Supergirl Thread

Hey, Sup Forums. let's have a Supergirl thread.

Who's the best version of Supergirl?
What are her best stories and runs?
Who's the worst version of Supergirl?
Do you like or dislike the show?

Post your Supergirls!

>Best version
Power Girl circa JLI

>Worst version
The version that appeared in the Threeboot LoSH books who was so great and perfect and actually stole the books damn title for a pretty damn long while. She almost reached Batman's level of sue in that book.

>The show
Looks terrible and the tie-in book is all over the place.

wow that peeg looks awful

The Supergirl TV is alright . It at least feels like a Superhero show unlike Arrow.


I'm worried about the new ongoing. Her solo comics are almost always garbage and I doubt that this will be an exception.

Supergirl Angel is the best version

>What are her best stories and runs?

>Who's the best version of Supergirl?

I like David's run. Though, it is a bit convoluted.

one of her best outfits.

Is that Matrix?


I miss Matrix




I liked what I've read of Orlando in the past so I'm really hoping Supergirl's Rebirth stuff is going to be good. It's been too long since we've had a good Supergirl run

What are you talking about??

She's always had average to good to great runs

This is the best outfit but it requires giant boobs.
One improvement would be giving her thigh high boots.

New 52 was pretty trash but I respect your opinion friend


What's the top center from?
Because that's doing things to me that haven't happened since I saw Caitlin Fairchild in a Supergirl outfit.

Scioli made my favorite costume ever. Bronze Age Blouse + headband, and added the perfect touch of the pink cape

DTV thing, Batman/Superman Apokalips? it was based on the Loeb thing from the early 00s

She looks like she was drawn by the same studio as Boondocks, but I can't find anything to be sure.

Who are the three Supergirls on the left? I recognise Kara in the middle, Linda and Peeg back right, and I think Matrix (?) far right.

From the wiki. Various incarnations of Supergirl (from left to right): Original Kara Zor-El, Matrix, Kara in the '70s, Modern Kara, Linda Danvers, Power Girl, and Kara from Crisis on Infinite Earths.

This Supergirl is awesome.
And that's not saying that I don't like the new Rebirth outfit, cause I do. It's not just the bottoms but the closed collar and cape. I like the look of that, better than the open collar.

I think they're all just silver/bronze age Kara. Like the one with the logo on the boob is just missing the choker and the shorts are draw more like bikini bottoms than the shorts they actually were.

What was with the pink shape shifting alien thing?





I enjoyed everything but the crossover
her series was one of the highlights of New 52





















Replaced original Supergirl after CoIE, as a result of Luthor clone shenanigans.





See that's what you get for try to make Ambush Bug serious.






>Super nano-machine produced body armor
>Not as supportive as the $60 bra I bought at Sears



RIP bra



Whelp! I'm uncomfortable, anyone else uncomfortable?







Who's the mope in the "M" shirt?


I love Matrix/Mae Kent and Linda Danvers. I have every issue of both of their series,


>Walled City of Gotham

Ah, so Arkham City actually WORKED in this world?




Totally forgot





There will only ever be one actually nice version of Lex Luthor.

This ain't him.





