Here are 43 reason why Ennis sucks, and is the worst Punisher writer...

Here are 43 reason why Ennis sucks, and is the worst Punisher writer, and any other Punisher writer was better than Ennis, including the infamous writer who wrote Punisher as Preacher.

Behold, Punisher storytime

Fuck ennis, suck my pennis

Other urls found in this thread:


Ennis is shit

Anyone who likes Ennis is a virgin neet

Ennis is complete garbage.

>Chuck Dixon
>Mike Baron
>Or any other pre-Ennis tosser
No one holds a candle to Ennis when it comes to writing The Punisher.

If you like Ennis, kill yourself

Word. This is an ennis hate thread.
Why? Because normies only read ennis-punisher

Ennis cannot write punisher. His superman also sucks balls

If you like ennis, chances are, you never read a single comic book in your life

I tried to understand people who like ennis, then I realized that they are child fiddlers. Just like ennis

I mean, ennis is actually illiterate. It's actually his mother that writes under his name.

I mean, how much you have to be a loser, to use words like "wanker" "bloody" "tosser"
nigga, are you for real?
Suck my nigger cock, belfast ginger

>Ennis haters are illiterate

Ennis haters are right. You are an idiot. I beat that you don't ever read the comic I posted. You're just here to defend your shitty husbando, you faggot

And being illiterate is nothing compared to being ennis. I mean, being ennis is like being ultra-retarded illiterate, who constantly poops himself and says "rape? cin ah raep?"
it's ennis in a nutshell

>Because normies only read ennis-punisher
I really hate that bit. True, it isn't mandatory for someone to read everything ever written about a character, but everyone seems caught up in the whole "Punisher sucked before Garth Ennis."

I wouldn't be surprised if ennis lovers were fags with small dicks, who are on social welfare. Just like ennis is. Marvel pays him with food coupons.

shhh.. just let it vent. If you want me to storytime some Punisher story, I can do it. I was thinking about doing some graphic novel, but I'm not sure if I should. I'm only doing this storytime, because I've just re-read some of the stuff I own, and I thought
"man, fuck ennis, the HACK"

ennis is literally bendis-tier.
but bendis at least doesn't pretend to be superior to others.

And the truth is, ennis is the future you choose

It's depressing how many faggots are inspired by ennis. Literally two of them. But still...

>bendis at least doesn't pretend to be superior to others

Hohow dark is it where you are? Because your head is pretty far up your own ass.

minute of silence

the fact that you think that ennis is somehow more acceptable than bendis speaks for itself

read some proper comics, not garbage, you human toilet

ennis is responsible for a lot of bad things happening in comic books. it's funny, because he tries to retract from some of his over-the-top inventions. too little, too late

I'm sad that I didn't see ennis face, when UK voted for brexit. I don't care for UK, just seeing his dumb face, would be pure gold

>proper comics

This is what people actually believe.

Shitposting thread?


I mean, if you like ennis, GTFO, this thread is not for you

typical ennisfag, who cannot read with comprehension. I post that ennis = bendis, and the only thing you comprehended in your tiny brain is that I somehow posted that bendis is better than ennis

>posting image in a storytime thread
typical of ennisfags


I will not tolerate ennisfags here, just so you know


>Thinks that only he

and I will fight with fags like this one

I have time on my hand. Removing cancer from Sup Forums is not a mission, it's a blessing




Was a little busy, doing my duty to anyone who disrupts storytime. It's funny how it's easy to piss off ennisfags. It's like they are insecure or sth


it will take time before I continue.
apparently, ennisfags are too butthurt

Dixon was in the same ballpark easily.



you can bring it on ennisfags. the more you come, the more will be banned


It's nice that idiots keep bumping, though



I don't agree but it is nice to see someone post non-Ennis Punisher for once.

but then again, it's not like ennisfags ever cared about storytime. nope, they only care about their edge


if you agree than do your duty and report the disrupters. And I might storytime for a thread or two. Otherwise, won't bother

What about The Boys that has been posted for the past few days?

Ah. It feels nice to speak some truth in a while

I can't shitpost in your shitposting thread? You don't have exclusive rights.

what about them? I didn't disrupt their storytime of pain

This thread reminds me of the one where the guy tried getting people to read indie comics but was such a huge self-rightous asshole that people ignored his storytime all together and shitposted


you can do whatever you want, and I will do whatever I want


now with a twist. this time it's the big two comic
you didn't see it coming, didn't you?

I like the theory that Bendis basically turned her into a supervillain at the end of his run when he found out how much people were waifuing her.

So mad that he can't reply properly

it is kinda fascinating that ennisfags are pleb-tier in case of waifus. This is a new for me, though


Hmm... It feels good to not be an ennisfag


I'm almost done. I don't think I will storytime moar


I don't even like Ennis. I just think you are a cunt.

I do wonder if ennis is genuinely gay, though

congrats on being an even bigger cunt. here's your trophy

still, I don't believe that user. he just secretly wishes to suck ennis' penis

I feel relieved. I recommend it to anyone. Doing a storytime is very refreshing. It can cleanse your soul

Nah, I think we are both cunts.

I like this man.


>disrupting a storytime

That's pretty fucked up you guys. OP is entitled to shitpost in his own thread no matter how stupid his opinions may be. You don't have to agree with him, just hide the thread.

that's ennisfags for you

He has no exclusive right to shitpost.

He is entitled, but that doesn't I am prevented from too.

I don't remember the last time a storytime was disrupted that much. It feels... disturbing to say the least.



Well, your butthurt is very transparent, though

I never said he did idiot. You can shitpost right back but you don't have to drive up the image limit to do it. That's just bad form and encourages disrespectful behavior in other storytimes no matter how much you disagree with his opinions or attitude.


Normies don't read Ennis punisher
They just watch the movies

You're wasting your time. There are sacred cows on Sup Forums, and anyone who offends them, must be Punished

Remember where are you.


I will remember that next time Dan Dashly storytimes something.


More power to you.



I'm not sure what you're trying to prove, other than being a drama queen