But that's exactly what they did

Westeros is now cuck-country
Real warrior men would cleft her in twain

*squeak* *squeak* *squeak* *squeak*
>"I think she ranted something about 'can't make me; muh lordship'"
>And she has like, less than 62 troops under her.
>Shit, better do what she says then.

B R A V O D & D

Im talking in context towards D&D been this fucking retarded with their showrunning


>Character is introduced
>"muh bear loli uguu she is cute i want to cuddle her"
>summer arrives
stay in your containment thread you redditor cucks

>inb4 she actually turns based and fucks up lannisters with dual wielding swords


She is going to grow up to be really fucking ugly.

yes i would like an explanation of how a 10 yr old girl is able to silence battle seasoned men just through her big words

South run by women
South South run by women
West soon to be run by women
East basically run by a woman (or her fuck boy anyway)
East east run by a woman
Jon such a fucking faggot he nearly gives up leadership to his sister

Didn't realize I was watching a W network show desu

All the characters in this show are babies, all the real adults died (tywin, ned, stannis etc)

They fucking love her in reddit, retard.
And yes, I know it because I browse reddit


Why do you nutless eunuchs keep posting on your manchild websites and not think you don't sound like fat children who will never touch a woman? You people always project your impotence so completely.

this shit has been an lifetime production from the start desu

As long as the leaks were true and Jon fucks Dany on that boat I'm happy.

I wonder if there'll be a freakout of their icon fucking Jon lmao.

(P.S. Jon's my favourite character and the rightful heir.)

>bossy prepubescent noble girl tells off people asking for her help in her own castle
>bossy prepubescent girl supports a controversial proposal to literally draft 10 year old boys and girls to drill for obsidian to fight some zombies that none of these people have even seen before by spouting some feminist bullcrap in medieval society and a room full of dozens of chauvinistic grizzled combat veterans has absolutely nothing to say

>implying Sup Forums loves the cardboard cut-out character that was basically designed to be loved on reddit and facebook for being "epic!"
Go away summerfriend.

This show will end up being nothing but a virtue signal for feminism. Show starts with men running everything and doing a bad job at it and it'll end with all women running everything and being great at it. Fuck George that fat cuck

She deserves to tell those old farts off. They cowered behind their wives in error when the Boltons were fucking everything up. Bear Island stood with the Starks to feed the shitheads to their dogs while the other lords sucked on their thumbs. So yeah, when they start to get all "girls learning to defend themselves? REEEEEE!, Lyanna has every right to tell them to go fuck themselves.

>fuck George
Except that George has made it exceptionally clear that Dany and Cersei are retards like the men were. Hell, the only reason the Mereen storyline is ongoing is because Dany being a fuck-wit leader is something he can't get rid of in the books.

what's wrong with this? I don't watch the show

Yeah, nah he's still a cuck for letting them 2 nu-male fags run roughshod over his source material.

I didn't get mad until Mulattofu held back Greydick in a completely pointless shot. It was a split second thing, but you just know it was done to meet some women-kickass quota.

what 11 year old talks like this anyway?

Cersei's retardation should have her own fucking Lannister army joining with every other group with only her and that fuckface the Mountain trapped in her own castle.

She killed tons of important nobles, the king's widow, their fantasy pope (who was also leader of a peasant movement), literally nobody should be supporting her.

Instead she's gonna get to lead an army large enough to match her enemies.



How come I believe this kid's acting more than Sansa's and the blonde dragon woman?

Are they really that bad at acting or is the kid that good?

Wait how? Thats a fairly normal thing for a human being to do in that moment no matter the gender.

"Badass" child characters are usually annoying. I'm not sure why this trope is so popular.

I dunno, but apparently she'll play the lead of some witch school Harry Potter type tv show called "The Worst Witch"


This is a british kids TV show, pretty sure it's aimed at girls, it isn't a Harry Potter rip off though, The Worst Witch predates the first Harry Potter book. (They had a remake in the mid 2000's... I used to watch it ok.)

jon better be marrying based bear queen this season.

Why is Sup Forums so retarded?

The reason women are in key political roles is because most of the important men died from war and political backstabbing.

This pattern is common throughout medieval history.

i would clean her twain ok

and the Soviets never did it, either.

>drill for obsidian
Different definition of drilling, user. Rewatch the scene. He wants them trained to fight should the need arise.

If this show was half as edgy as it pretends to be the bitch would have been drop kicked across the room

>This pattern is common throughout medieval history.

And everything was done to avoid it.

Besides our wondrous leaders Elizabeth I and Victoria, every other female monarch was a total disaster worldwide.

fucking retard

She will kill the night king and destroy the walkers

>a girl is the leader of her house and leads her own army
what's the show justification for this?
I mean, she's just a child for fucks sake.


this isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums hates moetrash

>"fan favourite"

What is the justification for King Tut being so Pharaoh? I mean he was just a child for fucks sake.

She's the last Mormont other than Jorah, so unless her own people would attempt to overthrow her, obviously she'd be the leader of the house.

>wow people really loved lyanna mormont last season. Lets give her a scene where she stands up to a man again to remind people shes a strong female


I don't know if I matured in the last couple years or if the show suddenly got way worse (probably the former) but most of this episode had me cringing at how forced the dialogue was. You can tell they're trying to make everything "epic." Was it really necessary for Arya to blow her cover, deliver a "badass" speech, then smugly walk past all the bodies? At least breaking bad had the characters awkwardly react when walt started being cringey and told people to say his name.

If Jon doesn't plow her at some point I will have an autist rant

There is no way way that scene was written by one person on their own sat at a small desk.

>six seasons of stronk black women who need no men
>suddenly impressed by that in season seven
I am actually impressed they held whole 12 minutes of screentime without it.
Twelve minutes, that is a lot of time, especially when it's Sam cleaning poop music montage.

His source material isn't that sacred anyway. I'm sure when he sees how they butcher it, he cries all the way to the bank.

Yea you seem really mature and intelligent. Probably just grew too smart for the show. It happens.

>Bear Island has a history of being invaded by the Iron Born
>woman have been trained in combat since forever
>half the mormonts in the books are women wearing armor and swinging swords
>Sup Forums loses it's shit when little mormont follows the path her ancestors have followed for thousands of years

you can't make this shit up

She is not a women yet. It is silly.

>real adults
>old cuck who can't control her cunt daughter
>faggot cuck who got cucked by the cunt who can't be controlled by another cuck
>literal meaning of cuck who let the cunt lead him into killing her own daughter and to his own death
Take your "real adults" to your cunt worship bunker and stay there.

>six seasons of stronk black women who need no men

What? Do you even watch this show?

STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMEN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN vs. Neurotic, castrated, limbless, beta cucks.

Written by a committee of teenaged tumblerinas. Or their mental equivalents.

I'm about done with this garbage.

Wow that is so brave of her to throw a whole army of 62 good men into a deathtrap with degenerate commander in charge while sitting in a comfy castle watching at the slaughter. So strong and independent.

I imagine the first thing they'd teach aspiring warriors, regardless of gender, is to not be delusional and to correctly assess your own skills, strengths and weaknesses. The big, completely detached from reality talk indicates the girl was not raised like one of those female mormont warriors at all and she never once had a sparring session.

>Harry Potter type tv show
Harry Potter is a rip off of the worst witch, which was first published in 1974, and had a tv series wayyyy before harry potter became a film

>Little girl acting like a tough women, emulating the women she grew up around
Yeah, that's so silly...

>s-shes not a woman
>j-just a girl couldn't possibly talk over men

Just come out and go full Elliot Rodgers my man.

Every season since the very start is the jew-written garbage pierced with SJW bullshit through every line of script. Why you are impressed now?


Nice analysis, virgin. Tip your trilbly while youre at it.

Learn better English. You've been taught the wrong connotation of the word "impressed".


>will end up
>all men must die

that is all.

It's like America

> Be a new baby boy
> Have penis mutilated right away

> Mom wants it to look like dads
> Girls find natural dicks funny
> Old women need the foreskin for face cream

Truly the most cucked western nation

Money is all that matters amirite? Writers who have more money than they could spend in a lifetime don't care about their legacy. They don't even blink when their creation is butchered by some hacks, because they're busy laughing all the way to the bank. Right?

If he really cared that much, he would have just finished the books. Dont self insert as some tortured artist on his behalf.

Ignoring your cringy insults, what's wrong with the analysis? Clearly from her talk she thinks she can fight and make a difference in battle, but she's a 10 year old girl, so her thinking that means she never fought before, otherwise she'd know better.

>Money is all that matters amirite?
Pretty much.

The masses still love this show even if Sup Forums hates it.

Are you trying to out yourself as underage? Or are you baiting me?

Nowhere in her speech does she imply that she personally can somehow use her physical prowess to turn the tides of war. All she ever talks about is her house and the honor of the north, which makes sense considering she rules a house in the north. Im not sure why you resent this ficitional girl holding a position of power. Its probably due to never touching a vagina in real life. Total cringy bro XD

People defend this scene by pointing out that she's nobility. But that doesn't make any sense, because everyone else in the room is nobility too. And they aren't in her castle either.

This shit wouldn't be nearly as cringy if she were cuter.

>not liking the nihilistic suicidal loli

I'm ashamed, user.

She's from one of the poorest and most remote parts of the North, cut off from easy sea routes due to being north of the Iron Islands on the wrong side of the continent, and has see relative after relative die or go into exile. If you take of HBO's femivision goggles, she's probably supporting Jon and Sansa's longshot claim because she just doesn't give a shit any more.

>tfw no strong demanding angry cunny general to tell at you and boss you around

>Poland South Korea 90%
What's up with South Korea? Did the Japs cut off all their foreskin?

I hope she goes to battle and gets killed asap. Probably just by one attack, then the ones who loved her go full retard and die too.

>foreskin for face cream

I don't resent her at all you autistic freak. I just think her speech was utterly delusional and idiotic. Same with Jon's plan as a whole, it's fucking retarded and nonsensical. I'm sorry to hear that you're still a virgin at your age and that it haunts you so much you have to project this fact onto random strangers, but I really don't see how this has anything to do with the topic at hand.


It's DA NORF. The nobles don't gather around to sip wine and suck off twink cousins, they gather around for HOW TOUGH ARE YA contests. Acting like a pussy when a little girl is ready to bust some heads would hurt their standing among the other Northmen.

When did it become ok to admit to browsing reddit? I mean you most likely dont realize it, but you ARE ruining whats left of this board and the entire site.


Americas influence in the 50s and a lot of Koreans are hardcore Christians

Anti aging cream is made from baby foreskin

>i just think her speech was utterly delusional and idiotic
Why? Before you said it was because "she never fought in battle" which was the crux of your shitposting. I explained she never claimed to be some amazing fighter and your response is "y-yea well i just think its dumb!!!" Do you have anything to say beyond that?

> Clearly from her talk she thinks she can fight and make a difference in battle
Really? Because to me it looked like she was accepting the harsh reality that even women and children would be forced to fight if they want a chance to survive. You reek of someone who hasnt touched another person in years.

>higher rates in Eastern Europe

Wondered why so many hot slavic women with huge tits came to America.

>teenagers and children are the most competent and cunning politicians

>insert 4 shots of characters reacting to her by having smug smiles

I never said I was intelligent. Just that the writing seems so juvenile now, and it's probably a result of me aging rather than the writing suddenly changing.

>mfw summerfags try and talk shit about queen loli

But how will audiences get excited about the next generation DREAMING OF SPRING after all the old people die during the Long Night during series finale A DREAM OF SPRING if they've never seen the kids before?

Wouldn't have happened if men hadn't fucked it up so bad.

Aegon V

This scene, combined with Sheeran cameo and certain other points in the episode, make me worried this season will lean fully into reddit pandering.