The Shape Of Water

why are there no threads about this?

your thoughts on guillermos next adventure?

Other urls found in this thread:


>the white godly man is evil
>most likely hellboy prequel
>already a hellboy reboot in the works

this movie doesn't need to exist

There was a thread earlier today where the OP actually included the trailer to produce a higher quality thread. The movie looks kinda dumb desu.

if anything i just want to see it for the cinematography and editing. the first 30 seconds of the trailer had me stunned

she looks like a scrawny version of carrie brownstein

>tfw no mute gf

Well obviously it's not an ACTUAL Hellboy prequel, but it's definitely Del Toro throwing a hissy fit that they wouldn't fund Hellboy 3.

Looks like BioShock

Don't do this Cure for Wellness shit all over again. Everything with a tank of water isn't Bioshock.

Well, in his defense, it also has the ~1940s music and aesthetic, but that's where the similarities end. Story is, although not very original, nothing similar to BioShock.

Doesn't that summarize all the whole of his work?

all the white girls secretly worship the BFC

>god of the Amazon
So this is a stealth Creature from the Black Lagoon movie, right? Could this be a Dark Universe script that Universal rejected?
Also very obviously this, but I'm glad. An Abe movie is undoubtedly coming soon, tho.

It's an underwater 1950s themed flick of course it's Bioshock you fucking retard

The atmosphere is pretty much the same

Not that user, but bullshit. If it were, there'd be advertisements and neon signs and shit everywhere.

I think it looks delightful. There's a kind of whimsy in the trailer that isn't present in most of his movies. Usually they're pretty grim, or, in Hellboy's case, too campy for me to enjoy.

Well to be fair the literal meaning of "bio" is water.

>soppy shite about an autistic cleaning lady
>90% of the plot is in the trailer
>del Taco will NEVER EVER make a proper Lovecraft flick

it's not due to lack of effort on his part,for whatever reason studios don't want to fund it.


It has a Bioshock vibe

>Everything with a tank of water isn't Bioshock.


Frankly, I think this is looking pretty great. Especially because it's a hellboy prequel, but it isn't obvious to everyone else - it didn't have some hamfisted reference.

The atmosphere looks amazing, but I'm not quite understanding the genre. Is it a romantic fantasy drama? Do they fuck in the end and have Abe? Is it horror/suspense?

Every film with a greyish color palette and tanks of water is Bioshock. No excuses.

trailer gives it a romantic drama vibe. it has the that cute english woman i only know from submarine, but i like milfs plus she's playing a mute which makes it more interesting. damn children of a lesser god, hoshi no kinka, and babel for developing this deaf/mute girl fetish.

I thought this was gonna be Universal's Creature from the black lagoon for a while

can't wait for fish sex

Is that Dick Chain-ey?

I'm 99.2% sure that that thing is Abe. It's even the same actor ffs.

It's almost self plagiarism if it's not the same creature. It's like he did "Infernokid" or "Devilboy".

I can already see the fan fictions on retardlr about this.

del Toro has only made one good film in his entire career.

I'm sick of getting burned by his films.

My gf just saw this and said it made her cry.

Guess I need to take her to see this.

Your girlfriend likes the BFC and you'll never satisfy her sexually.

A new fetish has been born.

>It's like a film you already saw, but with Abe Sapiens

> It's even the same actor

That's just because del toro likes that guy to do his prosthetic makeup monsters, he was also the faun and the pale man in pans labyrinth.

Looks pretty cute, I'll probably watch it.


This heavily feels like a prequel to hellboy. Wouldn't be surprised.

>Cure for Wellness

dehaan really rocked the grungy lesbian look

>del Toro has only made one good film in his entire career.

Pan's labyrinth.
And only because the girl was cute, he's still a hack.

Drinks and devil's Backbone are good as well.

And Hellboy 2

this looks an awful lot like that stupid fucking pig movie on netflix

Dear blog, I hate this fucking meme.

The hellboy reboot doesn't need to exist. If del Toro wants to make more films in the universe he brought to screen, he should be allowed to.

Looks like a Jeunet rip off.

Looks like the second film this year about people in tanks of water that looks like Bioshock.

Looks like all Del Toro movies;

10/10 Production Design

3/10 Everything else

I expect a 90% on RT and critics fellating it and general audiences not giving a shit.

So he touched her to communicate right? Just like and sapien does?
The black lagoon like monster eats eggs right like abe sapien?
A secret organisation is in develepmont to handle unknown creatures?
They eventually run away and have a child that is probably recovered from the same secret organisation?
Seriously this movie would have a "twist" that it was all a prequel to hellboy if del toro wasn't DROPPED from hellboy duties. I can't wait for the fat Mexican to talk about how it was more a love letter from creature from the black lagoon and not the first scene from hellboy 3.
At least now he can actually flesh out the story and change the ending.

Sally is a cute. CUTE!

I should have specified - Amelie and City Of Lost Children Jeunet specifically.

People mentioned that Okja felt like a Jeunet film too.

This also has a Bioshock feel, as did the similar looking A Cure For Wellness (which was directed by Gore Verbinski, who came very close to filming a Bioshock movie, but it was cancelled just afer they finished pre-production).

>why are there no threads about this?
It's for women.
I'm actually glad trailers give away most of the plot these days, so we can tell it's mostly a beauty and beast tier plot, with an imperfect beauty for maximum self-inserting.
Too bad, style was there.

Is that Abe in that tank?

No that's the superhero known as cockknocker.

This. Sally Hawkins is a cutie-patootie, and I'll watch anything interesting that she happens to be in. Never expected a GDT movie from her, but that makes it all even better.

They're rebooting Hellboy and it should lead to a BPRD cinematic universe. But Del Taco won't be involved and it'll have nothing to do with what he did.

>tfw no apocalyptic ending
>tfw no Bruce Campbell as Lobster Johnson

Friendly reminder that the trailer spoiled the whole movie, even the ending.

Friendly reminder that science says you're a wanker

All these movies are literally Free Willy ripoff, there's at least one that comes out every year and it's always the same shit.

Friendly reminder that science defends whatever they get paid to defend: trannies being a-okay for example.

Friendly reminder that science only specifies what "is", it's retarded morons or people who rely on retarded morons that call things "good" or "bad".


thats not very friendly

Friendly reminder that scientists decide beforehand what their goal is and then interpret and twist the obtained data until it fits them.

Additional friendly reminder that the reason research data gets afterwards checked by independent committees and declared invalid is because of malpractices like the one I mentioned.


>this could be called Creature from the Black Lagoon
>Del Toro could be in charge of the Universal Monsters instead of Kurtzman
>there’ll never be a cinematic Universal Monsters universe with Del Toro serving as the Feige equivalent producing films with an unparalleled horror aesthetic and strong emotional core


>I expect a 90% on RT
No Del Taco movie reached 90% in over a decade.

there's too much retardation in this thread and not enough sally hawkins

Can confirm with my shitty biology bachelors. Thank God I escaped into med school.

Seriously though, why would they show the villain dying in the trailer?