Why does Sup Forums hate it?

Why does Sup Forums hate it?

It is just one autist who likes to spam pasta

But the hate has been there for years.

Because they're idiots.

>slow as fuck
>possibly the most pretentious film ever made
>aged like milk

People only "like" it because they want to seem smart.

Why are 2001 haters unable to comprehend that other people do like the movies they don't?

>>possibly the most pretentious film ever made
Not by a country mile. Please elaborate on this

This is a thread about 2001: A Space Odyssey, not Enter the Void. I think you're lost, friend.

It's just one fag spamming "lol le boring film" over and over again desu. 2001 is a fucking masterpiece.

> Complains about a movie
> Doesn't know the significance of it´s release
> Clearly is a chav that can´t watch an old movie becase; "Bro, i can´t understand this movie man. It´s so boring."

Get out of here you yuppiewhore!

t. pleb


Sup Forums loves 2001 and kubrick
/lit/ are the ones coming here and posting anti kubrick (also anti lynch) threads.

This. Kubrick isnt good at all. I compare him to Vonnegut. It's something you pretend to like when you're 13 years old, so you can impress 14 year olds.

>Sup Forums loves 2001 and kubrick
You entry level imdb plebs love kubrick
the film half of Sup Forums moved on from kubrick before you even found 4chen

all Sup Forums cares about is capeshit

>Sup Forums is one person

Childhood is turning off 2001 after 10 minutes, adulthood is enjoying an amazing piece of cinéma.


What other amazing piece of cinema do you recommend then?

Giving advice is like sharing a toothbrush. Just look up some films, decide if they seem worth a watch, and then form your own opinion about them.

>form your own opinion about them
Where do you think you are


Sup Forums is a hivemind

>those CGI rave aliens at the end

Childhood is idolizing 2001
Adulthood is realizing Barry Lyndon makes more sense


no, it really isn't

Because Sup Forums is full of actual retards who like xmen and game of thrones

I like both but I'd rewatch 2001 over Barry Lyndon

Yes it truly is though. Because every irrelevant flavor of the month waifu and movie isn't evidence. This board is legit nolan tier reddit lovers.

Nolan is a hack
Anyone with a "waifu" is a faggot

more important question : why does reddit love it?


If that's what you make out of it, then I feel sorry your retardation.

If you know what reddit likes, why don't you go back there?

>Idolizing a meme movie instead of 2001

Reddit loves water

>/lit/ are the ones coming here and posting anti kubrick (also anti lynch) threads
But /lit/ loves 2001.

>But /lit/ loves 2001.

They love the book, not the movie
However, they love the 2011 movie for some reason

But they love the movie as well, and even complain aout Sup Forums not liking it.

Kubrick's direction was beautiful, but 2011's ability to stick to the source material was better

Isn't it 2010?


Yeah, that's what I meant, it's been forever since I've seen/read the book

The movie came out before the book you fucking retard.

this is a board that loves and discusses Batman vs Superman

Which one?

Contrarian faggots

Never read the book(s), but the movie was pretty good, even if really different from the first one.


They were released the same fucking year

I liked the cast, the set design has an Alien feel to it, and it had Roy fucking Scheider