Did you like Turbo Kid?

Did you like Turbo Kid?



Is this waifukino?

It was alright

It was okay, not worth watching more than once
Soundtrack was pretty good
Girl was cute

It was pretty good
Solid 7/10, maybe a weak 8

why don't you stop posting my wife


fuck i keep thinking this bitch is iJustine.


>tfw no happy and playful robogirl companion to love and protect

It was fucking trash and just pedo bait for men who like their women to act like 5 year old girls.

Fans of this film are one step away from meeting Chris Hansen.

I wanted to watch it but then I got tired of all the forced neon and synth shit that they put in every fucking show. I'm tired of the 80s.

i stopped towards the end and never finished it.
it was okay.


You should get a job as a projectionist


it's shit



this honestly I fucking hated it. maybe it's because I'm over synth, partly.

And now they both have aids

>actress born in 1985

Not really, Hobo with a Shotgun had a similar aesthetic but was actually a good movie

giv robo gf

Hell yeah!

Yeah it's pretty fun


This. It's hilarious how terrified of real, empowered women this board is.

Empowered women are boring and average. Fun childish girls are more rare and unique. They will always have that appeal.


move along

I want to hug Apple

It feels so unauthentic.
It's humor is god awful but the gore effects are pretty neat.
What was really annoying was the marketing kept saying that it was so unique.
Hobo with a Shotgun, Father's Day, and The FP all do similar things way better

This guy was better than Vader

Fuck yeah

It looks like stupid shit for faggots

Fun childish girls are more easily manipulated and viewed as less than a man.

>The FP

Fuck, I forgot about that movie. The only thing I remember is that it ends with him getting blowjob.

The woman is 32. Isn't that way too old for Sup Forums?

If you don't look too closely The FP and Turbo Kid are essentially the same film.

She dresses like one of my chinese cartoons though.

This is the same coalburner from 19-2 right? The one about montreal cops yet none of them speak french.

>he watched the English remake

Father's Day is fucking garbage

What are some other fake retro 80s movies like this?

I thought Michael Ironside was great
Liked the movie overall

way too many.

Has Michael Ironside ever not been great?

It was okay.

This chick is fucking gorgeous.


Empowered women are less than a man

i thought the girl and mc were annoying but the setting was interesting enough that i'd say i liked. the cowboy and villain were pretty good.

It's a fun movie to watch but it excels as a background movie. One you have on when you're doing some cleaning or whatever.


i thought it was boring
it felt like i was watching a youtube video

It did everything Kung Fury tried to do and did it far more effectively

It's a dumb 80s-style movie made like a dumb real 80s movie, and it doesn't miss the fucking point of 80s action film

That's a good idea. It's worth 1 wach otherwise, but it's a cool movie if you take it for what it is: a small budget indie movie that got in netflix.

Sure, it got the tropes but it has an actual plot. Kung fury is 100% parody.

no, kike

Kung fury is a prime example of "nostalgia 80's", sort of how you imagine the 80s were, without actually portraying anything remotely accurately. Sort of "woah dude the POWERGLOVE haha that's sooo 80's xd" even though no one really had one as it was a terrible product. It just plays on the misconception, fueled by lack of understanding what the media and the the 80s were in general.

Exactly! Everyone always tells me I'm pretentious for saying that

I loved it but had forgotten how much of a tribute to peter jackson's braindead era it is

Dude the actress is older than me and I'm 24.

What's with the reddit face


Its called a woman


>Stranger Things
>The Guest
>Kung Fury
>It Follows

>le quirky whimsical face XD

Blood Drive isn't half bad.

4/5 of those are really good

You have bad taste

How did Apple survive the first time but not the second one?

Quids of truth

That school shooting scene was pretty kino though


Can't deny those digits.