok with it, they even did a fan-episode about this with Jon in it

Looks more like Nardole, desu.

Looks like it could be based on a mirrored version of this?

Yeah. With brief interludes of John Simm memes.

Depends how they've been stored. when they found the Lion in 1999 it was in a pretty horrific state whereas The Web and Enemy episodes were actually in excellent condition (the copy of Web 1 was actually better than the one the BBC already had)
So while we may get some unrecoverable prints, we can't say they absolutely will be.

>All we need now is that cunt that sniped The Web of Fear Episode 3 to give it back.
Was that ever confirmed? I thought is was just a rumor.

Broadchurch actually had a very refreshing cast of unlikable men AND women. I thought it was great to see all those different characters, some sympathetic, some unbearable. Chibnall knows how to write characters.
Doubt we'll get any "oh you men are so inferior" or "women are great, sorry for being a man and not understanding stuff" moments that Moffat loves to throw around.

RTD's Doctor
>Jesus Action Hero allegory or a grumpy man with PTSD
>"I'm so sorry"
>uses catchphrases
>always fucks up companions prsonnal life
>can't live without his companions
>always staring into the distance with a sad face
>always announcing that he's a time lord or some shit about being the last of the time lords
>always give second chances even though they never fucking work

Moffat's Doctor
>wacky young man or if Colin baker didn't get fucked over by the BBC
>always has a sub-plot about dying
>has a wieird obsession over pointless shit
>usually the superior NuWho doctor
>always announcing who he is and that you should google him

Did I miss anything?

You forgot for Moffat's
>Always struggling to get over some personal flaw or other

Moffat's Doctor
>on the spectrum

>It's me, Nardie! The original, you might say.

Phillip Morris did indeed confirm that he originally found the complete Web of Fear (even posting pictures of the cans) and at some point between that and being able to take them back Web 3 went missing. That's why, despite being found in 2011, they weren't revealed until 2013. He thought he could get it back.