Its friday night

Its friday night

I'm a lonely business man, what should I watch?


I'm having the same trouble. No TV shows I feel like watching and no mobies either, but I need to watch something while I eat my din din. Might try to find a random documentary on Netflix or something.


interracial cuck porn

whats your business?

Boiler Room

watch your finger pull the trigger of the gun in your mouth frogposter.

I'm watching LEGO Batman The Movie, jesus fucking crhist why didn't nobody tell me it's kino gold?
And again, DC is so astronomically ahead of marfail, it's not even fair.



I don't really watch tv that much

I might just watch re runs of rick and morty

I'm not really in the mood to talk about work, business, what I do and how stressful it is

I just want something funny and interesting to watch to take my mind off of things

The recent movies I watched are:
>Black Dynamite
>The Nice Guys
>Hot Fuzz
All on Netflix, all decent

Friday Night of the Lonely Businessman, starring John Turturro

a russian hooker bounce up and down on your dick

Go watch Dunkrik no seriously actually do

I want too..

But it is still in theaters and I am alone/single and don't go out alone

Instead Go to a twenty four hour gym and start working out to get your girl. You are probably eating junk eat food as you are too busy and tired to cook yourself stuff.

Not really

i have meal plans, follow IF to a T and fasting is enjoyable experience

I'm also on TRT... and I work out

Do you think if someone had a time machine, went back in time and told him that in just a few years he'd be getting pissed on by robots in a Michael Bay movie?

Knock back two or three beers to get the confidence up.

I don't drink...

Was he really that much of a serious actor though? But you are right, his role in Transformers looked like Bay was playing some sick evil game, trying to push Turturro to see how far he would lower himself for money.

you should watch yourself post waifus :D

I don't understand the concept behind waifus

I over analyze too much and realize that I am alone and make a good life for myself. Having image board wafius doesn't do shit for me...

watch a couple of eps of ovark the new netflix kino.
or Chips is really funny

>Having image board wafius doesn't do shit for me...


Just because I have goals and a career doesn't make me a normie

I've been stuck in this place for years, why do you think I keep coming back after so long?

Why do you think I am alone? It isn't because I am a normie, I fucked up most relationships with people to pursue success and it left me alone and miserable on most nights..

t. normie
Yes it does, fyi. You are a normie.


Himouto! Umaru-chan

Typical normie reaction image


Yes. Yes you are. Don't you have an episode of The Big Bang Theory or Workaholics to watch on Netflix, Mr. Normie? Just go.

> The Big Bang Theory or Workaholics


Someone stop me and give me something good to watch, I found 2 documentations which I should probably stay away from but might watch one of them

Its a toss of a coin right now

>Someone stop me
Say no more senpai. You could watch Someone Stop Me, with Kevin Bacon.

Lost in Translation

Are there any dangers with doing TRT?

Yea, but you need to get 8 different blood tests every 3-4 months and eat right, work out etc..

Seen it
Really enjoyed it and I understand what the ending meant

Guys, I think I found a gem

The Truman show!!!

Anyone want to watch it?

goway norman

You should watch Toss of a Coin then

Go workout or run or something to make yourself feel better then get something good to eat and watch Conan the barbarian with Arnold

Just kidding. I'm so bored and poor I want to kms.

Ehh its fine

You can make it as well, the thing to making it is usually just find something you want to do and go for it, withn 3-6 months you can find a job and from there spend a few years working in said field

After you make it, you can relax and find another goal or career/side business you want to get in, it takes time and hard work

Without taking the initial step nobody makes it, I'm one of the worst normies on this board and only reason why i didn;t stay a neet was i wanted to do something...


You mean ozark right?

Yea, guess I found it on netflix

After Hours

ehh guess i might as well watch it

thanks senpai ..

>tfw I have pink anus and white skin around aerohole

>feels good to be white

>all those dyed bulls pretending to be white in murrica lol

A few minutes in, this is great

They dont make them the same anymore...