Remember the episode of justice league unlimited where they turn into kids...

Remember the episode of justice league unlimited where they turn into kids? Do they have their personality from when they were kids or do they just look like it? Why does wonder woman have a crush on batman?

Every woman want to fix the good looking "broken" guy.

They have the same personality, but their hormones are screwing with their heads.

you know exactly why

The way I see it they kept their adult personalities but with a childlike spin on them. Case in point, Wonder Woman's feelings for Bruce turning into a full blown kiddie crush.

Because the writer is a batfag who probably self inserts and then pretends it's him wonder woman wants.

Diana and Bruce had an on going thing through out the show, but they always kept it subtle, Diana being all about truth and honesty mixed with her being a kid highlighted this more than ever so she was more upfront about wanting to f- be with Bruce, while Bruce...well it's Bruce, I don't need to explain this to you.

Timm actually self-inserts as the female when he writes someone in a relationship with Batman. You know the sex scene in The Killing Joke? All because Timm wants that Batdick.

>implying ww and batman don't make the cutest couple
Keep your batshiping hate with barbarafags.

>"I haven't been a kid since I was eight years old"
God damn Bruce

This ship is retarded and makes no sense.

Who doesn't want the batdick?

The ship makes sense in the universe it occurs in, DCAU

Makes more sense than Clark/Diana. Personally Im fine with it
>Batman doesnt want emotionally attachment to someone who could get hurt
>Literally the perfect woman who can go a few rounds with Mongul wants his dick


Who hasn't slept with Batman at this point though?

I haven't...

One thing that always bugged me, everyone elses costumes remained the same, but for some reason John gained a mask.

Was this ever explained?

He needed glasses as a kid I think

Yeah, John needed glasses to see as a kid, so he made the mask so he could see

In what way does it make sense? All they do together is exchange flirtatious remarks.

>a healthy relationship is based only on whether or not your partner is invulnerable.

This is how dumb you sound.

Look Im not saying it would work out in the long run (because lets face it, its fucking Bruce) but when a literal gift from the gods with a bondage fetish wants your dick you at least take her to dinner

>>Batman ever having a truly a healthy relationship

This is how dumb you sound.

>In what way does it make sense? All they do together is exchange flirtatious remarks.

Are you even a real human? How do they show romantic interest on your planet? (And this isn't even getting into the rooftop scene, or that Justice!Lord Batman does get with Wondy. And then gets his neck snapped.)

This. And I think, if anyone could, Diana could have kept things somewhat stable.

When did I imply that?

>Im not saying it would work out in the long run
Well on that at least I can agree. Batman is only good for a booty call.

Superman will cuddle with you after intercourse, and take responsibility for the baby.

post loli WW

Batman has raised more kids than superman
>dick grayson
>Damian wayne

The joker hasn't.

>Why does wonder woman have a crush on batman?

She always did. Her immature kid brain just made her act on it.

>Chris Kent
>Jon Kent
>Conner Kent
>Ariella Kent

Diana apparently.

>Why does wonder woman have a crush on batman?

Because adult Wonder Woman does. But since they took on their childlike personalities she was more open and naive about it.

A slut and a borderline psychotic. Bravo Bruce

Batman would be a great dad, just look at how all the robins turned out.

Yeah but how many of those turned into nightwing?

Well they're all Supermanlite so all of them.

I love how John went full Kyle Rayner in this episode. Would have liked for him to have gotten something of a power up after this episode where he was more imaginative/willing to run with impulses construct wise.

They have their memories of adulthood, but filtered through the personality of how they were as kids, creating a new, hybrid personality.

Except for Bruce. He was already this sullen as a kid, because at this age his parents had just died.

>Why does wonder woman have a crush on batman?

Because female characters in the main cast have to like someone romantically in fictional media. It's the law or something.

Wonder Loli is a national treasure.

Because Batman's a cute, duh.

I like younger John better than adult John. He seemed more like he was having fun with the ring.

Chris did

younger john was just kyle.

I laughed at the glasses part

Trinity shipping is cancer

Just wait till I get my hands on that bat dick.





They for the most part were the same, but acted a lot more juvenile

Dick got the inspiration for the name Nightwing from Superman

They were themselves with the minds of children. They were fully aware they were turned into kids but for some reason (cause magic) they had the personalities of themselves as if they were 12 year olds.

I'd say unless it's a romantic duo or familial group, any type of in-team romances are detrimental, especially in capeshit.

Your brain is physically different when you're 12

Are you telling me that Batsys has the same personality as when he was 12?

I guess that does make sense he is a manchild

His parents were killed before his eye at age (just before the age he's regressed to in this episode)

It was them with a kid's brain and chemistry.

Children are factually intellectually challenged. And this goes on well into the teen years.

Their brains are underdeveloped and they haven't fully developed judgement or decision making. They can't easily inhibit themselves. So basically you are seeing their inner child, who they are without adult pretense.

She does give Gwen a run for her money.

Batman fucks only random sluts, supervillians and Zatanna.

"do you remember..."

Everyday you remind me, Sup Forums