We Kubrick Now

>With Dunkirk, Christopher Nolan has finally hit the heights of Kubrick
>But Dunkirk is different. With it, Nolan has – at last – put himself in the Kubrick league. Will he be able to do it again and again, like the master? Only time will tell – but, at 46, it’s on his side.
>But with Dunkirk , Nolan may at last be able to walk the Kubrick walk.
Thoughts ?


alright, the hypes too much desu

Checked. The hype is real.

I'm newbie. Can you tell me what the comparison means?

>Only time will tell – but, at 46, it’s on his side.
We all know they are gonna kill him before he talks about faking 9-11 just like they killed Kubrick for leaks about faking the moon landing.

nice full house

pumped for Dunkirk

that article was comparing it with path of glory which was imo a very good movie about not the glorification of war but the glory from the war....

anyway less pride in violence and more in the appreciation of the humanity i guess

>tfw bought a ticket to see it on 11:30 am on friday in 70mm
>first movie i'll see in theater in over a decade

>that pic
Wouldn't have that saved on my hd senpai

Definitely overhyped. I thought it was 'okay' and I got more out of Interstellar

same, driving an hour to see it in 70

dumb fags wait for yify

dunkirk is kino but his other works aren't even close to the levels of kubrickkino

the experience is not the same
I'm thinking of maybe seeing it in cinemas too

Dunkirk is a very good film but it is not comparable to any of Kubrick's movies. I saw it last Saturday and was impressed at how much Nolan has matured as a director.

Hmm got an IMAX 70mm showing within driving distance, might have to check it out because of all the hype

fuck off Nolan

Kubrick is nothing compared to our guy Nolan. I can't even think of many good films to Kubricks name.



just came back from watching the movie
i will say that you should aim to watch it at the theatres or at least some kind of environment with a fair bit of surround sound.
the atmosphere is definitely the strong point.

>it's a nolan movie is only good in a movie theater episode

And this is bad why?