Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!

Why, I do believe it's time for some early Silver Age!

But enough about me, how was your day?



I love vintage DC insanity.

As you might've guessed, we're looking at Curt Swan's work today.



I wish Swan got a second recognition like Kirby did. He basically got tossed in the trash bin in the 80s and people only remember him for WHTMT.

I agree, the way DC treated him after Crisis on Infinite Earths was shameful. His work does get reprinted, but it's mostly goofy shit like what I'm posting.




Does DC even acknowledge the sillier pre crisis stuff anymore? Superboy Prime was a dumb parody of NOT MUH SUPERMAN.

Not in-universe, but I think some of the all-ages titles might mention them.














Swan only drew one story, but I'll post the whole thing just because.







































































