How excited are you?

Me? I'm freaking out.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kids fucking creepy looking

It's going to be trash.

is this real

sadly yes

"is this real" he asks.


Hopefully it will suffer the same fate as That 80s Show. Except instead of the lead getting a successful cable show I hope he gets turned out by Hollywood pedos

Trailer actually looked p. funny tbqh senpai


>it's a young autist tortures small animals and pisses into milk containers series

Child autism: the series
I'll probably still check it out fampai

Even the people who love TBBT don't want this. It'll crash and burn

I'm hoping for a mid-season cancellation. CBS will be hyping the fuck out of it, trying to get ratings but it's not working so all of a sudden it's just not there.
That would be glorious.

They don't seem to understand that those people like Jim Parsons, not the autistic bully he plays.


not sure what that's a reference to

This is coming a good 5 or so years too late. You capitalize on the popularity of the show at its height, not when it's declining.


>Sheldon always wears t-shirts with superheroes on them
>kid Sheldon wears shirts and a bowtie because a kid wearing a graphic tee would be fine

This is just sad. They're like this as adults because they never grew up, not because they're some sort of oddball counter-culture extremist

I don't know the lore, wouldn't sheldons mom make him where those

This is an absolutely horrible idea.

That's all I'm going to say as far as trashing it since this probably won't even make it through the first season.


Who the fuck is Jim Parsons?

A literal faggot

The guy who invented the Muppets

That guy from The Muppets.

How do they figure on making the actress that played his mom go backwards in age by like, twenty fucking years?

Sheldon's gayboy actor

She's a born again Christian who wants her kid to be normal, I doubt she supported the bowtie.

would have worked for a one off special inside the actual show but never as a spin off.

Also, have they cast his sexy (as an adult) twin sister yet?

His name was Jim Parsons.

'Young Sheldon'.

Yeah, no. It's going to be a really smart nerdy kid who is somewhat awkward but displays none of the complete autistic traits that Sheldon has.

They simply won't ever show him being autistic as Sheldon is in TBBT, it just wouldn't work with a kid so they'll soften his autism into "he's just smart and awkward lol".

this, the people who 'liked it' are either watching TBBT out of habit now or forgotten about it


Mite watch a couple of episodes.
Hope the jew and his mother make and appearance.

Trailer looked shit. No laughs and why is the camera constantly doing a push in for no reason?
It could have been good, but the character can't develop, since he needs to become adult Sheldon.


>It could have been good

Where is your handler?

Why would Howard be in it? It's set in Texas and Sheldon didn't meet Howard until Leonard introduced him to Sheldon after becoming his roommate.

You would be surprised of the wonders of retconing.

Until the series finale where he gets sexually assaulted by his teacher which causes the manifestation of all the full-blown autismo traits we see him display in TBBT.

>young howard and sheldon meet on "Young Sheldon"
>next episode of TBBT, sheldon with his eidetic memory looks at howard one evening. he turns his head slightly to the side and says to howard "I was just thinking back to that time we met in texas as children. it was october 22, 1984 at 6:45pm, a cloudy day and I had mom's spaghetti with hot dogs cut up in it for dinner. do you remember that howard?"



>tfw the woman who played Howard's mom died

It's the story about how Sheldon turned autistic from a traumatic brain injury and then killed and chopped up his parents, because it was the most efficient way to manage their finances.

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he is the worst of all "characters"
I can't believe this shit is still popular

His mum is alive though


Only in Amerikkka

I honestly cant believe this is for real, who the fuck is target audience!?!?
In some parallel universe where FX would do this, i could see some fun as really dark comedy where inbreed dumb redneck Texan family
has genious,aspergered,nerd kid, so they torture him and we laugh at all them shenanigans...


It's not the same actress playing his mom in the new show. The guy that plays bill ponderosa in sunny plays his dad too.

Better call Saul?
No, problem is they push those shows as far as they go.
Hear me out, im going on a limb here, even crap like Friends(i count TSFTS into that "type",starts as something ~slightly original,evolves into romantic "comedy") would be remembered as good if they kept to :"4-5 seasons max".



Mind translating that? Google was no help.

Better Call Saul is a good show and Breaking Bad ended on a high note, why are you even comparing them

I kinda teared up at the justice/rule breakers/coach/fired part followed by the hand grab.

>cue laughtrack for twenty seconds

>Nobody mentions the gif.

