Fuck morals

Give me amoral movies. Movies where the bad guy wins. Movies that treat their characters like shit. Movies where stuff doesn't work out. Don't even need to be violent or anything. Shit like About Time where a perv gets everything he ever wants, where other people's feelings are to be manipulated and their wants are irrelevant and all because fuck it, he has the power.


No country for old men

Trainspotting. If you haven't seen it yet, what are you doing.

any WW2 movie

the movie where a woman gets raped and nothing else really happens


Alien Covenant unironically


The fact that they're passing off a thorough ass whooping as a victory is sickening. I mean seriously, it turns my stomach. By trying to save face they've lost all of it

The St Clare Pedophile

>The fact that they're passing off a thorough ass whooping as a victory is sickening.
Where did they pass it like that though? The entire film is just LOOK AT HOW MUCH WE GO OUR ASSES KICKED

Bad Lieutenant


One of my favorite movies for this very reason is Castaway.
Bicycle Thieves has a kind of moral you might enjoy.
Also The Revenant, if you side with Hardy you just get one scene where you roll your eyes, but the rest is about simple survival.

>Angst (1983) [slasher, I suppose]
>Se7en (1995) [crime thriller]
>No Country for Old Men (2007) [neo-western thriller]
>A Clockwork Orange (1971) [dystopian crime]
>The Room (2003) [drama lmao I'm just goofing but it does count technically]
>Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer (1986) [psychological horror/crime]
>Funny Games (1997/2007) [psychological thriller]

I probably forgot a ton.

you have to go back you filthy r*ddit subhumans
wild things


Everyone SORT of wins, but the bad guy definitely wins.

kek whats wrong? why are you so triggered? its ok baby the holocaust never happened. Happy now?

maybe you should watch the film fuckface


>fuck morals

No, fuck you. Morality is everything in life.


Man of steel

you did not really understand those movies
did you ever kill an animal for fun?

Try Filth

Fuck movies and read Warlock of the Magus World instead.It's perfect.

The Rock

The US government succeeds in murdering the people that only wanted them to acknowledge the soldiers that died on secret missions under their orders were heroes. Can't have that.

Also, they kept James Bond in prison for 50 years because he discovered proof that they killed JFK.

morality is made up and doesn't really matter, in the end you act based on the experiences you had


I would say No Country, but Anton isn't really a "bad guy".

Inglorious Basterds

Eden Lake.

The Usual Suspects

Kill Your Friends
A Clockwork Orange

Basically the UK just has this genre down