Old webcomics

Everything that started in early '00s and before

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I don't even know anything from the 90's besides Space Moose.

Fuck you, I like it.

Obligatory Sluggy Freelance


I'm just gonna continue to post Space Moose


yes please











Done, I'll leave you with the fact that this was drawn in 1997


this one is always my favorite

It would in the modern day.

Read this before I even knew what "furry" was.

The Grimbles is my favorite obscure webcomic.


I get that reference.


Maybe you guys can help me remember this one comic

it was about a game dev studio and the people it in, possibly british, some bullshit about linux


Yep. And now those people are in their late 30s, early 40s and running society.

Which is why shit is going to hell.

oh shit, I remember when these motherfuckers were giants.

The Trenches?

Space Moose was not, technically speaking, a webcomic.

it was published in my school's student newspaper.

there's a web archive up because it's so legendary. also because the newspaper started refusing to publish it

Op is a good person

Didn't the feminist groups complain about it?

Daily reminder that no archive of Living in Greytown exists, and it's gone forever


nope, WAY older

Early-internet furry webcomics are a fucking trip, I feel like some deranged modern anthropologist when I peruse their archives

>Living in Greytown
Was this page false advertising? Did the archives ever appear on Keenspot Premium?

Page has been like that for years. No archive was ever uploaded as far as I'm aware.

The Parking Lot is full.

Wasn't that written by Dave Kelly, aka Shmorky?

Yes, comixtalk.com/dave_kelly_and_lizard_were_not_living_greytown_anymore/

Chris Crosby launched Superosity in 1999; he had already founded publisher Blatant Comics before starting Keenspot..

I wish he'd finish it, and do the Ocean Unmoving series properly.
















Dumping stuff from the food court







oh shit, Battle Angel Alit, never thought I'd see this casually referenced on a laotian bathroom doodle board







I wonder if pol knows about space moose, i'm pretty sure it would be popular among them.

Gee. It's almost like nerds being reactionary to people they disagree with is a constant as of late.

What comic is this?

Isn't this the same guy who draws that series of gag pages where the bard in an adventure party just keeps fucking all these monster girls?

No, it's Dominic Deegan.

It hurts. I've got an archive of most webcomics from the 98-2008 era, but not one of Living in Greytown. I remember loving it as a kid.

Still going
2485 strips
Worth reading if you like hard sci-fi
Probably one of the better hard sci-fi comics still

since 1998 and still going

somebody post Jerkcity god dammit

>still going

How many of such comics are still around?


I'd legit suck a dick for an archive of this

>it started right around 2000
>it's being reuploaded

>Willis had been making comics for over 18 years
>he now has kids

and to think she wanted to be a tennis instructor even when she didn't have the implants, she was still way too huge a boobs to play tennis

I actually have an archive of Greytown that I got from somewhere, probably from Sup Forums as well actually.

I don't know how complete it is but anything is better than nothing:


I am... skeptical but hopeful.

Holy shit it's legit... thank you user. I'm legit speechless, I've been thinking about this stupid comic for like a year

What, no Sinfest?

Thanks from me too, it looks complete, starts Jan 11, 200, ends Jan 11, 2002, with 5 weeks missing in 2000 and scattered one day gaps in 2001.

>finding old obscure webcomics in high school by just searching "webcomic" and diving into the mid 30s pages of results
>that one really comfy one you found but can't remember the name of to save your life


I can't believe I read the whole thing. I did not have what one would call discerning taste as an 13-14 year old.