The Fifth Element

Just saw it for the first time. How the fuck is this a cult movie?

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>Just saw it for the first time
are you even old enough to post here?


Because it was cool as fuck when it came out

You are right, it should be elevated to Kino

1000 years in the future there are pay phones in the airport. Still damn fine movie.


I saw this the day it came out because the trailer looked great, and didn't give the entire plot away. Because it doesn't have a fucking plot. Never watched it again. Fuck this movie. But fuck Valerian even more.


i fucking hate this movie. obnoxious from start to finish

and white humans working the drivethru

Yeah I don't think food will be a thing you need to travel for in the future, or if you wanted it fast, you could have instant food.

The whole concept of hunger while on the job, seems like it would be solved in 1000 years.

[gushes internally]

One of my favorite things about this movie is that Gary Oldman is portrayed as this super menacing villain but Bruce Willis' character basically is not even aware he exists. And also he almost chokes and dies on a cherry.

I feel like it was meant to make fun of stereotypical movie villains.

It's a fun flick, but I fucking hate the part with the Opera singer.

This movie sucks so much fucking ass.

its a good movie imo

I know


>he thinks the 5th element is speculative fiction

>it doesn't have a plot
you did not watch the movie

White purple are the servants of the future.

Here's something to speculate about.

Do you hate fun?

t. Meat popsicle

It's pure garbage, Luc Besson is a huge hack and most of his movies are plagiarized, but in a bad way. He's the french version of JJ Abrams. Makes shlock, gets praised by critics for some reason

Android fucked up my link

I fapped to those stewardesses in blue when I was a kid.

I absolutely hate the guy and had no clue as to who he was or his involvement with the film until roughly 3 years back. I simply loved it because I enjoyed it for what it was. ow that I know the real story behind it, it doesn't diminish my opinion on the film but I agree with most peoples assessments that it sucked.

What "real story" behind it?

Nothing, just meant that now that I know who he is etc. Personally think he's a pretentious prick but that's just me.

Why do youngfags hate this movie so much?

Leon wasn't that bad besides the ending and the pedo connotations.

Not enough "MARTHA!"

>praised by the critics


Besson is more like the french Michael Bay, that director pseuds have to hate like it was a proof of their superior taste in films

>gets praised by critics
not really

Youngfags hate Besson in general because their tastes are pleb.

Patricians realize that Besson is one of the greatest filmmakers out there.

Want me to link the Lucy interview where he calls himself an idiot?

Reddit hates any movie that shows white people in the future.

Léon is a good movie, as well as Nikita. The Big Blue does nothing to me but I don't think it's a bad movie. Subway aged but is still interesting and Le Dernier Combat is pretty good for a first film.


No thanks, I'm fine with my ignorant arrogance. I hate french and all french are pretentious to me.

Go back

Lucy was the shittiest film I've seen in the last few years, and I still regret sitting it out in its entirety. I had forgotten about it. I do not relish being reminded of throwing away part of my life to sit through that fever dream.

Never change Sup Forums. Too hip to be hipster, always and forever.
