
When did she become such a painful, unfun cunt?


After Joe ditched her for getting rid of his baby

She killed her child to be trendy and slammed into the Wall so of course she's going to take a nose dive into miseryville

Lindsay Ellis, formerly known as nostalgia chick

Like many plebeians she fell for the "concept" trap. She saw an okay comedy, found out about the origins and how the final product was much different and thought "WOW THEY SHOULD HAVE STUCK WITH THAT! FUCK CULTURAL APPROPRIATION!" even though the idea was dropped for what usually is a good reason.

There are tons of movies about this now. Jodorskis dune, the one about Burton/Cage superman, even one about the corman fantastic 4. The list goes on. Every movie you have ever seen is a result of limitations and compromises. Nothing will ever be as wide and grandiose as they originally wanted. She's a plebeian that has no idea what she's talking about and looks for any and every opportunity to stand on a soap box.

She dislikes Dragonheart

>and here's why

How I can tell you're a former goon, the video

Abortion is not infanticide you retard. Let's not start this shitstorm.

>literally intentionally ending the life of an infant is not infanticide

It's one of those films women will never understand, so it's understandable

It's not an infant, it's a clump of cells. I wish you people would stop equating a fetus to a living, breathing baby.

You know what else is a clump of cells?
Every living organism

Every living thing is a clump of cells, but nice try

>obsessively shit on children's movies

gee I wonder why she does this..could it be because she doesn't have the smarts to keep up with real film?

all forms of life are "clumps of cells" dumbass

You know what I fucking mean, idiots. It's not a sentient being yet, there's no murder taken place. It's like claiming men commit murder in the millions every time they masturbate.

B-b-but they aren't alive because I say when life matters!

>It's like claiming men
woman detected. Get off my board you bleeding hole

When she was born.

>reaching that much to not admit the other user is right

love when kids get go on call me samefag

Her videos are still better than pretty much anybody else who came out of TGWTG.
She's a bit preachy sometimes but her videos can actually be informative and she acknowledges that she can still enjoy movies that arent politically correct. She isn't mindlessly hating.
Also Pocahontas was always a mistake. Why the fuck would anybody on Sup Forums want to defend Disney anyway.

Enjoy the (you) faggot

There was definitely a time when she knew how to have fun and didn't spend entire videos lecturing her audience about muh cultural appropriation. are samefagging. Prove you aren't. Protip: Posting from your phone is still samefagging

She kind of always was, but had her true characteristics hidden in the original NChick persona

Her initial reviews were ok though

Even if I show proof you'll still claim I edited the screencap, so why bother? Stay mad, though.

>killing an infant is not infanticide
Hello, reddit

>not a sentient being
>can have heart surgery performed on it and responds to stimuli

It needs to involve an infant to be infanticide, hence the name. A fetus is not an infant. How is it this hard for you to understand this?

>a foetus is an infant

lazy bait

>sentience comes from the heart

Damn I though liberals were the stupid ones

The moment she was born.

Are babies really even sentient until they are 3ish? And even then they don't have any real thoughts until they are in their 20's. Maybe we should allow abortion years into post uteruan existence?

>It's like claiming men commit murder in the millions every time they masturbate.
I don't even care about the abortion views people have, but please stop making this argument in your favour. When men masturbate they release sperm, which has only half the charge of chromosomes a normal human being has (That's why they recombine with an ova to create a cell that has 46 chromosomes, a human cell). Sperm does not have enough genetic data to make a human being, so it doesn't count as murder.

>Maybe we should allow abortion years into post uteruan existence?

emotional conservatives would cry too much

>le clump of cells meme
Look bud, I'm pro-abortion. I think it's a great form of population control, and it's great for keeping shitskin populations in check.

But please, just admit it is killing an unborn child. That's what it is. An unborn child. Not "a clump of cells." It is an undeveloped human being. This stupid fucking meme needs to end.

Either make peace with the fact that abortion is the ending of a human life, or become anti-abortionist. Either way stop being a retard who perpetuates dumb memes.

>Sperm does not have enough genetic data to make a human being

A tumor does though.

You're not wrong but Pocahontas is a shit movie anyway

>That's what it is. An unborn child. Not "a clump of cells."

No it isn't.

Yes and come up with gentler terms like you've just described.

"Oh I had a post-delivery late abortion, my clump of cells had only been developing for 2 years at that point, no big deal." Whatever language these retards can come up with to feel less guilty about murdering their children for their own convenience/because they couldn't stop having unprotected sex even though the world is filled with contraceptive choices.

Honestly, if you are the type of dumbshit who wants an abortion after not using contraceptives, yeah, please do get an abortion. You shouldn't be allowed to reproduce to begin with.

>and it's great for keeping shitskin populations in check.
You know what else accomplishes this? Not having a welfare state enabling Sheniqua having 8+ children.

It's funny seeing you Sup Forumstards defend abortion when it has caused white birth rates to plummet too.

no its not even undeveloped
its developing.
congratulations on instantly outing yourself as an idiot who knows literally nothing about tumors

This. Its murder, but its legal and sacrosanct murder. Dianne Feinstein herself called Roe v Wade a "super precedent" and the pope himself condones it. We don't need to hide it.

It is a developing human being you faggot. If it's a "clump of cells" then so are you. Which technically yeah you are, sure. But it is a dehumanizing term that you delusional freaks parrot so that you can feel better about being in favor of the murder of unborn children. This is non-negotiable, call it whatever creative terms you can come up with, at the end of the day it is a small undeveloped person and you are ending its life for your own convenience. Accept that.

>Whatever language these retards can come up with to feel less guilty about murdering their children for their own convenience/because they couldn't stop having unprotected sex even though the world is filled with contraceptive choices.

I'm sorry but you're being emotional here. You're not looking at the situation rationally. An unfeeling, unconscious fetus isn't the same as a child. No amount of strawmanning will change that.

I thought a mothers first instinct is to care for her child???? Not kill it???

>tumors don't have human DNA


At least we should allow parents to put down babies born with severe mental and/or physical handicaps. They'd never have good quality of life, and will just be a huge drain on our healthcare system while putting little to nothing back into it if they survive into adulthood.

Yeah tumors grow into separate people all the time.

>But it is a dehumanizing term that you delusional freaks parrot so that you can feel better about being in favor of the murder of unborn children.

You can't de-humanize something that wasn't human to begin with.

Yeah, it's called pregnancy

There is absolutely nothing "emotional" about identifying a human as a human. It's just a fact. I am not emotional on this subject because I long ago came to terms with the fact that I am okay with dummies killing their unborn children if it keeps the population of retards in check. The only emotion I feel in this discussion is disdain for people who lie to themselves and pretend that it's anything other than a small human they're killing, using dehumanizing terms to feel as if they're morally correct.

You also do not know what the term "strawman" means, I'd suggest you look up the definition and proper application of a term before using it.

Friendly reminder that killing innocent people is commonly referred to as murder. Obfuscating the issue and claiming the unborn are somehow nonliving husks is absolute psychopathy. They are very much alive, and they're definitely humans. If you cannot handle a child, don't have sex. If I passed a law making abortions a capital offense, how would you feel? Would it not be an outrage to take a human life?

I would think not. Those getting abortions aren't breeding and contributing to my society nor my species, they're basically clumps of cells.

Do you understand this argument now? This is the simplest way to describe the issue to someone lacking empathy. Prattle on about cells, but ask yourself if you'd be disturbed by the situation I presented. The criminals executed by the state were humans just like us, they didn't deserve to die over something like that. If you aren't phased by such a thing, then I suggest you tell your psychiatrist.

Making a mistake does not give you the right to murder. I could make a compelling argument for execution being the punishment for abortion. I still struggle forming a compelling argument that's pro-abortion. The ignorance to claim unborn humans aren't alive astounds me. The attempts to claim it doesn't "count" because they aren't sentient is repressive. Humans aren't sentient till they're around 3-4 years old. Without going down the slippery slope, your argument is still irrelevant.


I don't have a problem with killing babies 2bh. Matter of fact I kind of wish that I never see another kid again. Have you met kids? They're fucking nightmares. Also you guys act like murdering babies is a new thing, euthanasia was fucking common as hell back in the day. I'm talking to both sides by the way, just get off your fucking pedestal and go kill some babies already you pussies.


>she knew how to have fun and didn't spend entire videos lecturing her audience about muh cultural appropriation.
DI you even watch the video? She flat out says that cultural appropriation isn't necessarily a bad thing and calls out SJWs for making too much of a big deal out of it. The video isn't about how Disney is evil for committing the terrible crime of cultural appropriation, it's about how how depicting different cultures in media is a difficult issue, and there aren't clear guidelines about how to do it. I know that doesn't fit your white genocide narrative, but the video isn't what you seem to think it is.

You're calling it murder because you're making an emotional appeal.

>You also do not know what the term "strawman" means, I'd suggest you look up the definition and proper application of a term before using it.

>"Oh I had a post-delivery late abortion, my clump of cells had only been developing for 2 years at that point, no big deal."

Literally a strawman

>Implying they didn't do it before welfare

>women demand the right to kill their unborn children, because many are so irresponsible with their reproductive capabilities they'd rather kill the "parasite" growing in them than accept responsibility
>they're somehow the fairer and compassionate sex

If you tried to make a human out of the DNA you got from a tumor it wouldnt work.

If men could have children, I would wager that many more would have abortions than women.

>Come into thread to fap over Lindsay pics/vids with pathetically desperate hope for nudes.
>Get stuck trying to fap to a Sup Forums debate about abortion instead.

> Sup Forums pretending to care about life again
> half the threads there are about exterminating everything that is not white

Stay classy as always

let me ask you this.
Should it be ok to kill brain dead people?
What about kids with severe autism or downs syndrome? People in comas?
If the answer to any of those questions is no, then you are morally a hypocrite if you support abortion because the logical steps taken to justify abortion apply to all those cases.

Shitskins are subhumans

What does Sup Forums have to do with any of this, and where did I state that I am in favor of a welfare state?

Blacks have a much higher rate of abortions, I can't remember the figures but it is insanely high. In fact, those who pushed for legalization of abortion originally sought to use it to keep the poor blacks in check. And it's been a great success. It's clearly worth it even if a few whites get caught up in it, they're retards anyway. If you wind up in the situation where you need an abortion, with all the contraceptive choices you have now, you are just irredeemably stupid and irresponsible.

this is the worst reply in the whole thread

i may as well post this

>everything I don't like is Sup Forums
Can you not?

>What does Sup Forums have to do with any of this
Your retarded argument, the way you type; it's quite clear you're from that cesspool of a board. The black population was never a problem before abortion was made legal, yet here you are stupidly trying to argue it's needed to control a problem that never existed.

>Should it be ok to kill brain dead people?

Yes, if the relatives want it

>What about kids with severe autism or downs syndrome?

Abortion can stop them from being born in the first place. Also severe autism and downs aren't that bad. People with downs can live relatively good lives. They're certainly not brain dead

>People in comas?

It's a different situation because a person in a coma has a life to return to, but if there's no chance they're going to wake up it should be ok, and their relatives should be in charge of that decision. This already happens anyway, it's called switching off life support.

That's just false, and you know it.

its literally the same tactic stormfags use. Every argument against them is concocted by the jews to trick people. Every argument against unintelligent millenials simiilarly is an alt right fake news conspiracy theory

You KNOW the outcome of a hypothetical situation is false, do you? Jesus christ you people get dumber every year

What television or film is this? Go discuss your youtuber trash back at Sup Forums

What a silly response. Men are frankly more responsible than women. Men wouldn't have abortion parties or whatever you people do.

>but men a-are just as bad as women! I swears it!

All you're doing is proving that women truly are the niggers of gender.

>men in the western world are more frequently unemployed than women

Men are more irresponsible than women, this is fact

American blacks didn't, because they realized that having too many kids would lead to them and the mother dying on the streets. You can go look up old census data and see this was never a problem in our country. This whole "abortion is needed to control da shitskins!" is pure drivel. You know what would happen if abortion would actually be made illegal again? Black women would stop being such huge sluts, since they'd no longer have that safety net.

>Men are frankly more responsible than women.

That's untrue though, men are biologically predisposed to taking more risks. Men have higher rates of unemployment in white society.

I've been here before Sup Forums was even created, please go back to wherever YOU came from if you're so triggered by a basic conversation on demography.

Also, you don't have a clue what you're talking about either, please do some research on the early pro-abortion movement and planned parenthood, why it was created and where they target their clinics. They wanted it to control the poor black population so that there was less of a burden on the rest of society to support them with welfare programs. They even used to make black single mothers get sterilized in order to get on the dole. I think these are effective systems, their population would be a hell of a lot higher if none of that was set into place. And it makes the black women's lives easier too because they don't have to raise children they don't want. The children in turn can just die in the womb and don't have to suffer through a life with an absentee father and incapable mother. It's a win on everyone's part.

>since they'd no longer have that safety net.

Except the pill, condoms, other contraceptives, and back alley abortions

You sound a little butt bothered. I'd advise a cooling-down period where you can put your delicate feelings at ease. Perhaps, a safe space of sorts? Somewhere where you can shelter yourself from differing opinions. That might help you out.

>yes if the relatives want it
So someone who doesnt sign a DNR can be killed by the family for their conveience? Ok.
>they're certainly not brain dead.
Fair point i shouldve said severe birth defects because thats more what i was getting at anyway. The point being that if you believe abortion is a right because the mother doesnt want to raise a child, and she has the right to kill that child because it is incapabable of concent, logically that right extends to mothers who dont want to care for children who have those same shortcomings post delivery. You are literally a hypocrite if you believe otherwise.
>its a different situation because a person in a coma has a life to return to
Ok. But what about babies? You know they have a life to get to, they fucking all do because thats literally what a womb is for. Incubating them before they enter the real world. If you dont believe its ok to kill someone in a coma on the basis that they may wake up and get on with their life, how could you believe its ok to kill a baby, who you can bet with 99.9% certainty will be born into the world after 9 months?

>Perhaps, a safe space of sorts? Somewhere where you can shelter yourself from differing opinions

But he doesn't like Sup Forums

to be fair, she always was a cunt, she just played a role for as long as it was beneficial for her.

It's really, really sad that she is by far the hottest one there.

>explaining that people who complain about boogeymen being behind differing opinions, whether the boogeyman is a neo nazi or jew, are annoying
>but i need the safe space
I honestly dont even know what point you're trying to make here

>it's a "samefag pretends women aren't vastly inferior to men because she's butthurt about reality" thread

Go ahead and tell me a field, any that isn't bleeding from the twat or giving birth in which women are consistently out preforming men both at the highest levels and on average. I'll wait. Women are treated like weak idiots for a reason: because it's what they are.

We're on Sup Forums, friend. Not sure if you noticed.

The discussion on this website has degraded to such a point that anything that makes someone uncomfortable, they just call you Reddit or Sup Forums. Truly sad.

so sad to see JesuOtaku like that knowing how she looks like now

>So someone who doesnt sign a DNR can be killed by the family for their conveience? Ok.

Why not? They're braindead.

>logically that right extends to mothers who dont want to care for children who have those same shortcomings post delivery

Absolutely. In fact this already exists. It's called adoption.

>Ok. But what about babies? You know they have a life to get to

We're not talking about babies, we're talking about fetuses. An undeveloped fetus has no life to return to.

>If you dont believe its ok to kill someone in a coma on the basis that they may wake up and get on with their life, how could you believe its ok to kill a baby, who you can bet with 99.9% certainty will be born into the world after 9 months?

Like I just tried to make clear to you, I think it's ok to switch of life support for people in comas if they're never going to wake up again. But let's pretend I don't think that; my response is that a person in a coma has more to lose if you kill them, a fetus has nothing to lose because it's not even a person yet.

Your "argument" against him is that he holds the opinions of some people on a different board.

Okay, and? Who the fuck cares you little retard. You call him Sup Forums he calls you Reddit, it's boring as shit. Either say something of substance, entertain me with something funny, or gtfo to your little corner.

>Go ahead and tell me a field, any that isn't bleeding from the twat or giving birth in which women are consistently out preforming men both at the highest levels and on average.

So what's your excuse?

Tshis typically happens to whores once they get too old. Then they start blaming all the guys they fucked when they were younger, because apparently it was the guys' fault the girl was such an easy lay.

I fucking hate geek culture. I hate "geek" women. You're all literally as fucking horse ugly with insufferable personalities that they said you were in grade school, and adopting geek persona doesn't change that.

>me no like wo-man

she never stopped being funny and interesting kid

>Sure I'll suck your dick Tommy!

>420 yolo xDDD parteeee hahaha hey Chad :)
>fuck off Billy you loser

>ugh Jessie just got married, all my friends are getting married WTF I need my girlfriends back :(

>I need a real man to take care of me, where have all the good men gone?

>This wrinkle cream works really well
>I need to dye my gray hairs
>MY BIOLOGICAL CLOCK IS TICKING, I need a man and a baby!!

>I'm not old I'm not old I'm not old
>Ew John is dating a 22 year old can you believe it? Creepy...

>I don't need anyone, I have my cats after all

>Local woman found dead buried in massive hoarder home with over 30 cats

>why not? They're braindead.
Because you are literally then infringing on their legal rights. Their life can only be ended by the hospital.
>its called adoption
so why not just have the mothers carry the baby to term and then give it up?
>hurr durr a fetus is a not a baby look at me everyone im retarded
A fetus is a human the same way you, me, a guy in a coma, and an olympic athelete are humans. They just arent fully developed yet.
It is totally unscientific to claim otherwise. All medical and scientific knowledge about what constitutes as life easily denotes that a human at any stage of development is life.
This point is always the hardest for me to understand why liberals disagree with. Liberals are practically synonymous with going with what the sceintific consensus on something is, this is noted especially in the way liberals react to republican politicians who deny climate change. They find it outlandish that someone would deny obvious scientific truths, yet pro abortion types do it too.
>its not even a person yet
so once again your whole argument is based on this totally unscientific belief that an unborn child is not human life. But you missed my point anyway. You said you shouldnt kill someone if they have a chance to wake up, if we were to compare being in the womb to being in a coma, there is a practical guarantee of waking up, so arent you violating your own rule by saying its ok to kill them?
Just because a baby is literally the most innocent among us because it is so new to the world does not mean it has any less moral value as a human.