Is a female Bond inevitable Sup Forums?

is a female Bond inevitable Sup Forums?

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Only after a nigger bond

Trap bond when ?

Idris Elba bond bond DANIEL GOIN boat is riding on the ocean come on Idris time for action

it needs to happen so it will bomb and Hollywood wont attempt it again, just like Ghostbusters.

Whoever made that pic is one butthurt cunt.

Probably. But I'd honestly be OK with a Hayley Atwell Bond.

Why wouldn't it just be another spy? It's not like every spy character has to be bond
Plus Charlize is Atomic Blonde not bond


this is honestly fucking retarded because the character of Bond is actually quite a damning commentary on male sex drive, male substance abuse and male callousness to violence and also quite a damning commentary on white imperialism where Bond is licensed by the British state to go around the world to different exotic places and cultures and kill all the brown people if it benefits his bosses order it but since liberals are fucking retarded they just see oh he shoots guns he cool if only he female or black lol as if they suddenly love guns now

Hayley!Bond basically = modern Peggy Carter, which works for me

When will this series die? Holy shit it's literally the same movie over and over and over. Characters who literally cannot die are not interesting.

Just do it already. I can't even get mad at this, so get over with it and see how it plays out.

>and your OTHER gun

The question is: did Atomic Blonde deliver or no?

>tries to cqc with enemy goon
>gets beaten up then gang raped

Not believable

Peggy was honestly so based. She was a better lady spy than we'll probably ever get on the big screen, where they'll be shitty generic action girls.

>Bond is licensed by the British state to go around the world to different exotic places and cultures and kill all the brown people if it benefits his bosses order it
Wtf kind of Bond movies are you watching? You sound just like the liberals if you think James Bond movie villians are mostly brown

Speaking of alternative Bond, for a while now I've been hoping they'd start an alternative Bond line next to the ongoing series, where they could do alternative takes on the character.

This would be a good spot to do all those black , female etc. films as well as some Bond movies set back in the cold war era. It would be nice to see a solid Bond flick set in the 50's or 60's again, pitting him against the soviets.

Well, Sony fucked their Ghostbusters franchise with a gender swap. Why not fucking the only franchise that made them money?? Sounds smart. I wonder if there isn't a deliberate plot to destroy Sony which is a japanese company. Why is it onlt them that got hacked? And we still don't know who did it. We know the korean shit was BS

How would they deal with this scene?

Her name is Modesty Blaise and she's been around in novels for almost as long as Bond. The reason there's no movie is because Bond's a white dude.

Rumor was Tarantino might do a version, because one of her books was what John Travolta's character was always reading in Pulp Fiction, but it never came about.

it was, 51 years ago

Like Force Awakens. Basically the villain gets humiliated and goes crying in a corner. Then Bond frees himself and leaves.

Didn't someone already do this joke with Frank Frazetta's Conan artwork?

Have you learn nothing from Fury Road? A woman can beat up a man twice her size with only one arm.

Ironic that Craig is in that scene

They will only resort to this when the iconic male bond movies stop making billions. Hopefully by that time this lame womenwashing trend is long dead and the inevitable and superior black transwomanwashing trend will have replaced it.

The only time that happens in Fury Road is when Max has been starved, drained of his blood and chained up.

This is the best female bond we could get

Being this much of a fag

She can if he's an idiot.

LOL I didn't even realize this. But it didn't block my immersion, I wasn't immersed at all in that shitty parody

Who is this semen demon?

>liking women

>Mads will never strip you down and tie you to a chair.

Existence is a cruel joke.

They've gotta do something to stay relevant to post-millennials if this sequel doesn't flop.

>butthurt enough to try to prove a point
>woman's top is still unbuttoned with under titty and soles showing
whoever made this wasn't very smart

>quite a damning commentary on white imperialism where Bond is licensed by the British state to go around the world to different exotic places and cultures and kill all the brown people if it benefits his bosses
They make pretty sure the bad guys are always Russians or some sects, almost never locals

I thought you were making this up but it's in Wikipedia

This. It sucks that she was wasted on an ABC show that was cancelled too soon. An Agent Carter (or Agent Carter & the Howling Commandos) movie had the potential to be great.

Hayley Atwell aka Peggy Carter

>not knowing what post-millennials are
>finding out because of me

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.

I thought it's called gen Z.

I think the closest someone who has gotten to making a female Bond is Mine Fujiko from Lupin III.

Nah, that would be Modesty Blaise or Velvet by Steve Epting and Ed Brubaker for a more recent example.

Boon. She-boon.

That's millennials. Post-millennials are the current teenagers.

Millennials are called gen Y according to wiki.

She was also stepped on right in the chest by one of Immortan's goons (Slit?) and wasn't fazed.

Once she plays up her sexiness, it will backfire.
It will very certainly give less box office because - while this is a franchise - it still is mostly centered on males. If you fuck it up like this, you will lose a portion of your audience. You will not gain any. Unless you think the 10,000 people on the internet calling themselves feminist actually matter.

I've seen it.

fuck, she used to be so pretty :(

itty bitty elba, itty bitty boat